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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-08-09 15:55:27



1 . 然而,一天清晨,当我推开窗子时,愕然发现前夜的一场风雨已将它摧残得落红满地。刹那间,我有一种"花开终有落"的悲凉感觉。这使我不由得发出一声慨叹:人生的旅途中,总是少不了种种羁绊,那些曲折的经历总会伴随着我们。曾经失去过的挚爱的朋友,生命的脆弱不正是像这随风而逝的花吗?

2 . 夜阑人静,天籁无声。每逢这个时刻,你才能卸下沉重的面具,拆去心园的栅栏,真实地审视自己,在生命的深处,你终于倾听到一丝悠然的脆鸣。这是一首真善美的诗。像甘霖,像春风,柔慢而隽永。

3 . A man is only as good as what he loves。一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。

4 . 两个原本陌生的人因爱走到了一起,就很不容易,因为那是需要彼此的真情与信任的付出,才能形成这份真爱的。而这爱因存在于两者之间,也最容易受伤,也很脆弱,所以就应更好的珍惜与保护这爱的原色,而不让其丢失。

5 . One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers。曾经沧海难为水。

6 . To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;

7 . For man is man and master of his fate。人就是人,是自己命运的`主人。

8 . 回忆着曾经,一切只是纠结与悲剧。

9 . Use legs and have legs

10 . A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。手中的一只鸟胜于林中的两只鸟。


1 . 言语的伤害是最大的伤害,因为皮肉的伤害可以很快愈合,但是一旦心灵被伤害了,要愈合就困难得多。这世界上最残忍的事,就是抓住对方的过错进行指责,而不给别人宽容和机会。一个高尚的人,往往更能为别人考虑,善于控制自己的情感,在任何时候都不会伤害别人的自尊。这是一种修养,一种自持。

2 . If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?

3 . 未雨绸缪。

4 . 别在河流中间换马。

5 . 我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。

6 . 我在遗忘我所经历的过往,那些人事物最后只有我自己。

7 . A lazy youth, a lousy age

8 . What is done cannot be undone

9 . 并情愿快乐地悲伤。

10 . Clumsy birds have to start flying early


1 . 美德常青。

2 . 从我的房间的窗子向外望去,可以看到一株高大的芙蓉树。春日里,芙蓉树在薄雾中若隐若现,红花点点,样子实在迷人。它总是赋予我灵感,让我思如泉涌。时间久了,我竟把这菱蓉视为知已了。

3 . Alone, there is no one in your heart Lonely, you are not in the heart of the people are not around

4 . Good wine needs no bush

5 . One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers

6 . He looked towards the sky and cried painfully,"h youth, return! Oh, my father, place me oncemore at the entrance to life and III chose the better way!

7 . However, it seems once a couple has been together for around seven months they decide they really do love each other and start to let go。 然而,似乎两人在一起到了七个月左右时,他们就会觉得彼此的感情已经稳定,便开始放任自流。

8 . Those in a serious relationship have long been warned about the dangers of the seven-year itch But research has found couples risk running into trouble far earlier-thanks to the seven-month slouch。

9 . Those who missed the love, I want to hug you miss the courage to embrace

10 . 彼此彼此。


1 . 当属于我们的向日葵死了,那么我们还会微笑么。

2 . Forget who should forget our motherland is Lingling refused to bomb a pianxian

3 . "Im not sure, I just dont feel like I am making any progress Thislast week I saw a course I wanted to take if only I had the time to take it"

4 . Do not teach fish to swim

5 . Yiyang distance to go now for a month, even if it still can not find their own satisfaction that four days to record your feelings accompanied me time, perhaps rough speech, because of you, in my mind it is the most beautiful story I said give all of you the next chapter

6 . That is my day and night thinking of the people, may never say that sentence with her

7 . 太多的话语在喉咙中梗咽,终究还是无言以对。

8 . Some things, only when the memories Some people, can only do a passenger

9 . 在黄昏怀着感恩之心回家;

