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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-07-15 04:35:01



1 . 不要为此灰心丧气。

2 . 在美好也禁不住遗忘,在悲伤也抵不过回忆。

3 . 焦虑就是浪费时间,它不会改变任何事,只能搅乱你的脑袋,偷走你的快乐。

4 . Do not teach fish to swim

5 . Used to be mine Now is the others 以前是我的。现在是别人的

6 . 每个人都为自己而活,我们也许该毫无怨言。

7 . My brother is see king a job

8 . Do you have a little distressed me? 你有没有一点心疼过我?

9 . 你们最好是让她一个人呆会儿。

10 . 死亡无人能免,但非凡的成就会树起一座纪念碑,它将一直立到太阳冷却之时。


1 . Life is but a hard and tortuous journey

2 . , people, in the morning and evening to be used to loneliness, no one will take you as a treasure

3 . 我三天前去过那儿。

4 . 《教父》经典:不要让别人知道你的想法。当你说“不”时,你要使“不”听上去象“是”一样好听。让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。痛苦不象死亡那样无可挽回!永远不要恨你的敌人,因为这会影响你的判断力。如果你没有时间和家人在一起,你就永远无法成为真正的男人。

5 . 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

6 . Then cattle Chopin also can not play Lao Tzu sadness。

7 . 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。

8 . I have never seen the movie

9 . Do not change horses in mid-stream

10 . The only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better唯一可以强横地霸占一个男人的回忆的,就是活得更好


1 . Ⅱ╮Retain green last a attentive 保留迩最后的一丝温存。

2 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道谁会喜欢上你的笑容。

3 . , many of the pain of life, because of too much Return to a simple mind, learn to subtract life The heart does not have the shackles, will have the real happiness To give up, to be willing to fade, to get the peace of the mind

4 . Nothing is I spell reason 一无所有就是我拼的理由

5 . As long as I love you,it does not matter whether you love me你不爱我没关系,只要我爱你就好。

6 . 不是所有事情都能如愿以偿,但是任何事情都值得尝试。

7 . I love seeing old couples that are still in love我喜欢看那些还在相爱的老头老太太们

8 . 生活不能等待别人来安排, 要自已去争取和奋斗;而不论其结果是喜是悲,但可以慰藉的是,你总不枉在这世界上活了一场。(路遥《平凡的世界》 Life is not to wait, but to strive and achieve Whatever the result, favorable or unfavorable, it’s comforting that you have lived a life of your own

9 . 生命中平淡如水的日子,因为爱而博大,因为感动而温馨,因为信任而厚重。做不了决定的时候,让时间帮你决定。如果还是无法决定,做了再说。宁愿犯错,不留遗憾。

10 . If through time, through love 倘若看透时光看透爱


1 . 先入为主。

2 . A dream nobody cares,a Suigetsu mirror flower wasted。

3 . 天 我们在一起四年了 Nobody could ever replace you

4 . 对人要学会绝情,该滚的滚,该留的留,但你也要学会珍惜,知心朋友已不多,难道你真要只剩自己?

5 . Who is willing to accompany me crazy,crazy all over the world are touched。

6 . 那些你给的伤,为什么总是那么的难以愈合。

7 . 她匆忙穿上衣服。

8 . If you leave me, please don&#;t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain

9 . Explained so much, but it’s like I am blaming that you don’t understand

10 . Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life


1 . 这才是上半场呢。

2 . You make my haert smile 我的心情因你而美好

3 . Your name, my mind 你的名字,我的心事

4 . 不是一切火焰只燃烧自己而不把别人照亮;不是一切星星仅指示黑暗而不报告曙光;不是一切歌声只掠过耳旁而不留在心上Not every flame is to destroy but not enlighten;not every star is to signal darkness but not welcome daylight;not every song is to waft past ears but not imprint on heart

5 . She dressed herself hastily

6 . The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up

7 . there with a sign

8 . I need to get away 我想要逃离。

9 . 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。

10 . 我不想流泪,并非我不哀伤


1 . Don&#;t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn&#;t willing to waste their time on you

2 . 说的再多,也是沉默。做的再多,也是无力。

3 . 凡事都有开端。

4 . I Need YouR Love我需要你的爱

5 . 没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。

6 . 阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在光后边。

7 . You can&#;t judge a tree by its bark

8 . I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

9 . 我认为你是不对的。

10 . Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you