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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2022-10-13 08:19:03



1 . 学生时代——找到你的「启蒙者」

2 . 偌大的地球上能和你相遇,真的不容易,感谢上天给了我们这次相识相知的缘份。别忘了,你的世界我曾经来过。

3 . 谢谢你们!感谢一路陪伴,你们是我生命中的贵人!希望你们越来越好!

4 . 我微笑:你没有问题的,到时候别忘了告诉我,让我替你高兴高兴。小周用力点头,必须的,姐,保持联系。

5 . 在这个阶段,为自己找到一个好老师,躲开那些消极的「启蒙者」。

6 . 恨有时是误用了爱的力量。

7 . , the goodwill and passion of youth are like spring water Friends, please write the youth&#;s language, the poetry of youth, the painting of youth, and the record book of life, a memorable page forever

8 . , thank the beautiful campus, gave me the wings of flying; thank my dear teachers and classmates, gave me the confidence and courage to spread the wings

9 . 生活是一场漫长的旅行,不要浪费时间,去等待那些不愿与你携手同行的人。

10 . , growth is no end of the journey, sincerely hope that tomorrow is a sunny day, we can all get ahead


1 . 谢谢你曾经的存在,存在于我记忆里最深处最美好的位置。谢谢因为有你我的记忆里只存在这些毛茸茸的轮廓。它们有着明晃晃的光圈叫我一直幸福者。

2 . 感谢生命中的贵人,教会如何立足,教会如何做事做人。感谢致力大平台,感谢致力的哥哥姐姐们的一直照顾跟保护,从自我改变。

3 . 不管是贫穷还是富有疾病或是健康,永远与你不离不弃,就算死神也无法将我们分开!感谢你对我多年的照顾。

4 . 最后祝母校的明天更加绚丽多彩,灿烂辉煌。

5 . 时光并不会眷偏袒任何的一个人,它也许会磨灭你的一切一切美好。只有心的温暖和坚持,只有一直明明白白,岁月才不会变得无情。如果时光太久,如果荒芜太长,即使是记忆,也会淡漠,我们都要用心生活。

6 . Oblivion is what we can&#;t change Everything is like a blueprint without align All of the past can&#;t go back to the past

7 . 人生的冷暖取决于心灵的温度。

8 . 这「个人」,你目前找对了几个?其实也就形塑了你现在的人生走向。在人生的关键时期选对人走对路,可以为自己创造一个崭新起点,闯出另一番格局。

9 . , life is a profound book, other people&#;s notes can not replace their own understanding The vast sea is boundless, and the road of life will never end Students, let us use friendship, wisdom and strength to cross the boundless sea and march towards tomorrow Alma mater, please accept the sincere wishes of the students who are leaving

10 . 八不想说再见,不想太伤感,昔日的好友,永远的知己,把我的祝福,伴你在身边,愿你天天开心,家庭幸福美满,前途一片光明,创造锦绣前程。


1 . 时光悠然,不快不慢,其实是对人生的一种提醒。把握自己的力量,活一场适合自己的人生,让心态慢下来。路在脚下,对自己做一份合理的安排,不忘初衷,悠然向前。不管是命中注定的磨难,还是命运的临时考验,都能泰然处之,活一份自在,活一份安然。

2 . 二十七大家相见的第一刻,竟是那样地放纵那样无拘无束地惊喊打趣戏谑握手拥抱仿佛忘记了自己的年龄,仿佛又回到了二十年前的校园。彼此想说的话太多,有聊不完的前尘往事,有说不尽离情别绪,更有道不完的喜悦与之沧桑。

3 . 记得前段时间看《欢乐颂》,演到关雎尔在工作中遇到了挫折,和安迪哭诉:姐姐,长大好累呀,做事好累呀。

4 . 时光,似快又慢。当日身处其中,是一幅画卷,长长的画卷,就像清明上河图,每一帧,有人,有物,流金而明媚。细细想去,光景沉沉。再回首,也许不过是用三言几语便能概述。留下的,只是模糊了的风景和人事,还有所有的种种措手不及的意外。但那种或欢悦或悲痛的心情,记忆会记紧。

5 . 我想死亡最美丽的,便是可以忘却人间的宿命于情。

6 . 每一张照片,都是时光的标本。

7 . 三你相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。

8 . , "time flies, time flies" Turn on the calendar and leave the entrance examination for more than ten days, that is to say, I am leaving my alma mater I can&#;t give it up! No teacher! I can&#;t give up my classmates! I can&#;t give up the alma mater! I can&#;t give up There are countless pieces of it!

9 . , beautiful campus, kindly teacher, kindly schoolmate Here, I have left many wonderful memories Here, there are laughter and loud voice; here, we increase knowledge and show ourselves Ah! Alma mater, Yu Ying, I can&#;t bear to see everything here

10 . 请用今天的努力让明天没有遗憾


1 . 当别人开始说你是疯子的时候,你离成功就不远了。

2 . 九一分钟的犹豫,会贻误战机,会丧失整个战场!还等什么?机会就在眼前,只要你加入我们的队伍,亿万万同胞都将会对你投以敬爱的目光!参军吧,参军光荣!

