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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-08-30 09:25:30



1 . Go to a university and work hard Knowledge comes armed and dreams come true The book mountain is always climbing, learning the sea to make a boat Learn math and chemistry, brilliant career exhibition Wish you a good time in the new semester

2 . Every day is a new beginning From this day forward, try not to make up for it tomorrow The river of time, what we do every thing, all like to sprinkle seeds and under the moist of the time, those seeds slowly take root, sprout, smoke, flowering, finally produce the fruit of their own

3 . 不要以为你在别人的世界里有多重要,说不定也只是泛泛之交。

4 . 两年后,老实人不再修鞋,他拥有了一家小店。

5 . The blueprint of your dreams will wait for you to paint, and the bright future will wait for you to create The future of the motherland will wait for you to build, the road of success awaits you School day arrived, back school bag, may you learn the power of knowledge, create brilliant!

6 . 五我生病了。没有你我什么药都不吃,你就是那相思药,宝贝回来吧。

7 . 能当朋友的时候,千万不要做情人;没有永远的情人,只有永远的朋友。

8 . 六如果我消失了,有没有谁来找我?如果我难过了,有没有谁来安慰我。如果我生病了,有没有谁心疼我。

9 . 聪明人说:“其实你有三种选择:一是再学一门手艺,艺多不压身;二是扩大经营范围,以获得更大的利润;三是打劫,一夜暴富。”

10 . 你是我回不去的旧时光寻不回的旧人。


1 . 被欺骗了,我被人欺骗了,我什么都没有了。

2 . Every day, every day, every day after the traffic light, I smile with confidence, proud of myself ahead of the car In fact, I am trying to find a starting point and find a new beginning

3 . 谁又能明白谁的深爱,谁又能理解谁的离开。

4 . , dispatch belief as a diligent channel, for the dream fight reception, embedded learning mode in my mind, the life to brilliant avenue, first day, back up the bag, to the dream, good good study, day day up, come on!

5 . , life is wonderful, you come to deduce, the glorious future, to create, you dream of the sky, to swim, you first day to back up the bag, to dream, to the future, study hard, and create a wonderful life, come on!

6 . Come to the beautiful campus and open up the land of knowledge; Return to the happy classroom, dance active thinking Looking ahead to the bright future, flying knowledge wings It&#;s time to start school May you get better grades

7 . 我们总是在最信任的人那里丢失了信任。

8 . 欺骗比背叛来得伤人。

9 . 因为无能为力,所以随遇而安。因为无知未来,所以顺其自然

10 . 你是这个秋天里最后一丝游离的秋风,而我恰是这秋天里随风飘落的最后一片枫叶!


1 . The sun shines, the bird cries, the school begins on September ; Don&#;t worry, don&#;t worry Happy run, more fun, everyday up the mood; Sleep, smile, and go to school!

2 . 但是,人与人之间的交往说到底还是需要心与心之间的交流的。所以我们在处事圆滑的同时,一定要记住一个根本:为人诚实,诚信为本。试想一下与一个不但在处事上圆滑,而且在为人上也虚伪的人长期交往,怎么能让人感觉到放心呢?这种人怎么能得到真正的朋友呢?

3 . 不是我不再爱你,只是你的世界本来就没有我可以站的地方。

4 . , take a confident smile, filled with determination, hard back schoolbag, into the sea of knowledge, for tomorrow&#;s good reading, cheer for life is brilliant, opening day, and go to school, strive for dream, come on!

5 . 为何泪流成河,因为放弃你是我从未作的选择。

6 . 十二你怎能不问不管不想不疼不爱我

7 . 我,只在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。

8 . 我不确定自己能用多少时间把你忘了也不敢保证我就能真的把你忘了我只能像现在这样不吵不闹不悲不喜安安静静的与你再无交集。

9 . Color flags flutter and sing, students meet with each other Hello to the sound of the sound side, set a high school Early and late return to happiness long, knowledge ocean to roam Cherish the youth good time, for the country to be a pillar of the people I wish you success and success!

10 . 找一个借口,掩饰心中那份小小的失落,安慰一下自己。


1 . The summer holiday is still in full bloom The opening of the New Year has been sounded Pack up the bag of advanced study, carry the schoolbag of knowledge, enter the great bank of xuehai, go to fly the place of dream Wish old classmates, cherish university good time, round your dream

2 . 若自己也能像蒲公英那样勇敢多好,带着满满的怀念,跟随你散落在天涯,随遇而安。

3 . 八如果有一天我生病了,我希望脑海里梦到的是你,睁开眼看见的是你,在我身边照顾我的人是你。

4 . 九生病了他可以对你不关心不闻不问他不想让你找到他这样的男朋友要来有何用?

5 . 精力旺盛思想新潮。

6 . My dream is to take off here and live here Youth is flying here, life is full here Knowledge is sublimated here, and the future is cast here School begins, wish you good study, round your dream to realize your ideal

7 . 我终于失去了你在拥挤的人群中。

8 . , the door of knowledge waits for you to open, the essence of life waits for you to understand, the world&#;s secret is waiting for you to explore, the stage of life waits for you to perform School begins, wish you to diligently the wings, travel knowledge of the sky, learn to succeed!

9 . 既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了!

10 . 过去是个触碰不得的东西,说不在乎,其实只有自己才知道是不是真的不在乎……


1 . 别在心情差的时候喝酒,别在走的时候回头。

2 . 只要用力呼吸,就能看到奇迹,一个人的快乐不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。

3 . 一无所知的世界,走下去,才有惊喜。

4 . 开朗成熟。

5 . 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康性格开朗。

6 . 你可以选择爱我或者不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或者更加爱你。

7 . 如果你把快乐告诉一个好朋友,你将得到两个快乐。

8 . The autumn is fragrant with fragrance, and the melon and fruit are spitting incense The campus is very quiet and the scenery is everywhere Happy horsepower, keep fresh memories The palace of knowledge is open, and the writing of youth is heroic School day arrived, carry the school bag, to the school advance

9 . 十五小葵花妈妈开始讲课了,孩子生病老不好多半是装的,打一顿就好。