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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-17 18:56:10



1 . Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。

2 . 原因 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to

3 . Hang In There 永不低头

4 . love makes man grow up or sink down 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

5 . 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视

6 . Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States , founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

7 . account for 解释

8 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States Lucretia Mott’s的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。

9 . By the time he is , he will have learned words

10 . 二复杂版高中英语万能句子,适用于一般英语考试作文写作


1 . Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence 父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。

2 . 生活中困难在所难免,

3 . It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, that is the main focus of social psychology 社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的交往,而不是他们各自生活中的事件。

4 . it is commonly believed that … / it is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

5 . Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。

6 . with the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…

7 . as far as something is concerned, … 就某事而言,……

8 . 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

9 . therefore 因此

10 . there is no doubt that (job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits


1 . In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。

2 . Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion 未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮。拒绝一切传统,试图通过强调机械和动态来美化生活。

3 . within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again 有了你,我迷失了自我。 失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

4 . Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red 酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。

5 . 我十分赞同这一论述,即……,其主要原因如下:

6 . 比较:

7 . Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…

8 . Nowadays, (overpopulation has become a problem we have to face

9 . 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……

10 . nowadays,it is common to ______ many people like______ because ______ besides,______


1 . if you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

2 . The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well

3 . It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …

4 . It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

6 . why______? the first reason is that ______the second reason is ______thethird is ______for all this, the main cause of ______due to ______

7 . look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

8 . when two’s company, three’s the result!两个人的状态是不稳定的,三个人才是!

9 . Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid 大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高于液态。

10 . 只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。而你正是这样一位强者。


1 . one should love animals they are so tasty 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。

2 . cover up 掩盖;包庇

3 . The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer 国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。

4 . What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you

5 . wind up 上紧(钟表)发条;使紧张;兴奋;结束

6 . Obviously, if we don&#;t control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger

7 . 最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。

8 . Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …

9 . as far as i am concerned, i agree with the latter opinion to some extent ithink that ____

10 . come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼


1 . Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live 受当代灌溉(技术设施之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。

2 . put up 举起;盖起;支起;张贴;投宿

3 . He didn’t finish yesterday evening

4 . 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……

5 . money is not everything there’s mastercard & visa 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。

6 . By the time next week, I will have learned words

7 . When I arrived, Ann had left

8 . 常用过去完成时的情况

9 . to speak frankly 坦白地说

10 . The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined 尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。


1 . alien to与相反

2 . There is no doubt that (job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits

3 . 过去某时以前发生的动作或情况

4 . There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同

5 . 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题

6 . agree with同意

7 . Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur 在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于它不发生的几率。

8 . make up 弥补;赔偿;编造;组成;虚构

9 . it is high time that something was done about it for example _____inaddition _____all these measures will certainly______

10 . 因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点-----坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。