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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 14:16:18



1 . What do you recommend你推荐什么?

2 . Dont mention it 不必客气。

3 . It doesn&#;t work

4 . 我们还是找一个折衷的办法。

5 . cutupthebananas切碎香蕉

6 . I&#;m really in a bind

7 . If I have leftover food (food that I prepared previously and saved, then I heat it up using the microwave, stove, or oven To heat up food means to raise the temperature, to make it hot

8 . God works

9 . 面试中的细节可以展现出求职者的良好素养。

10 . Dont give up 别放弃。


1 . Get down to business

2 . Give me a call 给我打电话。

3 . Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?

4 . I don&#;t care

5 . O: before he made the top three, I was so nervous I just fear that he might be knocked out

6 . Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect。

7 . 被人批评真痛苦。

8 . He got under the boss?s skin

9 . I think you’ve put your finger on it

10 . 我会留意的。


1 . What&#;s the fuss?

2 . Does it serve your purposes?

3 . Jane:What?

4 . 不要着急,还早呢。Don’t hurry It’s still early。

5 . Jane:I prefer the opposite The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

6 . 他惹恼了老板。

7 . Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?

8 . E: your office?Aren&#;t you a freelancer?

9 . B: sure I am I work for myself, but I&#;ve rented a virtual office at an office building in the downtown area

10 . Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?


1 . Don&#;t flatter me

2 . 我看上去怎么样?How do I look?

3 . 恰当使用礼貌用语是面试中的必然要求。

4 . Tilly broke the door and ran away 泰利破门逃跑了。

5 . 当代办公室流行的方式就是自己带饭拉。每当到中午的时候,微波炉君们总是很忙。 因为大家要heat up/ microwave 食物呀。 话题Topic 也是可以被热的,topic begins to heat up指的就是某个话题近期很火。

6 . It doesn&#;t make any difference

7 . Susan:Sounds fun Anyone I know is going?

8 . Maybe he’s in the teachers’ office 可能他在老师办公室。

9 . Greetings, though not the main subject, may mean success or failure in an interview

10 . 你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?


1 . Not so bad

2 . Dont make any mistakes 别出差错。

3 . 轮到你洗碗了。It’s your turn to wash the dishes。

4 . K: it&#;s just the right size--a perfect fit! I&#;ll take it Oh, no,I&#;m a little short Did you bring your credit card?

5 . R: maybe you have a point

6 . oneteaspoonofcinnamon一茶匙肉桂

7 . 恰当的寒喧可以缓解紧张和尴尬。

8 . Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗?

9 . 我要是早半小时起床就好了。If only I had got up thirty minutes earlier。

10 . S: I&#;ll do it someday But it&#;s not the right time now I have to learn a lot by working as an employee


1 . Painting the town red

2 . J: that&#;s right You should establish good relationships with them what else are you planning to do while working for that company?

3 . Still up?

4 . Merry Christmas to you all!祝你们都耶诞快乐!

5 . Frank:Do you like cooking?

6 . Carter:No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with your hair like that。

7 . We’re about the same age, I think 我想我们大概年龄相仿。

8 . Frank:Let’s make a deal。

9 . Have him return my call让他给我回电话。

10 . mixitallup将它们混合在一起


1 . S: you could say soI&#;ll work hard in that company and try to understand as much as possible about how to run an enterprise

2 . 记得带上你的包。Remember to take your bag。

3 . Dont take any chances不要心存侥幸。

4 . 上帝的安排。

5 . Frank:Fair enough。

6 . 我左右为难。

7 . 我工作的主要内容就是要挖掘新的点子出来。短语动词come up with这里指的是产生和发明的意思。

8 . All I have to do is learn English我所要做的就是学英语。

9 . Very well Thank you! Andyou 我很好。谢谢。你呢?

10 . Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来!


1 . E: what kind of services do they offer?

2 . I’d like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess, Mr And Mrs Smith, for inviting me to this Christmas party男主人和女主人史密斯先生和夫人邀请我参加那诞聚会,我想说句话以表示我衷心的感谢。

3 . I wish, first of all, to thank my host and hostess for inviting me to this Christmas dinner首先我要感谢主人和女主人邀请我参加这耶诞晚餐会。

4 . Be my guest 请便/别客气。

5 . I have a lot of ideas for the project and I try to flesh them out

6 . Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗?

7 . 糟糕,我把钥匙锁在房子里了。Damn, I have locked the key in the house。

8 . Thank you for your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful Thanksgiving celebration谢谢你们一番盛情邀请我和你们一起过这美好的感恩节庆典。

9 . Better safe than sorry 小心不出大错。

10 . Who knows!


1 . # I Look Through My E-Mails And Dash Off Quick Replies

2 . K: exactly! Oh, my god! I love Britney! I&#;m going to get it

3 . Can you make it? 你能来吗?

4 . 吃完饭你洗碗吗?Will you do the dishes after the meal?

5 . Details in the interview can show the good attainment of the job-hunter

6 . # My Morning Coffee Makes Me Perk Up

7 . 他现在糟糕了。

8 . 我不去了。

9 . Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?

10 . Perk up 表示让你元气满满,精神振奋的意思。我熬夜了,所以需要个coffee来perk me up