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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-02-19 15:55:27



1 . 密切关注疫情防控形势,全力做好做实监测排查,坚决保障公共卫生安全。

2 . “路,不通时,选择拐弯;心,不快时,选择看淡;情,渐远时,选择随意;有些事,挺一挺,就过去了;有些人,狠一狠,就忘记了。”

3 . 我们都忘记了,以后的岁月还有那么漫长,漫长到我可以重新喜欢上一个人,就像当初喜欢你一样.可是,真的可以像喜欢你一样地去喜欢他么?

4 . Different , I hope that the epidemic will disappear early and embrace the warm spring flowers!

5 . , the beginning of the new year, a viral pneumonia has put the people of the whole country into a dilemma Looking at so many peoples lives in my heart Behind every independent individual is a warm family I cant imagine how heavy a blow it is to their families May the virus come to an end as soon as possible, and good people will live a safe life

6 . 我要把你捏死,捏成一团,揉成麻花,放进油里炸,在捞出来踩成粉碎。

7 . 隔离的是亲情,佑护的是生命!

8 . 这就是现在的你:三分钟热度没有毅力,做事情推三阻四懒惰大于决心,激励自己的话说了太多却说说就过,计划定的很完美却总是今天推到明天明天推到后天什么也没做,激起了奋斗意识准备好好学习却还没有坚持几天就放弃了,而且你还知道这样下去只会害了自己。可是你就是这样。

9 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

10 . We hope that the virus can be eliminated as soon as possible and people can live a normal life


1 . 毁灭人只要一句话,培植一个人却要千句话,请你多口下留情。

2 . Once you wear a mask, you can wash your hands when you go home If you are healthy, you will often disinfect If your condition is eliminated, you should be honest and stay at home You should benefit yourself and others

3 . 新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。明年再有新生者,十万龙孙绕凤池。

4 . 失去至亲的无能为力,深爱的人和你说分手时候的彻夜难眠,朋友渐渐疏远再也回不到从前的心酸痛苦,我们总是在人生的每一个节点上遇到让我们觉得不可承受的大事儿。可是你也擦干了眼泪走到这儿了。所以别问如何才能成长。好好的接受失去,平静的面对生活。愿我们都能脆弱,愿我们也都能坚强。

5 . We must win the battle of epidemic disease! If one side is in trouble, support from all sides! We believe that when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, China will still be prosperous We believe that the hardworking and strong Wuhan people can create miracles, and the people of the whole country stand with you and wait for cherry blossom! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

6 . 当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时你要想这痛苦也不是永恒的。

7 . 管好自家人,不要乱串门。

8 . <酬问师>

9 . 遇见,拉着你的手,无论在哪里,我都感觉是向天堂奔跑,你相信么?

10 . 你的品种虽然比不上:拉布拉多金毛等等一些品种高的狗。但你是多么的迷人呀:又长又滑的毛一双水汪汪的大眼睛一个小巧玲珑的鼻子。你是女的狗,很少人能见得到你这么可爱的英国可卡犬。


1 . 珍藏我的眼泪,谁会视它如珍珠,视我为珍宝。

2 . 勤洗手戴口罩少聚会多通风忌野味吃熟食遵医嘱莫恐慌。

3 . 语来江色暮,独自下寒烟。

4 . 众志成城,做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作。

5 . 疫情防控不添乱,宅家就是做贡献。

6 . 老师像一支蜡烛,燃烧了自我,照亮了咱们。

7 . 一个又一个看不见来路的沉甸甸的远航。

8 . 曾经那样清晰的痕迹也可以消失不见,所以,很多的事情,其实都是无法长久的吧。即使我们觉得都可以永远地存在了,可是永远这样的字眼,似乎永远都没有出现过。

9 . 这样一张课桌的距离,你成了我的前桌,我成了你的后座,我们被框在一个不同寻常的圆圈里。

10 . 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。____龚自珍《己亥杂诗·其五》休问梁园旧宾客


1 . 山是一部辞典,年轻时读它薄,年长时读它厚。“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”,山让人类读了千万年而永远读之不完。山依然那样虚怀若谷,山总是乐于把丰富的宝藏奉献给热爱它的人们。搜寻世上所有的形容词不足以涵括山的睿智。

2 . We should always remember the most beautiful moment and pay tribute to the angel in white who fought in the front line I hope you can overcome the virus as soon as possible and come back safely! Go China! Come on, Wuhan!

