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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-01-07 19:32:14



1 . Everybody needs love,especially for those who don&#;t deserve it

2 . 你的专属的味道,让我的心紧紧依靠

3 . I may be able to forgive and forget, but things will never be the same between us

4 . Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway

5 . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams

6 . One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart

7 . 并非一切都是命中注定的,但一切都是值得一试。

8 . 心会冷爱会累,这都是爱情必经的过程。

9 . I in this world, stop from time to time, search, is meets for and you

10 . The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places


1 . 最好的相遇,是久别重逢。

2 . 万事随缘,但不要放弃努力。

3 . 时间是个伟大的作者,它必将会写出最完美的答案。

4 . 时间会摒弃那些滑稽的誓言,直至我们也苟同。

5 . Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落。

6 . 别妄想着倒带,这是生活,不是电影。

7 . Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful,not for others,but for myself

8 . 过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

9 . get out my oheart 你這個不甘寂寞的男人。

10 . 活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。


1 . 最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。

2 . I&#;ll give you The last love is letting go 。

3 . ℡ Naturally just leave the excuses(顺其自然只是离开的借口)

4 . I always forget to tell you that how lucky I am to encounter you

5 . 我不是备胎,我绝对是你的不二之选!

6 . The sun also rises太阳照常升起。

7 . 你可以拥有一切,只是不能一次就全到手。

8 . 感情里的骗子是余生。

9 . 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。

10 . Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph


1 . 生活从未变得容易,只不过是我们变得更加坚强。

2 . 我不在乎浮光掠影的尘世,我只在乎你。

3 . And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong

4 . In addition to you,and who is eligible walked around in my heart

5 . 你对我的一点点好,都会动摇我的决心。

6 . 我很好,是一个女孩最大的谎言。

7 . smile is the shortest distance between two people微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。

8 . 我好像只是偶尔被需要,从来没有很重要。

9 . It&#;s not our job to make people like us if they don&#;t want to

10 . {悲伤逆流成河}


1 . 我喜欢你,仅仅如此,喜欢而已

2 . Once thought, will be sad to a lot of tears; the original really sad, is can&#;t shed a tear

3 . 这个城市空荡的全是人,又拥挤的没有你。

4 . When you are totally at peace with yourself, nothing can shake you

5 . Just do not give up, Russia are then buchibuqi只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

6 . Respect is for those who deserve it, not for those who demand it

7 . I know what i want,and i know how to get it,and doing it nowthat’s all

8 . Because of love, I began to become timid

9 . The healthiest response to life is joy对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐。

10 . Each person as happiness is to be given their own


1 . When everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity

2 . The simple things, like deep, complex Complex things, bearish, simple

3 . Ordinary accompany the most reassuring, know you are the most warm

4 . 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的。

5 . Your vows of eternal love is just a perfunctory, my soul is life

6 . The soul is not where it lives,but it loves

7 . 我这一生都在等待着,只是不知道到底在等谁。

8 . 有时候,你只需要抬头挺胸,忍住泪水,并道声再见。

9 . 时间的轨道里我们只是一班孤寂的地铁。

10 . HāPpч Иatioйal Dáy其 实 伱 沒 有 那 么 嗳 祂 ,


1 . 生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。

2 . I have a quartz heart, but they thought that it is glass

3 . 你是我等不到的路人。

4 . 我正在努力的朝着那片未知的将来举步而去,从未停下。

5 . 如果你不曾为自己想要的努力,就别为你曾失去的哭泣。

6 . 多想想如何爱自己。而不是太多考虑如何让别人更爱你。

7 . 最美的经历,是曾经的回忆。

8 . I tell you hopeless grief is passionless

9 . Pale words who can see this person&#;s bitter

10 . I acted like it was not a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。


1 . The best way to meet is to meet again

2 . I am your traveler, you are my heart 我是你的过客,你却是我的心。

3 . my love to you makes me heart broken 你让我爱你爱的好痛苦

4 . No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon

5 . i&#;m prince, your prince the attachment

6 . 无论生活有多么严峻,我们都需要找到一个能傻傻相伴的人。

7 . You cannot change what you refuse to confront

8 . 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

9 . Don&#;t give up,just be you,cause life&#;s too short to be anybody else

10 . Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree


1 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

2 . 人生的风景,其实都是心灵的风景,什么都可以错过,就是不能错失自己的心。

3 . I always guess, what is the future

4 . 我是公主你所爱恋的公主。

5 . I&#;m working toward the slice of the unknown future step away, never stop

6 . 我深知我留不住你,所以我不言不语。

7 . Only talent will be to retain the attention

8 . 这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人

9 . 我仍记得你和我一起呆过的日子。

10 . 你若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。