10 . 欲速则不达。


1 . Meet plot with plot

2 . 你又不是我的美瞳,干嘛要把你放在眼里去。

3 . 四月份,总是多雨的季节。初来乍到的陌生让我们只能徘徊在街头漫无目的地闲晃,大部分的时间被用来百无聊赖地行走,没有风光无限,没有特色小吃,就连所谓的繁华一条街也远远“超出了”我的期待,实在累了便找个地方随意点些吃的坐下来休憩,我们甚至还跑去网吧,你玩游戏,我睡觉。超乎寻常的平淡,有疲倦,会抱怨,可是我们彼此十指相扣,我亦深深的满足。陪伴着,帮你挑选衣服的颜色,为你参考鞋子的款式,一起讨论食宿的地点,细雨朦胧中你为我撑起的伞,寒意席卷时为我披上的外衣,波澜不惊的温暖抚平了我内心对这个城市残存的失望。

4 . So many men, so many minds

5 . 爱,原本没有错!虽然面对现实,太多的世俗伦理道德法规禁锢着爱的演绎。但如果我们冷静一想,这是对爱的一种负责与保护。因为爱是需要呵护与珍惜的,正如没有规矩,如何能画出一个完美的圆呢?

6 . It is never too late to mend

7 . I will greet this day with love in my heart

8 . 生命的辉煌,拒绝的不是平凡,而是平庸!所以春风得意时多些缅想,只要别背叛美丽的初衷;窘迫失意时多些憧憬,只要别虚构不醒的苦梦!

9 . 失败是成功之母。它让我们触及蓝天,它教会我们如何生存,它给予我们一条特殊的路。成功给予我们金钱名誉骄傲和自尊。这里,保持头脑清醒便显得尤为重要。唯一能让我们感激上帝给予的成功便是始终卑微谦虚礼貌并且尊重没有我们幸运的人们。

10 . One&#;s sin will find one out。 坏事终归要败露。


1 . 被自己对爱的理解所伤害;

2 . The man at the next table couldnt help overhear WHEN and IF They both were talking aboutwhen this and if that, finally he couldnt take it anymore

3 . Experience is the best teacher

4 . "如果"看了看"到那时"答道"我也不知道怎么了,只是觉得自己没什么进步。上个星期我发现一个很好的课程,如果有时间的话,我就去学。"

5 . 桃花凋谢了,枝头残留着几片花瓣,仍像点点跳动的火苗。

6 . Who pale I wait, the irony of my dedication

7 . An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil war Crude oil, or petroleum – a dark, thick ooze from the earth – had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it In the ’s Samuel M Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material

8 . The clock in the high church tower struck and the sound made him remember his parents earlylove for him They had taught him and prayed to God for his good But he chose the wrong waywith shame and grief he dared no longer to look towards the heaven where his father lived Hisdarkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing effort He burst out a cry:"Come back, myearly days! Come back! "

9 . 岩石圈被划分为几十个大小不同形状各异的板块,一般而言这些板块都处于相对运动之中。一道中海脊是板块之间的边界,在那里新的岩石圈的物质从下部注入。

10 . Love is a spiritual and emotional depths of the edge of real experience, and this feeling of human Forever is a very sweet, very touching Walking in the human world, in the face from the side with the vision of the vast flow of people walked in, people can really love, but for the love and infatuated and also how much? So falling in love with a person is a happy thing, and get other peoples love is also a lucky thing


1 . 不要做让自己后悔的事,要做,就做让别人后悔的事。

2 . Sometimes, I want to disappear, and then see if there will be someone miss me

3 . 千里之行始于足下。

4 . I have forgotten what I have experienced in the past, those people who are only my own things

