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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-11-07 18:58:07



1 . Transparent glass, cold heart

2 . 会有天使替我爱你。

3 . 我的爱与你同在。 My heart is with you

4 . 对于纯粹的爱情,一切皆有可能。

5 . 无言故意从你身边擦肩而过,只是让你感觉到我想挽留的经过。

6 . Between us are only separated by one step,and I can not move you。

7 . 我可能不完美,但是我至少不虚伪。

8 . Some people just only the movie character 有的人只不过只不过是电影里的角色

9 . I Need YouR Love我需要你的爱

10 . 爱情其实很简单,只要一牵手就是一辈子。


1 . As long as any man exists,there is some need of him;let him fight for his own。

2 . 选择了,便注定了孤独。

3 . I love you touched my own我爱你,感动了我自己。

4 . There are many people around happy,but I am not one of them。

5 . I can only love you one,because I have only got a full of love。

6 . 是不是在寂寞的时候才会想起我。

7 . 同心而共济,始终如一。

8 . 人生就是线段,交集后分离。

9 . 冰雪消融的季节沉睡的梦境也开始脱落,我常在美丽的梦境中自恋着,执着等待着,只是你不知道而已。

10 . 没有得到我想要的,我即将得到更好的。


1 . Confidence in yourself is the first trick of success

2 . I only care about you,as birds need wings,fish can not be separated from the boiling water,not spring flowers do not open。The treasure with you every day,care and share your every year。

3 . 我明白,只是,我不在乎。

4 . 如果我说我想一个人静一静。

5 . 考试不翻书,简直头猪。

6 . 我只能爱你一次,因为我只有一次完整的爱。

7 . The deceased, thereby generate

8 . 孩子,人傻不能复生啊!

9 . 请把我留在最好的时光里 Please send me to stay in the best time

10 . 你长得丑没事,我眼瞎。


1 . 我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已。

2 . 很想问你,有没有一首歌你在唱时,会想起我。

3 . You forget, forget, is a step in the right

4 . 有种自卫,叫我无所谓!

5 . 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。

6 . Prison birds do not know the sea[囚鸟不知海]

7 . 我开始相信开始害怕开始敏感开始忘记 I began to believe that began to be afraid to sensitive began to

8 . Love is your betrayal, and I have been waiting for you to come back!

9 . Turn, smile, America laguna

10 . You can’t stop the waves,but you can learn how to surf。


1 . 错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。

2 . Flowers without the red, the person is different from the dog

3 . I am waiting for a person to accompany me for a long time

4 . 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

5 . 我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲 I wish in your arms into the cat Jiao not proud

6 . 我是,刀子嘴,斧子心。

7 . While there is life there is hope

8 . 在梦里想着你。

9 . Love, or love, all love each other

10 . People who say they have a previous life are cheating themselves; people who say they have a next life are cheating others


1 . Nothing can ever replace you

2 . 世界那么黑,我该信谁?

3 . Please don&#;t mean to restore love!

4 . 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。

5 . I love you not just talk 我爱你不只是说说而已

6 . Alcune delle storie,quale fine non esiste。

7 . The queen of the world there is no love

8 . I will wait for you until you come back我将等待你,直到你回来

9 . Take away love,and our earth is a tomb。

10 . 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。


1 . Can not be with my long why you pretended to love me[不能伴我长久你何必假装深爱我-]

2 . 一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。

3 . I hope at the beginning of the school, the teacher said, "come on, what else do you bring with you?"

4 . Just less together together

5 . Dont lose hope You never know what tomorrow will bring

6 . 我希望开学的时候老师说,来就来嘛,还带什么作业真是的。

7 . Dont be silly Choose someone who can make you happy, not someone you can only try to please

8 . Life is like a play, too happy, too sad, because live too into the play

9 . How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?

10 . 真正的爱情永远不会变老。