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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-03-11 09:35:30



1 . I am the luckiest person in the world 我是世界上最幸运的人

2 . 这世上没有一样感情,不是打补丁的

3 . Love ,promised between the fingersFinger rift,twisted in the love

4 . 一辈子,多么幽默的玩笑。(个性签名)

5 . - Let time to my deep love man愿时光善待我深爱之人。

6 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

7 . Senza di te la trama della stagione sbiadito nello stack

8 . 你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。

9 . if you believe in yourself and with a tinpinch of magic,all your dreamcan come true ——如果你相信自己, 然后再加上一点点运气,那你所以梦想就都能实现。

10 . The past cannot be changed The future is yet in your power


1 . No one can choose who they are

2 . tired heart to a certain extent, you are too weak to be angrwithout

3 . In may, June, finalizing, each rush thing (五月,曲终人散,六月,各奔东西。)

4 . I want to be your bride 我想成为你的新娘

5 . 一颗小小的种子,握在手心里却有温暖的感觉。

6 . The distance of one bundred million stars一亿颗星星的距离

7 . 一次痛彻心扉的经历,抵得上千百次的告诫。

8 . Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back

9 . 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

10 . 别忘了曾经的约定,那时我们仅剩的东西。


1 . Happiness is always full of flaws。

2 . I was his Sandy and he was my Danny and I just broke

3 . 幸福就是在太多和太少之间的一站。

4 . love inot the strong vow but light company

5 . I have no trouble,just a sense of security is too weak。

6 . l had a dream that you love me我做了个梦是你爱上我

7 . life ia personal journey, no one can replace, there ialwaysomeone left, someone coming

8 . 敏感的人,大多都不幸福

9 . 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

10 . 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。


1 . Non ci sono sentimenti, come, non patchato

2 . 想你的每一天,都有你陪伴,幸福是那么的自然 。

3 . I Hope We Have Future (我希望我们有未来)

4 . 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

5 . it iaeasto dream a book ait ihard to write one 梦想写一本书容易,动手写一本书难。

6 . 当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。

7 . the great tragedof life inot because people will die, but because people will stop love

8 . A tiny seeds in the hand, but in his heart he has a warm feeling

9 . 我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光

10 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person youmaybe the world