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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-07-28 22:38:53



1 . Sunshine and you is what I want in the future

2 . 第条 What is called far, what is near, far distance, close to the bottom of my heart!

3 . 第条 Black and white heart of the softest place you smashed

4 . 一边放弃,一边爱你。

5 . The most beautiful never to be surprised in the first sight, but to see you again

6 . Do you know when you need I will break my neck to summer

7 . 第条 风月如我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

8 . It doesnt matter whether fate comes early or late Meeting you is my best time

9 . Love, there is no reason for love and without precondition tolerance

10 . 第条 我勇敢的看别人的眼神,竟看到了自己的伤痕。


1 . never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad,someone might fall in love with your smile 永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。

2 . - And to the whole day through -每一分每一秒直到一天结束

3 . Love is so short, forgetting is so long

4 . 在原地等着一个人,可没有想过,也许那个人早就忘记曾经来过这里。

5 . 第条 Think of you a little happiness, happiness a little sad

6 . They say love is for fools, I say am happy to be a fool because of you

7 . I want someone afraid of losing me

8 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

9 . 当初炽热的心早已沉默。

10 . give me five~给你一点正能量!


1 . I gradually understand that loneliness is a different kind of growth

2 . 爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容。

3 . All lives end,all hearts are broken

4 . Take me to your heart

5 . 笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来。

6 . I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop

7 . 我总是口是心非以至于你认为我很坚强。

8 . it hurts to love someone and not be loved in return but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel 只有付出的爱是痛苦的,但比这更痛苦是爱一个人却没有勇气让那人知道你的感情。

9 . 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强。

10 . I know you will be always here


1 . if u love someone, u will know everythingabout her without asking her; if u don’t love someone, u will forget everything even if she told u everything如果你爱一个人 ,你会了解她的一切,而不需要问她;如果你不爱一个人,即使她告诉你她的一切,你也还是会忘记的。

2 . 你好像柯南一样,每次出现都让我的生活中充满了不安。

3 . i have been sleeping all alone, 我一直孤独入眠。

4 . Praise will make people do the right thing and stop the wrong thing

5 . You said I believed you

6 . 没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两个人。

7 . 你的自尊能和我的倔强和好如初吗?

8 . Recently there is a rumor that I like you I need to clarify it Its not a rumor

9 . Someone loves everything you hate about yourself

10 . 面包我自己买,你给我爱情就行了。


1 . Sometimes it is better to be alone Nobody can hurt you

2 . 第条 Love, this is something Ningquewulan, not urgent, not urgent

3 . Smiling, not because happiness too long, is too long time forgot to sorrow

4 . 第条 Some pain, not to say, can only endure, until you can slowly forget

5 . It would be a fine day to me if you were well你若安好便是晴天

6 . Lopsided, and eventually became seen

7 . 我的退让造就了你们相爱的事实我不必再敷衍再解释。

8 . 第条 A woman like me, always in a difficult problem in the form of feelings

9 . 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

10 . 索性就沉默,别再假洒脱。


1 . Thanks to you I am finally thinking about me感谢你让我最后为自己着想。

2 . 带我去你心里。

3 . 或许拥有的人总是把失去看得很淡其实你失去时也会心痛的。

4 . if i should see you,after long year 若我会见到你,事隔多。

5 . 第条 Love and be loved so far, silent existence, are very helpless

6 . 一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。

7 . 第条 Why do we always understand at the last moment that our love has long gone

8 . My dad My hero 我的爸爸我的英雄

9 . I love seeing old couples that are still in love

10 . Holding your hand and aging with you 执子之手 共你一世风霜。