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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2022-09-21 02:59:43



1 . While there is life there is hope

2 . 家就是一个我能关起门来独处的地方。

3 . Those who missed the love, I want to hug you miss the courage to embrace

4 . Thought always spent in cigarettes, total love in alcohol broken 思念总在香烟里度过,爱情总在酒精里破碎。

5 . Itd be better to light up the candle than curse the darknessNo one can give you brightness expect yourself 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。没有人能给你光明,除了你自己。

6 . When love is not madness, it is not love

7 . Dont listen to what others say you, go your own way

8 . 素色如锦。待到时光静好,与你相忘于天涯。

9 . Matches if the escape the burning pain, its life will be intense darkness without light

10 . 少年,你的职责是平整土地,而非焦虑时光;你去做三四月份的事情,到八九月自有答案。


1 . 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

2 . Love is a carefully designed lie爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。

3 . One today is worth two tomorrow

4 . No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn&#;t stop for your grief The sun comes right back up the next day

5 . There is no remedy for love but to love more

6 . 听喜欢的人说晚安,就像是天上的星星掉下来跌进梦里,只为我一个人闪闪发亮。

7 . Every move, is a promise, will be another person to see in the eyes, remember in the heart of the

8 . 我的宝贝,感谢你在两年前来到我的生命里,谢谢你选择我做你的妈妈。能够有充足时间见证你的成长是一件很幸福很骄傲的事情。时光静好,陪你长大。

9 . My worst enemy is my MEMORY对我来说,最可怕的敌人,是我的记忆。

10 . 在不经意间被别人牵挂着,是件幸福的事。


1 . 超人的幸福需要咸蛋,我的幸福需要你。

2 . 你只管善良,上天自由衡量。

3 . 想要拥有五颜六色的羊毛袜,食堂餐盘里冒出的热气,永远保着温的热奶茶。

4 . 我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。

5 . If you do not respect each other, love is difficult for a long time to hold

6 . 不要做让自己后悔的事,要做,就做让别人后悔的事。

7 . 与孩子在一起,陪孩子玩是件很幸福的事,平凡人的幸福。

8 . I have forgotten what I have experienced in the past, those people who are only my own things

9 . The darkneis no darknewith thee

10 . The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。


1 . Love someone not because they give you what you need Love them because they give you feelings you never thought you needed爱上某人不是因为他们给了你需要的东西,而是因为他们给了你从未有过的感觉。

2 . No matter how much you hate your school, when you leave for a long time, you still miss it

3 . While there is life there is hope 一息若存,希望不灭。

4 . Mantianxing flower is missing, pure, true love and dreams

5 . 星河滚烫你是人间理想,夜风寒凉你是人间火光,万世沉浮你是人间归途。

6 . 怕什么路途遥远。走一步有一步的风景,进一步有一步的欢喜。幸福,在路上。

7 . Some things, only when the memories Some people, can only do a passenger

8 . 你是泊于青春的港口的一叶小舟,愿你扬起信念的帆,载着希望的梦幻,驶向辽阔的海洋。

9 . The pain was too silent for fear of said it will get sympathy 太痛了就保持沉默,因为害怕说出来会换来同情

10 . How many Confidante sad, how many Acacia broken, leaving only the bloody Angel cry mess