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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-12-06 23:02:19



1 . 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

2 . 生命如花,爱情是蜜。

3 . You don&#;t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

4 . You are my soul mate;the one who could set my heart on fire with just one look

5 . 我喜欢水果但是我不喜欢葡萄它们酸酸的。IlikefruitsButIdon’tlikegrapesThey’resour

6 . ()()已经()。

7 . let out 泄漏(机密);发出(喊叫)

8 . 他长得什么样?他(是高而强壮。What’shelike?He’stallandstrong

9 . A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of lifeMay you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。

10 . Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students祝老师新年充满平安和爱。


1 . Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me

2 . Welcome to our school !

3 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

4 . 我把门打开了。门被我打开了。

5 . One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love

6 . Thank you for loving me no way any one has ever tried

7 . , let a sparks of light for you to wait and meet another journey of life, let my wishes and regards to bake delicious temptation you bright smile forever, friend, I wish you a happy birthday, health and peace

8 . 像您这样可爱的姨, 为祝贺您的生日, 应当一遍两遍把您抱起,然后再来个生日的吻礼。 祝您生日格外快乐!

9 . 我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!

10 . 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。


1 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

2 . Every day without you is like a book without pages

3 . 真诚祝福传递你,愿你开心永如意,生日快乐歌一曲,愿你幸福没问题,每年这天祝福你,望你健康又美丽,幸运永远追随你,生日快乐!

4 . 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

5 . 不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值。

6 . Love without end hath no end

7 . First impression of you is most lasting

8 . ()()十分()。

9 . It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bringin the New Year We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your lovedones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead

10 . 通过把句子写完整的`训练,让学生明白什么是完整的一句话,以达到让他们写一句完整话的目的。全册共有以下种练习句式。


1 . ()()正()呢!

2 . pull up 拔出;拔掉;使车停住;停车

3 . Christmas comes but once a year But when it comes it brings good cheer

4 . 例:西瓜长得那么大,那么圆。苹果那么香那么甜。

5 . Tell me you are mine I&#;ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time

6 . come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼

7 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

8 . Don&#;t wait to be loved, to love

9 . 今天是你生日,我为你做了一碗长寿面,每根面条里都有一份快乐,最后浇上开心的汤汁放上幸福的煎蛋。愿你吃在嘴里,美在心里。生日快乐!

10 . 爸爸一边喝水,一边看书。


1 . 您对我的爱是这样深,言语的表叙显得实在无力。母亲,我希望这句话能告诉您我最想说的事&&我多么感谢您,又多么自豪,因为我有像您这样慈爱的母亲。

2 . It&#;s really a shame we can&#;t be together at Christmas …you must be jumping for joy!

3 . put up 举起;盖起;支起;张贴;投宿

4 . 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

5 . 世界之大,只愿和你做朋友,孤独寂寞我不在乎,你好我就心满意足,结识你是老天给我的幸福。今天是你的生日,千万个思念带着祝福:祝生日快乐!

6 . Love&#;s tongue is in the eyes

7 . 老师一边说,一边写。

8 . 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。

9 . hold up 举起;竖起;支撑;使停顿;使延误

10 . Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year


1 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight

2 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。

3 . Wishing you && glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness to last throughout the year! Have a wonderful brithday

4 . ()()一边()一边()。

5 . 天气渐渐热起来了。

6 . Don&#;t wait to have a lot, to share a bit

7 . Christmas is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is no class

8 . 愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般。

9 . 不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间。

10 . But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。