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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-05 06:08:07



1 . 结点 node

2 . ·UPS:不断电系统

3 . 线索二叉树 threaded binary tree

4 . short cataloging

5 . cybernetics 控制论

6 . ③引蚓隐瘾饮尹

7 . 分块查找 block search

8 . 转置矩阵 transposed matrix

9 . Attachment,ATA-表示传输速率为MB/sec

10 . 完全二叉树 complete binary tree


1 . cell 单元

2 . 有序数 ordered tree

3 . 树 tree

4 . v 给加盐;用盐腌制(食物)

5 . 折叠法 folding method

6 . 这条路穿过两条山脉之间的峡谷。Imagination will span the gap in our knowledge

7 . Informed judgement

8 . ②亭停廷庭蜒

9 . adder 加法器

10 . 随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort


1 . v temper的过去式和过去分词;(使)缓和

2 . compiler 编译程序

3 . The first IBM PC was like the first car ever made,and all computers produced since its introduction look and behave similarly(but without the crank to start them up

4 . ③省醒

5 . n 盐,食盐;

6 . analog computer 模拟计算机

7 . This is the centre of the technology

8 . fresh

9 . frame 帧

10 . wage index 工资指数


1 . floppy disk drive 软磁盘机

2 . [美]新水兵Raised the money for the new playground

3 . ·POST:开机检测Power On Self Test

4 . feed 馈送,供给

5 . TFT:有源矩阵彩色显示器,简称TFT显示器,专用于笔记本电脑。TFT显示器具有刷新速度快色彩逼真亮度鲜明等优点。此外,它还具有无闪烁无辐射无静电等“绿色电脑”所必需的特点。

6 . 索引文件 indexed file

7 . neo-

8 . retirement 退休

9 . ②营莹萤盈迎赢

10 . 同仇敌忾The series uses common components and common interior electronics