3 . 您用爱去舐它,磨它,浸它,洗它……

4 . 一日为师,终生为父。

5 . Snow scenery is beautiful, but in order to fight the epidemic in an all-round way, we still need to go out less and not gather together! When the spring is warm and the epidemic is over, lets have a look at the beautiful world!

6 . 今年过年不串门,来串门的是敌人,敌人来了不开门。

7 . We hope that the people of the whole country will make concerted efforts to overcome the virus as soon as possible

8 . If you eat less, your family will not fade

9 . 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干

10 . 大山黑苍苍没边没沿,刀削斧砍般的崖头顶天立地。


1 . 业障深重的人,一天到晚都在看别人的过失与缺点,真正修行的人,从不会去看别人的过失与缺点。

3 . 何处遥相见,心无一事时。

4 . 眼角泛起涟漪,但同时我也意识到创伤之后的成熟。

5 . 口罩你不戴,病毒把你爱。

6 . 省小钱不戴口罩,花大钱卧床治疗。

7 . 老师,如果把您比作蚌,那么学生便是蚌里的砂粒。

8 . 师门立雪得心传,诏恩分务许优闲。凫飞难学王乔舄,身世相忘象外天。

9 . Pay attention to their own health, do a good job in self-protection

10 . 明年再有新生者,十丈龙孙绕凤池。


1 . 山浪峰涛,层层叠叠。

2 . 请相信,这个世界上真的有人在过着你想要的生活。愿你我既可以朝九晚五,又能够浪迹天涯。——大冰

3 . 苍翠的群山重重叠叠,宛如海上起伏的波涛,汹涌澎湃,雄伟壮丽。

4 . 老师就像蜡烛,燃烧自我,照亮别人。

5 . 师心好善善心渊,承恩阔步青云端。料君难恋神仙境,从事能忘我独贤。

6 . 每个看似快乐自在的人,都经历过不为人知的黑夜;每段潇洒风光的生活,也可能有你看不见的沧桑。差别只在于,是萎靡不振地活着,还是从那些千疮百孔中走出自己的人生。不需要羡慕嫉妒恨别人的收获,也别去抱怨自己的一事无成,这不过都是你曾经的选择。

7 . 体温三十七度五,快上医院别耽误。

8 . Know how to cherish, to have a life, the world is changeable, there is no future, want to do, want to see you early, dont wait, dont hope, let yourself leave regret Only those who grasp the opportunity can succeed, and those who know how to cherish them deserve to have them An epidemic, let us instantly wake up, a disaster, let us look down on all Life is only once, life is only once, cherish your life, live a limited life wonderful, let the short life without regret!

9 . 宁做一个灵魂的守护者,不做疫情的传播者。

10 . 真正过上自己想要的生活的人一般是不会晒生活的。因为你确实拥有的东西,真的就会懒得炫耀。不管别人怎么质疑,那都已经是事实。


1 . I hope the epidemic situation will pass quickly Spring is a good start!

2 . 世界其实从来没有苏醒,它在你的衬衣领口下安静地沉睡

3 . 我宅家,我骄傲,我为国家省口罩,我为自己省钞票。

4 . 小小疫情不可怕,全民齐心战胜它。

5 . 潜伏期间也感染,千万远离感染源。

6 . “其实,没有什么东西是不能放手的。时日渐远,当你回望,你会发现,你曾经以为不可以放手东西,只是生命里的一块跳板,令你成长。”

7 . 你可以拥有爱,但不要执着,因为分离是必然的。

8 . 坚决克服麻痹大意思想严密组织疫情防控工作

9 . 只有你将书中的文字从容地咀嚼消化,并嵌入灵魂中,你才会发觉,阅读实在是上天赐予人类的厚礼。——尤金·H·彼得森

10 . Seeing the white snow, I feel a sense of hope I hope that snow can purify the virus in the air, that the sick people will recover soon, that the people who are fighting in the front line will end the battle as soon as possible and go home for reunion I hope everything can start again after the snow melts


1 . 其实生日只是一年中的一天而已。

2 . 虚空无处所,仿佛似琉璃。

3 . 信心就是消毒剂,隔离就是安全网!

4 . 与其外出要隔离,不如在家陪父母!

5 . Please reduce to crowded places

6 . Go out less, gather less, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently

7 . 时间没有等我,是你,忘了带我走。

8 . 毕业就是一窗玻璃,我们要撞碎它,然后擦着锋利的碎片走过去,血肉模糊之后开始一个完全不同的人生。

9 . 清·郑燮

10 . 不要浪费你的生命在你一定会后悔的地方上。