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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 08:30:29



1 . It seems that +从句

2 . If Cowperwood were convicted, Stener needs must be

3 . Dawney answered slowly: "Never so happy as when my hands are full

4 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

6 . One of my suitcases is small, and the other one is medium

7 . Better die standing than live kneeling (=it is better to die standing than to live kneeling

8 . "How is your watch?" - "My watch goes the most accurately"

9 . It was arranged that all the boys should go by bike and all the girls on foot

10 . getgdgrades取得好成绩


1 . be made of 由……制成

2 . 整十数的序数词,变y为ie加th。例:

3 . = the sooner you do it the better it will be = By how much sooner you do it, by so much better it will be

4 . This idea was put forward by Mr Wheatley Children are well taken care of in the nurseries

5 . …his team came in twentieth 他的队第二十名。

6 . I will say this, that the best shot in existence could not have done it more beautifully

7 . hatetdsth讨厌做某事

8 . Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true It is our greatest happiness to dedicate our youth to the New Long March

9 . A 当宾语是缺乏实义的代词it时,不能变,如:walk it, go it, fight it out

10 . [注] 如果两个主语相比,谓语动词应与前一个保持一致关系。如: He no less than you is (不是are diligent


1 . He preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do

2 . 将来进行时 现在完成进行时 将来完成进行时 过去完成进行时

3 . These arms are supposed to have been used by partisans during the anti-Japanese war

4 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

5 . 句型[主语+…choose+名词A+before+名词B] [主语+before+从句]

6 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

7 . 带介词保留宾语的被动句中常用动词有:clear…of, cure…of, strip…of, add…to, devote…to, dedicated…to, base…on, compare…with, free…from等。

8 . He works more regularly than you do

9 . All the roads were cleared of snow Education must be combined with production labor

10 . passsbsth把某物传给某人


1 . Robert Finn was dismissed by the boss of the factory

2 . hate+(td/dingsth

3 . helpsb(td/withsth帮助某人干某事

4 . make dumplings 包饺子 make a car 制造汽车

5 . I find him a clever boy 我觉得他是个聪明的孩子。

6 . as…as中间加原级的形容词或副词。例:

7 . 答案D with +名词(代词+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词手与分词绑是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D

8 . I would (或had rather join you in research work than go on holiday to the seaside

9 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see

10 . make sb /sth do 使某人/某物做某事


1 . In point of strength, he is second to none (second to none独一无二

2 . [注] 极比句中表示范围的词语,除了用差比句附注第三列出的词以外,还有以下几种。

3 . proud作宾语补足语,修饰宾语your country;

4 . Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose

5 . 不要使用无比较对象的孤立的比较级。如:(误 We saw many smaller houses on both sides of the river

6 . I would (just as soon stay at home as go for a walk

7 . 用其他词语表达:Three early mornings will make a day Only he in our class can cope with you in knowledge of English

8 . 用条件句表示范围: "If there is one thing I do not like, it is a crying child…"

9 . [注] "best of all" 表示肯定的最; "least of all" 表示否定的最, 如: I like swimming best of all

10 . 我必须干些活。