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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 02:12:49



1 . Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to

2 . 我变了,其实是因为你的坏习惯把我的好习惯也改变了而已

3 . "等ー个人不会很,太βθ丅軕涐就走。☆

4 . Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf 生命只不过是荷叶上的一滴甘露。

5 . 也许我们不能一起走到白头,但我还是一直爱着你

6 . 这片海不再是我爱的蓝 你也不再是我爱的少年。

7 . I believe,as long as there is love there is time I will forget you

8 . 背叛了一个人,你连自己的人格也要开始怀疑。

9 . 卟媞涐願噫縴扯卟淸,侕媞放卟丅那所謂の噌俓。

10 . Look at the man with time and heart, not with your eyes


1 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

2 . To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance

3 . 青春的婚姻是爱情的坟墓,可是为何还是要义无返顾的踏入

4 . 难过了,不要告诉别人,因为没有人会在乎。

5 . 看莂亽の啈冨,數洎巳の蕜傷。

6 . In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different

7 . Expectation is the root of all heartache

8 . 吃亏的时候不要忘记占便宜,这才是“吃亏就是占便宜”。

9 . 唯一,听上去,就像一个谎言。

10 . Do not make life difficutt in the past 不要与过去过不去。


1 . 徦娤嶶笶,苡茈萊掩蓋涐內吢の蕜傷。

2 . 魚の誋憶呮冇⑦秒,甪⑦秒噯①嗰亽,甪燼ㄋ咜①甡,卻等卟菿罙海ゐ咜放棄①苆,擁咜①亽恠懷ф

3 . 累了,难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。

4 . Man Always Remember Love, Becourse Of Romance Only 男人总是因为浪漫而记住爱情

5 . I want to forget everything 。 关于你,到此为止。

6 . 爱并不是嘴上说说而已,而要付出实际行动

7 . 珍惜那个连自己都照顾不好却还想要照顾好你的人。

8 . Love is like the wind, you can not see it but you can feel it 爱就像风一样,看不到,却能感觉到!

9 . Cherish the person who does not care herself well, but also wants to take care of you

10 . 灰太狼永远都不会离开红太狼,因为他说过,他一定会回来。


1 . ·°这ηiaη头,淡淡的χǐ欢,相当尐笕。

2 . Sometimes you missee people, not because you are blind, but because you are kind

3 . 徣著傷亽,ォ褦裱達噯の洊恠;呮冇被傷,ォ褦躰噲噯の眞諦!

4 . 噹涐捫恠懷淰承諾塒,媞俖誋嘚那噌俓許丅の諾誩

5 . Home is where the heart is Make sure whoever you love is never homeless

6 . 我的泪水不再为不值得的你而流,我的手不希望再牵起你的手

7 . 在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。

8 . 尝试着走进你的心,却还是被你拒之门外

9 . Love life and life will love you back

10 . 要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。


1 . 我会一直在,纵使回忆连成海。

2 . 不爱谁,不念谁,单身很好,没有别人,不会缺根毛。

3 . 尽最大努力去宽恕,尽最大的努力去遗忘。

4 . Love has only to pay, only to gain

5 . 当一切都结束了,爱还在,这是最让人痛不欲生的事情

6 . Some people don&#;t belong to you, but it&#;s good to meet them

7 . 向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

8 . If a person really thinks of you,he will come to you,no exception

9 . 人生就像蒲公英,看似自由,却身不由己。

10 . 把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。


1 . 有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,我们才知道自己的立场。

2 . Life, that one of the most reluctant, always hidden deepest

3 . 牠砽╅姩换め也ー呴濄恪,め也砽余生回鳦ー椴cùò濄。oО

4 . 人生有两种淡然,一种是放手去爱,另一种是为爱成全

5 . Regardless of the outcome,I have been very grateful to meet

6 . do you remember how much she makes you feel distressed and forget that I too cold

7 . We are the tender love in the world我们都在被这个世界温柔的爱着

8 . 不属于自己的,又何必拼了命的去在乎。

9 . 你想要更好的生活,不是靠运气就可以,而是需要自己去改变。

10 . A wandering mind is an unhappy mind


1 . What the fuck have you done lately?

3 . 没有什么过不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。

4 . 很多东西,不是想要就能得到;很多事情,不是想做就能做到

5 . 青春曾让我们拥抱过的那个白衣少年,记得一袭白衣倾国倾城。

6 . Distance doesn&#;t bring beauty but explains the fragile love

7 . -I miss you but I miss you [我想你但我却错过了你】

8 . Somehow I will show you that you are my night sky

9 . This life is not to, why send correspondence

10 . 我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。


1 . 意识一片漂浮,幻想不出迩给的爱ㄟ

2 . Don&#;t tell the story easily, and leave it to the people who know you

3 . 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

4 . In the end you&#;ll see who&#;s fake, who&#;s true and who would risk it all just for you

5 . Youth once let us hold the white boy,remember a woman dressed in white

6 . 虽然一切都已结束,但我还是想争取一切尽可能的可能

7 . 我总是害怕,有一天你会发现,我没你想的那么好。

8 . If you leave me be my day,you are dead,I were buried with him

9 . 我想要再走你走过的路,做你做过的事,只是为了理你更近一点

10 . Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh 笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来。