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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-20 14:56:51



1 . See how much I love you?(知道我多爱你吗?)

2 . I don&#;t sing the song shout oneself hoarse,does not meanno heartbreak

3 . 人生因追求而精彩,生命因坚强而美丽。

4 . 告别昨日的颓废。

5 . i need you i love you i can say goodbey

6 . People care about you!Keep being youself!

7 . In dreams and in love,there are no impossibilities。

8 . , what&#;s wrong with the world? There are so many sad people

9 . When there’s no expectation,losing won’t bring hurt,gaining makesyou surprised。

10 . Maybe I am not the best,but I try my best 也许我不是最好的,但是我尽了最大的努力。


1 . Envy has no holidays 忌妒之人无宁日

2 . 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

3 . However long the night, the dawn will break

4 . Laugh,and the world laughs with you;weep,and you weep alone。

5 . I’m just a sunflower,waiting for my only sunshine。

6 . What you are you do not see,what you see is your shadow。

7 . 你笑,全世界陪你笑;你哭,惟独你一个人哭。

8 . 在梦想与爱中,没有什么不可能。

9 . Grasps the sand,simply lift it。

10 . , too much love a person will often fantasies around you, and then more and more sad


1 . 没有什么不可能!

2 . I never stopped waiting 我从未放弃过等待

3 . Afraid you do not have the ability,afraid that you have the ability to forget the efforts of the future。

4 . , maintain a confidence, maintain a dignity, rather arrogant to moldy, and do not die crazy crazy

5 . >﹥哦 嘛 呢 嘛 呢 哄 All money go my home

6 . You have to believe in yourself。That’s the secret of success。

7 . 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。

8 . Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。

9 . 往前是寂寞 后退是落寞 干脆就坠落 谁都别同情我。

10 . I’m proud of my heart。It’s been played,burned,and broken,but it still works。


1 . 怀抱是会溺死人的地方。

2 . If equal affection cannot be,let the more loving be me。

3 . 我见过千万人,像你的发,像你的眼,却都不是你的脸。

4 . Man struggles upwards;water flows downwards。

5 . , when the exercise is a boyfriend&#;s obligation, but not boyfriend right

6 . , man: before the engagement, like son, obey in every way After a betrothal, like a son, learn to talk back After marriage, like Lao Tzu, give orders

7 . , my memory is not living on the other side of The Strip, but my ring is dead at the head of The Strip

8 . girl i want to put you all up in my room

9 . 人往高处走,水往低处流。

10 . I yearn for life, less is more(我所向往的生活,越简单越好)


1 . 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

2 . , you are wrong, fall in love with you is wrong, leaving you is wrong

3 . , in the future, you will be grateful to you who are working hard now

4 . , eight quit, do not think you stand under the street lamp is the night Ming pig!

5 . 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。

6 . Nothing is impossible!

7 . I miss you but i miss you (我想你,但是我错过了你)

8 . Baicheng until you let I love a good bitter

9 . Love has obviously in a disastrous state,should be strong

10 . When I am not near the girl I love,I love the girl I near。


1 . , do not do not envy the allure of the red wolf, grey wolf has hell-bent love

2 . 活到老,学到老。

3 . 杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。

4 . 年轻就是无限的可能。

5 . Tough life needs no explanation。

6 . 爱明明已千疮百孔,却偏偏要故作坚强。

7 . 没有不长杂草的花园。

8 . If you hate me ,you are the loser ,not me

9 . We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves。There must be contests,and we must win。

10 . , has become a habit, fool like nothing to take a look at your head