5 . 人生是不可能一帆风顺的,关键是你怎样去看待风浪,当你把风浪当成上帝赐给你的雄壮的美景时,你有哪会觉得这就是“逆境”呢?因此,不要因为风浪而结束你的旅程,须知这是上帝赐予的别样的景致,整日的平风浪静又有什么乐趣呢?学者去欣赏它吧,这样,你才能微笑着把船开到彼岸。

6 . 有时候,我想消失一下,然后看看是否会有人想念我。

7 . 隔墙有耳。

8 . 爱自己爱的人本身就是一种幸福,你可以记住过去的美好。

9 . 我轻轻呼吸,呼吸没有你的空气。思念叫人窒息。

10 . You can&#;t eat your cake and have it also。世事两难全。


1 . Since the size of the Earth is essentially constant, new lithosphere can be created at the mid-ocean ridges only if an equal amount of lithospheric material is consumed elsewhere The site of this destruction is another kind of plate boundary: a subduction zone There one plate dives under the edge of another and is reincorporated into the mantle Both kinds of plate boundary are associated with fault systems, earthquakes and volcanism, but the kinds of geologic activity observed at the two boundaries are quite different

2 . Merry meet, merry part

3 . Ordinary people think merely of how they will spend time, a man of intellect tries to use it。常人只想如何消磨时间,智者则努力利用时间。

4 . 习惯成自然。

5 . (五)

6 . Understanding your first days, I swore off all sensible idea, put on a single word to make my sincere letter, the selection of a gift wrapped my deep tenderness, embarked on a train destined for Yiyang , duty-bound in love for the first time chose to be wearing armor of the brave You probably never know, paranoid view of love in my modesty and pride, but I met you, we are all collapse if there is another new self You bring me the beam of light, so clever, just shines into my heart the most cold corner Since then, a red-hot

7 . 月隐星现,露重风轻。每逢这个时候,你才能正视裸露的良知,走出世俗的樊箱,在灵魂的高处,你终于感念到一波必然的律动。这是一支真善美的歌啊!像皓月,像秋阳,淡泊而宁静。

8 . The theory of plate tectonics describes the motions of the lithosphere, the comparatively rigid outer layer of the Earth that includes all the crust and part of the underlying mantle The lithosphere(n[地]岩石圈is divided into a few dozen plates of various sizes and shapes, in general the plates are in motion with respect to one another A mid-ocean ridge is a boundary between plates where new lithospheric material is injected from below As the plates diverge from a mid-ocean ridge they slide on a more yielding layer at the base of the lithosphere

9 . Dear, I will not allow you to betray me, I do not allow myself to betray you

10 . 过去我曾无数次憧憬未来我会遇见怎样的人,发生什么样的故事,你偏离了我最初所有的幻想,可是没有遗憾。真爱大抵就是无法自拔地爱上一个与自己择偶标准反差极大的人!经过了多少绕指的情长才成就了这份心满意足的邂逅,多么幸运,最后,是你!


1 . Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself

2 . Gratitude is the sign of noble souls。感恩是精神高尚的标志。

3 . You&#;re uinique,nothing can replace you。你举世无双,无人可以替代。

4 . It six of one and half a dozen of the other

5 . "Excuse me gentlemen," the man said IFand WHEN both looked at the man and wondered what he wanted The man continued,

6 . I&#;m ready to go with you for a lifetime, and ready for you to go

7 . However it seems men are far happier to relax their standards while more women told researchers from Remington that they never allow themselves to be seen looking hairy or too unkempt。 然而据雷明顿调查人员的调查,男性似乎更容易放松自己的标准,较多的女性称她们从不会让自己看起来头发凌乱或邋里邋遢。

8 . I count your smiles every day, but you&#;re so lonely when you&#;re smiling

9 . 无风不起浪。

10 . Ask yourself what you are afraid of What can be the worst that can happen? Take a step-by-step approach in breaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to looking at things more positively When you confront your fears, you will often realize that the worst case scenario is not as bad as you think In fact, the benefits of change are worth the risk Your inner talk begins to change at this point