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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-10-19 11:52:22



1 . 每件事最后都会是好事。如果不是好事,说明还没到最后。

2 . 梦想是生活的延伸和拓展,是人类进步的动力,是创造的源泉。让我们拥抱梦想,生命不息,梦想不灭。

3 . we are in the flowering season, full of vigor and vitality is our pronoun, passion is our portrait, chasing dreams, we are ready to wait for the embodiment

4 . 放弃去爱你继续寻找可以发掘到我的好的人

5 . 梦想:自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。

6 . 立志要如山,行道要如水。不如山,不能坚定,不如水,不能曲达。

7 . 人必须相信自己,这就是成功的秘诀。

8 . 因为热爱生活,所以一切为了梦想的付出都是值得的?。

9 . 敢于梦想,勇于梦想,这个世界永远属于追梦的人。

10 . 梦想家的缺点是害怕命运。


1 . The wonderful life of people lies in the process of pursuing their dreams Without demanding other peoples disappointments or likes

2 . a goal is a dream with a deadline

3 . the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end maybe this world is really only hazy is true

4 . 要不让年轻时美丽的梦想随岁月飘逝,成功总有一天会出现在你的面前。

5 . 做人不可有傲态,不可无傲骨。

6 . the worlds wonderful, is chasing the dream of dribs and drabs

7 . Do not sow the spring, the summer does not grow, the fall will not be harvested, winter can not taste

8 . The value of a person, should see what he contributes, and should not see what he has achieved

9 . 梦想,是来自宙斯的礼物。

10 . 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。


1 . Winter has come, can spring be far behind?

2 . 遇到困难时不要抱怨,既然改变不了过去,那么就努力改变未来。

3 . plain ordinary dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream平凡朴实的梦想,我们用那唯一的坚持信念去支撑那梦想。

4 . Where there is a dream, hell is heaven

5 . “two gates there are for dreams," said penelope to odysseus after his ten years’ wandering had ended "one made for horn and one of for ivory the dreams that pass through the carved ivory delude and bring us tales that turn to naught;those that can come through polished horn accomplish real things whenever seen"“梦想有两扇门,”在奥德修斯结束了十年的漂泊后,潘尼洛对他说,“一扇是号角制成,一扇是象牙制成。通过精雕细缕的象牙门得梦想不过是一场会归于无的海市蜃楼的童话;而那些通过磨砺的号角门的梦想才会成为真实,为人所见。”

6 . 路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。

7 . most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought很多时候,我们富了口袋,但穷了脑袋;我们有梦想,但缺少了思想。

8 . every passage is a difficult pursuit, not a chase for a dream, but a pursuit of oneself

9 . Only those who have made a great aim and who are striving for their full strength are the people who are happy

10 . 世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。


1 . 梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。

2 . once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday

3 . 下对注,赢一次;跟对人,赢一世。

4 . 好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。

5 . in the way of your dreams and hope, every one of us should enjoy more comfortable and pleasant, comfortable mood and atmosphere to everyone around us, so that we are able to actively, the heart of thanksgiving to enjoy our life

6 . Forget all the past smoke, selfless world wide

7 . 牵手这个时空的暖意洋洋,立在这个春的中央,抬头仰望,天空安静的蔚蓝中,朵朵白云,柔美飘逸;安享着一份花开的静谧,沉醉着这一春绵柔,端坐在岁月如水中,执笔青春,书写梦想依旧……

8 . 人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。

9 . the dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting梦想是彼岸,现实是此岸,行动是那座连接的桥。

10 . it is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday, today is the hope, but also can become tomorrow’s reality很难说什么是办不到的事情,因为昨天的梦想,可以是今天的希望,并且还可以成为明天的现实。


