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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-12-26 14:10:35



1 . Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades Laugh or cry as you like, and it&#;s meaningless to oppress yourself

2 . may day is a gas station,fill up the body for you!

3 . 上帝七天创造了宇宙万物,五一放假七天,我们能创造一段世间奇缘吗?

4 . I’ve tried many times to tell you, but I’ll say it again: I love you mother

5 . 日子悠然,父爱默然,缘份天然,孝心自然,有时漠然,内心了然,有时淡然,今朝必然,节日灿然,祝福诚然,尽孝欣然,愿父怡然!

6 . Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen

7 . Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past

8 . 劳动后的休息是最舒适的,呵呵,让我们好好享受这个美好的假日吧!

9 . Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so

10 . 在这一天,我们将会抽空休息一下,想想妈妈们帮我们做了多少事。


1 . I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way

2 . Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day

3 . 好几天没有你的消息了,你现在还好吗?可以回个短信吗?祝你快乐。

4 . A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you May you seek all the best that the world has to give May you never stop learning for as long as you live

5 . 鹏程万里: have a bright future

6 . 虽然我经常没有时间告诉您,但我真的爱您,妈妈。

7 . 如果一片树叶代表快乐我送你一片森林;如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;如果一颗流星代表一份幸福,我送你一条银河,祝父亲节开心!

8 . 送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!

9 . Work at ordinary times busy,crazy shopping before May Not empty hands full,treat yourself never miss!

10 . 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。


1 . National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you million:

2 . 人生的旅程中,是您带着我勇敢地面对生活,是您不尽的关怀,无限的关爱,伴我成长。父亲节来临之际,内心澎湃,只想大声对您说:我爱您!

3 . predecessors trees descendants cool, celebrate the happiness of the people, to the prosperity! you smile often a blessing, wish you happy!前人栽树后人乘凉,幸福的人们欢度国庆,愿祖国繁荣昌盛!祝福你笑脸常开,祝愿你心想事成!

4 . 劳动节愿我们的劳动带给大家春天的回报,祝您全家幸福愉快。

5 . Wish you a happy Father&#;s Day and the best of everything!

6 . 您用勤劳的双手,创造了美好的生活,今天是您的节日,祝您节日愉快!

7 . A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart Happiness for your birthday and always

8 . 我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。

9 . 玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。这张母亲卡是特别给您的。

10 . 忍为高不如让为高,忍字头上一把刀。宽容之心时时在,海阔天空自逍遥。哥们,今儿是咱老爷们儿的节日,咱祝自个儿:父亲节快乐!


1 . A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year

2 . 愿数不尽的欢乐陪伴您佳节的每时每刻。

3 . water in a stream, fish in travel, love you no reason; blowing in the wind, rain the next, you want to have some affinity; days affection, and love, the national romantic will it work? 水在流,鱼在游,爱你不需要理由;风在吹,雨在下,很想抱你亲一下;天有情,地有情,国庆浪漫一下行不行?


5 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

6 . 劳动带给我们一切,有劳动,才有回报,才有收获!祝你劳动节快乐!

7 . Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! !

8 . 五一愿你乐相伴,福相随,五一快乐!

9 . 妈妈,谢谢您的一切。

10 . Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life&#;s way May your birthday be happy in more ways than one