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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-01-05 18:57:26



1 . Carving time together曾一起雕刻的时光

2 . You are my lover You are my dearest

3 . Memory abstruse eyes(记忆中深邃的眼眸)

4 . What is liked by many people is not necessarily a good thing

5 . My sister is the focus everywhere

6 . 敢爱你一天,就敢爱你有生之年。

7 . 遭遇挫败痛苦时,告诉自己:不过是归零了,不过是从头再来!

8 . 待你西装革履,我定辉煌相随。

9 . , everyone has their own destiny, what do they do with others?

10 . The only present love demands is love爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱


1 . 孔子出题孟子监考,老子不会做!

2 . 等,无止境的等,而思念却填满了我的心

3 . 总有一天你家的户口本上会有我的名字的,做不成你老婆做你后妈。

4 . 不要惹姐,姐有秘密武器:一巴掌拍死你,两巴掌扇死你,三巴掌我灭了你

5 . Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

6 . , love horse is irresistible, your mother is suitable for ten thousand riding

7 . 就算没有倾国倾城的美貌,也要有摧毁一座城的骄傲。

8 . 不要以为你们胜过我的一切就可以让我低头。

9 . -My heart will always follow you。

10 . 一百个熟人抵不过一死党带给你的欢乐


1 . The important line in life is not the position which stands, but the direction which faces——人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

2 . ﹏媽咪说﹎MakeLove ①定偠帶套套否則會哊Baby zzОo

3 . 没有家庭显赫的背景,就必须拥有无人可敌的能力

4 . If I could hate you, I would not hesitate to hate you with all my strength

5 . 不要怕目标定得太高,你可能需要退而求其次。

6 . notknowwhattodo ?

7 . 〆丶 Does not belong to me, I will let go 。 <不属于我的,我离开>

8 . Seeing me makes you unhappy, but I like it

9 . 爱情是昂贵的橱窗,陈列出来的都是华丽的幻想。

10 . 活着一定要有爱,有快乐,有梦想。


1 . Dont Leave Me Here

2 . We can turn around but don&#;t look back

3 . 现在沵是涐旳男人,沵不要再招惹别的女人。

4 . 还在披荆斩棘路上,还有雪山未翻,大河未过,巨龙未杀,帅哥未泡

5 . I am god, the god of all eyes

6 . 生命不轻言放弃

7 . Learn not to be angry first, then learn to be angry

8 . My sister is often imitated, but never surpassed

9 . No one will give you the power of the world, but you will know your last name

10 . You are not handsome, but ugly