1 . 人性最可怜的就是:我们总是梦想着天边的一座奇妙的玫瑰园,而不去欣赏今天就开在我们窗口的玫瑰。

2 . 每一次的伤痛,都是成长的支柱。每一次的打击,都是坚强的后盾。

3 . 一旦你有梦想,就要去争取,永远都不要轻易放弃,你的梦想可能不会在一两天实现,但某一天一定会坚持到最后的就是真正的赢家

4 . 不要被问题所逼迫,要用梦想来引导。

5 . 一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。

6 . 人的理想志向往往和他的能力成正比。

7 . 我有很多梦想,其中一个是要建立一所全世界最先进的研究所,将全世界最有才华的年轻科学家汇集起来,做我想要做的生命科学研究,我要从各个层次来深入研究生命的各种现象,解释更多生命的奥秘。

8 . 梦想教会我如何面带微笑的向前走,亦不哭泣。

9 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, gorgeous fall, always better than unnecessary wandering

10 . 未来在我们手里,我们追逐,执着,坚持着。


1 . those chasing the dream of the day, is bitter, sweet, is happy or sorrow, is a failure, and hope to have a worthy of your protection, let me fear

2 . 梦想,就像一粒种子,散播在“心灵”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却能够开花结果,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的大漠,冷冷清清,没有活力。有了梦想,也就有了追求,有了奋斗的目标,有了梦想,就有了动力。它会使人前进,也许在实现梦想的道路中,会遇到无数的坎坷,但,没关联,在那里跌倒了就在那里爬起来,为自我的梦想而前进,毕竟前途是自我的,同学们,为了梦想,加油吧!

3 . 有心能知,有情能爱,有缘能聚,有梦能圆。

4 . Bravely accept the challenge, and constantly go beyond the self, so as to send out your unlimited potential

5 . 失恋不一定是一件坏事,可能是下一个幸福旳开始。

6 . 一个人的理想越崇高,生活越纯洁。

7 . conviction is everything in wishing if you don’t believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again but which leads to the most important point of all if you’re wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true the ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing在许愿时,必须要深信不疑。如果你不相信自己有能力让愿望成真,你的愿望就会飞走,再也看不见。但那正说明了最重要的一点。如果你所希望的是有可能实现得了的,那么你有可能会不惜一切地去实现它。最大的魔力不在于许愿,而在于去做。

8 . 贫不足羞,可羞是贫而无志。

9 . , no matter how vague dream, always lurking in our hearts, so that our state of mind will never be quiet, until these dreams become a reality

10 . 理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。


1 . Dream is a desire, want to be a kind of action Dreams are the crystallization of dreams and thoughts

2 . 又回到了原点,就从现在开始我的新生活吧。

3 . 梦境每是现实的反面。

4 . Do not have a small dream, they can not move people

5 . 为梦想而奋斗,总有一天我要让全世界都知道我的名字拥有的年轻的资本,就是用来让我们奋斗的,而不是用来享受的,年轻的时候没有去奋斗,等我们老了没有年轻那样的精力时,又该如何去奋斗。

6 . 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

7 . 目标是有期限的梦想。

8 . 梦想,是一个目标,是让自己活下去的原动力,是让自己开心的原因。

9 . the important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it (johan wolfgang von goethe, german poet and dramatist人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。(德国诗人戏剧家 歌德 j m

10 . Poverty is not a shame, but shame is poverty


1 . maybe I go after the dream, but I can like idol drama, everything is so practical, life is very pure reality

2 . 努力向上吧,星星就躲藏在你的灵魂深处;做一个悠远的梦吧,每个梦想都会超越你的目标。

3 . 无论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要停止;无论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之后就不要悔恨。

4 . you got a dream, you gotta protect it if you want something, go get it

5 . ideal is the beacon without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life( leo tolstoy, russian writer理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家 托尔斯泰 l

6 . , dream as long as it can endure, can become reality Dont we live in dreams?

7 . Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, has always been bright

8 . 不努力奋斗,便得不到任何东西,没有人会同情,活该被踩在脚底下

9 . a heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤,当你真心想要某样东西时,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮你完成。

10 . no matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions this is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality无论哪个时代,青年的特点总是怀抱着各种理想和幻想。这并不是什么毛病,而是一种宝贵的品质。