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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-29 13:10:38



1 . 想念是呼吸的痛

2 . 我们不停地翻弄着回忆,却再也找不回当初的那个自己。

3 . 我们都是迷失方向的孩子,看清了别人的路,却看不清自己的路。

4 . 平安夜圣诞节我深知你都不会在我身边

5 . I could put my arms around every boy I see But they&#;d only remind me of you ——Prince 《Nothing Compares U》

6 . You don&#;t love me because I love you so much 【爱一个人是不是不能用尽全力

7 . 没有你的日子,我不难受只是不饿不困也不累。

8 . We threw snow ball at each other ; we kept laughing and shouting What great fun ! What great fun ! We were children again We did not stop enjoying ourselves until we could not see each other clearly for the dark

9 . 天骄海牙,有你有我!

10 . "No matter good or bad things happen, life moves on Nothing lasts forever so even though things might be amazing or awful, life goes on and I must move on I have to improve, bec" ome be tt "er, be" co me "who I want to be, overcome failure 不管发生什么事情,生活都还是会继续。不管情况有多好,没什么能持续到永远,生活还会继续,我们也会向前看。我得有进步,要变得更好,能够成为那个我想成为的人,战胜失败。"


1 . 你心飞扬,我心悲凉……

2 . 胖子永远得不到别人的呵护摔得眼泪鼻涕都要喷出来了别人只会说没事她肉厚摔不疼

3 . 风老莺雏,雨肥梅子,午阴嘉树清圆宋·周邦彦《满庭芳·夏景》

4 . 我每天都在笑但过得好不好只有自己知道

5 . 我还在喜欢你,我以你不知道的方式时刻关注你和你的那位……

6 . 荷兰海牙,风雅的家。

7 . 我喜欢吃素,你长了一身肉,所以你不是姐的菜

8 . 岛是海洋想漫过来覆盖的伤。

9 . 和平——世界在此聚集!

10 . "Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go ——Mooji"


1 . "英文:Those who let a person to sink in things, is a good start 中文:那些让人陷进去的东西,开始总是美好的。"

2 . 姐一般不谈情说爱,因为姐只说情谈爱

3 . 你知道吗?你已经变成黑人了,连非洲都不要你这么黑的

4 . 每天和不喜欢的人在一起,你是什么感觉呢

6 . She wore flowers in her hair and carried magic secrets in her eyes

7 . 海牙,一个大气典雅却又小家碧玉的精彩城市!

8 . 这就是为什么我早上高兴的原因。

9 . "Sometimes we get sad about things and we don’t like to tell other people that we are sad about them We like to keep it a secret Or sometimes, we are sad but we really don&#;t kn" ow why w e are sa "d," so we say we aren&#;t sad but we really are (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) ——Mark Haddon

10 . 安静旳藏好所有旳伤,然后微笑旳走掉。


1 . 那些白纸似的年华,只剩忧伤。

2 . 珴删除了所有旳记忆。

3 . 我的开放,是因为你放不开,要不你还比姐骚

4 . 就想你看不见我的心一样,你的摸样我永远也看不见

5 . 我喜欢在雨中漫步,因为没有人看得见我哭

6 . 雨下整夜,我的爱溢出就像雨水

7 . When he arrived at his father&#;s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart He began to search through his father&#;s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible It had a tag with the dealer&#;s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… "PAID IN FULL"

8 . 有些男人不值得,姐妹们自相残杀,因为他不配

9 . 卷地风来忽吹散,望湖楼下水如天。——苏轼《六月二十七日望湖楼醉书》

10 . 因爲給皒旳承諾,沵變旳有負擔。又因爲負擔,沵丟棄叻承諾。