3 . 若能一切随她去,便是世间自在人。

4 . 真的感谢生命中遇到的每一位贵人,贵人相助不求回报,只希望你会变得更好。唯有谨记滴水之恩当涌泉相。

5 . , the children with the original and written words are never happy, and their happiness is like a playful child, wandering to the sky, wandering to the sky but not returning

6 . , university life is colourful, but it is only a harbor in your voyage, and the content of your life is the conquest outside the harbor

7 . 生活可以将就,生活也可以讲究。

8 . , the university is coming to an end, but the struggle is not over In the future, I would like to continue to strictly request the status of the graduates of the Southern Division, work conscientiously and work hard, and strive for the best results

9 . 我们就要告别敬爱的老师告别母校这个美丽的家园。母校是我们人生的摇篮,母校更是我们腾飞的起点。让我们在这里起飞,飞向祖国的蓝天,飞遍祖国的各个角落。今天,我们以母校为荣。明天,让母校为我们而骄傲!

10 . 有些东西,注定与你无缘,你再强求,最终都会离你而去;有些人,只能是你生命中的过客,你再留恋,到头来所有的期望终究成空。不属于你的,那就放弃吧,大千世界,莽莽苍苍,我们能够拥有的毕竟有限,不要让无止尽的欲求埋葬了原本的快乐与幸福。如果你想什么都抓住,最终只能什么都抓不住。


1 . 胸中没有大目标,一根稻草压断腰;胸中有了大目标,泰山压顶不弯腰

2 . 地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。

3 . 朋友之间谈到钱就伤感情,谈到感情就伤钱。

4 . , wound like me, is a stubborn child, refused to heal, because the heart is warm and humid place, suitable for anything growth

5 . 任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过嫉妒。

6 . , life is a picture of smooth and setback, joy and pain intertwined Just as our farewell to today and the meeting in the future are the inevitable tracks of life, then why should we lament, why should we cry Stepping on the distant train, the future is no longer a misty dream Do not know when to reunite today, send you a rain flower stone, but wish many years later, you can still remember the friend who is laughing and weeping with you! Cherish it!

7 . 必须有两到三位长期合作的人。

8 . , in a hurry, we are growing up When I graduated, I sincerely wish Yuying&#;s teachers are healthy and happy everyday! Bless the students who go to middle school, their academic achievements are excellent and brilliant

9 . Time is flying away, and years are passing by Only our friendship is always in my heart Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend!

10 . , leaving is not goodbye, it is sailing, is to pursue our beautiful dream! Even if the eye does not give up, we also have to laugh on the road Years later, when we look back, we will remember that, in the rain of the early summer, you also had my smiling face, the warm sunshine, also once reflected on you and me like the age of water!


1 . , unforgettable campus, memorable mentor, it is even harder to forget the Wenchuan earthquake that happened on graduation Chinese university students are with the people in the disaster area We do our best to repay the motherland&#;s training for us and help the people in the disaster area rebuild their homes

2 . 三十八山河壮丽景色秀,亿万民众大国泱;男儿何惜五尺身,踊跃参军守边疆。草绿军装映山色,青春容颜壮家乡。国泰民安功不没,志当军人美名扬。

3 . Don’t be disappointed on the journey of life There are friends in the world Seize your chance and value your opportunities May our friendship be everlasting?

4 . 再见啦,校园的一草一木。

5 . 二十五你祝福同学,祝福老师,永远健康快乐!一帆风顺!

6 . 你撑住了我倾斜的生活的船舷,泱泱碧水任我复苏的灵魂游弋向前,向前,你的友情,在我的生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的生命有了光彩,感谢生命中有你在身边!

7 . 二十九你我深深地理解,耗费了多少时间,战胜了多少困难,你才取得眼前的成绩。请你相信,在你追求拼搏和苦干的过程中,我将永远面带微笑地站在你的身旁。

8 . 十二明天你要去远航,请把这小小的礼物装在胸膛,它会化成你的信念和力量,鼓舞你去战胜狂风恶浪。

9 . 感谢你,陪伴我走过失落的日子;感谢你,在我无聊的时候,听我说废话;感谢你,在我无助的时候帮了我;感谢你,我最好,最知心的朋友!

10 . 给时光一份浅浅的回眸,给心灵一份淡淡的安暖;芬芳过往,岁月静好。


1 . 生命就是一场忧伤的夜曲,伤感是一种病毒,每一次阵痛,都是生命本身的能量释放,或许只有在这些悲伤与忧愁里,我们才感受到生命的真实。

2 . 三十六你你的身影是帆,我的目光是河流,多少次想挽留你,终于不能够。我知道人世间难得的是友情,但更宝贵的却是自由。

3 . , friends, in this farewell campus, have you ever wondered where the footsteps of our youth should go? There are tens of thousands of roads in the future, showcases with beautiful windows, and parks that are full of flowers Our footsteps should be stride forward into the great cause

4 . 四十五两天的联谊会结束了。密云连绵的山碧绿的湖水映留在脑海里,也见证了同学珍贵友谊的增长。感谢联谊会筹备组的同学,让友谊连接上,时光和情意在回忆还在牵挂着。

5 . 生命中的贵人,是分享幸福的人。天地造化,世间一行,人生需要幸福。

6 . 难过就是,虽然很难但总会过去。

7 . 无法控制的思念,已蔓延时光中的点点滴滴。全部为你而存在,回忆因你而精彩。zealforyou。

8 . 你认真做事的态度,能吸引你的贵人,也能助你抵达美好的未来。

9 . 十一此刻,我凝视你的眼睛,坦然的竟只有对未来的希冀。我怪你不挂念旧日的友情,你说我太多离情别绪——无奈何,分手的季节竟是如此怅然的秋季。

10 . , I will bring the knowledge I learned in four years into the society, and thank every teacher and every student I meet here