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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-12-24 08:13:17



1 . 人人需要爱,特别是不值得爱的人。

2 . 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的。

3 . Don&#;t rush anything When the time is right, it&#;ll happen

4 . ( 我最珍贵

5 . 总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回忆。

6 . 心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了

7 . Caught up in your smile。 (沉迷在你的微笑里 )

8 . Not coins play a role ,but you know what you hope when you throw it into air

9 . Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq

10 . If you fall in love with a wild horse。[如若你爱上一匹野马]


1 . 我能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。

2 . It&#;s not our job to make people like us if they don&#;t want to

3 . 在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。

4 . 爱情,不过是从无话不谈,到无话可说

5 . 现在的一切皆为果,而你过去曾做的那些选择皆为因。

6 . 没有人能真正长大,我们只是在变老而已。

7 . The night is too deep will be fascinating。夜太深会让人着迷

8 . 如果一开始就没握住那双最想要牵的手,错过的岁月就会成为不断的寻找和将就。

9 . 过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

10 . 冒险是值得的。如果赢了,你会得到快乐;如果输了,你会得到智慧。


1 . 心不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。

2 . 爱情,在指间的承诺。时间在回忆间消失。

3 . I may be able to forgive and forget, but things will never be the same between us

4 . 凡事不要心急。时间对了,要来的总会来。

5 . 永远都不要放弃做本人,由于人生很短基本没时间模拟他人。

6 . 如果你想要被爱,就要去爱,并要让自己值得被爱。

7 . 【I wish you after crying tears of joy】

8 . 到底还是要浅薄如斯,哪怕不忍看着一切变成班驳的荒芜。

9 . Exactly still to shallow man even pat looked at all become ground sterility

10 . You never leave my heart。你从不曾离开我的心。


1 . Use your smile to change the world Don&#;t let the world change your smile

2 . Life&#;s greatest regret,than the wrong insist,and easily give up

3 . 因为喜欢,我开始变得胆怯。

4 . 不要让喜欢你的人喜欢到放弃

5 . 或许,人生重要的不是我们走了哪条路,而是我们是否迈出了脚步。

6 . You are my the last tenderness [ 你是我最后的温情 ]

7 . (我一直都在猜,什么才是未来)

8 . Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm

9 . 我也许可以原谅并且忘记,但我们之间有些东西永远不再一样了。

10 . Met is the beginning but also left the countdown


1 . The more in the world is the opposite and not all roads lead to Rome

2 . No one actually grows up,We just grow old

3 . Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest

4 . Paper plane fly farther take away my heart

5 . Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you

6 . 我承认不是我想要放你走,而是你始终都不要我。

7 . 地球上独一巨大的是人,人身上独一巨大的是心灵。

8 . I am not greed but I envy。我没有贪婪但我羡慕海枯石烂。

9 . Time to teach you see every face。[时间教你看清每一张脸。]

10 . I&#;ll tell you all about it when I see you again


1 . 使他人幸福的人,是真正的幸福。

2 . He misses her, but he missed her (错过只在一瞬 思念却是一世)

3 . Don&#;t fear you forsake,just afraid of losing you

4 . 我不是嫉妒,我只是难过有种深情你从未给我。

5 . Sometimes it is easier and better for us to love someone from a safe distance

6 . Speak sugared words, for the left ear

7 . Don&#;t rush and never settle If it&#;s meant to be, it will be

8 . 有人说,时间让人忘记疼,我不觉得,时间只能让人习惯疼。

9 . I am a thief, I am here to steal your heart

10 . 微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。


1 . Life, half is memory, half is to continue

2 . There is still a long way to go You may cry, but you have to keep on moving and never stop

3 . 有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉。

4 . Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way

5 . You can fake a smile, but you can&#;t fake your feelings

6 . 从相遇到离开,我欠自己良多,不欠你分毫。

7 . 我的坟墓还不需要你来上香。

8 . I am your traveler, you are my heart 我是你的过客,你却是我的心。

9 . They said that the story matches the wine, but they don&#;t it easier to make people shed tears

10 . Your words are full of enthusiasm too(开始太热情把话都说尽)


1 . Happy people focus on what they have, unhappy people focus on what&#;s missing

2 . You can`t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf

3 . 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

5 . 在我们生命中出现的人,

6 . Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree

7 . 友谊靠真实和忠诚来巩固

8 . 有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

9 . 你好好珍惜我,我好好把握你。

10 . When I close my eyes, I don&#;t see myself, but you


1 . And then deep memory, also has forgotten the day

2 . Never give up on something you really want, it&#;s difficult to wait, but worse to regret

3 . You are I wait less than passers-by

4 . 生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

5 . Time is willing to let me make you well

6 . 你要在我身边就好了

7 . 我们不再是朋友,我们是有共同回忆的陌生人。

8 . Some memories, doomed to not erase; like some people, doomed to the same can not be replaced

9 . 我有多倔强就有多坚强。

10 . 不必遗憾,至少它曾让你微笑过。