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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-21 04:07:09



1 . The sports meet was called ____ on account of the rain

2 . 主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语):eg My father bought me a car

3 . ? 主补:对主语的补充。

4 . He dares to tell the truth(改为否定句)

5 . Lucy为呼语

6 . He studies hard to learn English well

7 . He is proud to have passed the national college entrance examination(不定式短语) He is in the room making a model plane(分词短语)

8 . The door remains open Now I feel tired

9 . 赏析:一个动词吻字,写出了海浪亲昵温柔的情态。

10 . 同位语 与句中的某一成分,常常是名词或代词,是同一意思, 可互相替换 ?


1 . Last night she didn&#;t go to the dance party because of the rain(原因状语)

2 . ,属于独立成分。它的位置如: Sit down, Lucy(露西,坐下)

3 . 例句:海水疯狂地汹涌着,吞没了远近大小的岛屿。

4 . The question is whether they will come (表语从句

5 . 这两句话中分别由人称代词 him , 名词food 作宾语。

6 . Twenty years is a short time in history (数词 Seeing is believing (动名词) To see is to believe (不定式) What he needs is a book (主语从句)

7 . 主语 + 及物动词 +宾语 She likes English

8 . 表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, then等连接。eg The teacher&#;s name is Smith, and the student&#;s name is John

9 . I hope to see you again (不定式

10 . Twenty years is a short time in history (数词


1 . 赏析:一连串的排比,将鼓神击鼓的姿势动作描绘得栩栩如生,气势磅礴。又借助比喻和对比,表现出鼓声的变化多端,使读者如临其境如闻其声。

2 . He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately(结果状语)

3 . To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ring ” (不定式

4 . Don’t keep the lights burning (现在分词

5 . The teaching plan for next term has been worked out(动名词)

6 . 如比喻,是根据事物的相似点,用具体的浅显的熟知的事物来说明抽象的深奥的生疏的事物。其作用表现在能将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,使深奥的道理变得浅显易懂。

7 . He hates you (代词

8 . Lucy 为My sister 的同位语

9 . 简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning

10 . taste(尝吃起来, remain(保持,仍是, feel(感觉 …


1 . 并列句:由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。

2 . ②找出和谓语关系最密切的句子成分一主语。审查两者之间的关系是否一致。

3 . One-third of the students in this class are girls(数词)

4 . 赏析:这是一个过度句,在结构上的作用是承上启下,是联系大海由睡到醒,潮水由落到涨的纽带。

5 . The meeting will be held in the meetingroom

6 . 常见的句式特点有:长短句结合句子对仗工整双重否定句。排比句反问句倒装句等。

7 . 直接宾语与间接宾语:

8 . 句子成分;简单句并列句和复合句

9 . 主语+及物动词+宾语:eg Henry bought a dictionary

10 . 例句:远处的钟声突然惊醒了海的酣梦。


1 . 如: My sister Lucy is very beautiful(我的妹妹露西很漂亮。

2 . 在娘娘庙前感受了旺盛的香火和虔诚的气氛。(《北京青年报》年月日)

3 . 赏析:作者用两个反问一个设问表达了对阳光不公的抗议,莫非一词更让人感受到作者的怨恨之情。

4 . I hope you are very well(复合句) I&#;m fine, but tired(简单句) Right now it is the summer vacation and I&#;m helping my Dad on the farm(并列句) August is the hottest month here(简单句) It is the time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark(并列句) Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors(简单句) We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat(并列复合句) We have a lot of machines on the farm(简单句) Although the farm is large, my Dad has only two men working for him(复合句) But he employs more men for the harvest(简单句) My brother takes care of the vegetable garden(简单句) It doesn&#;t often rain in the summer here(简单句) As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden(简单句) Every evening we pump water from a well(简单句) It then runs along channels to different parts of the garden(简单句)

5 . The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time(代词)

6 . call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要

7 . 很多重点句的含义,往往是通过一二个动词形容词副词数量词等关键词语传递出来的。抓住句中关键词语去深入理解句子,是常用的可取的一种赏析句子的方法。

8 . 现做具体说明如下:

9 . (二)简单句的五种基本句型

10 . call out大喊,高叫


1 . Smoking does harm to the health(动名词)

2 . 主语+不及物动词:eg We work

3 . 这句话中 a book 为直接宾语, me 为间接宾语。

4 . 主语 + 不及物动词 She came./ My head aches

5 . We should help the old and the poor I enjoy working with you (动名词)

6 . In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder(目的状语)

7 . 英语句子成分和英语句子结构讲解

8 . 状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。

9 . 这句话中,Mike 作my uncle

10 . )感叹句:How clever the boy is!