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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-04-28 16:27:59



1 . 不要拿你的曾经,去评论我的未来。

2 . this piece of the sea is no longer I love blue and you are no longer my love boy

3 . 守着你到永久,不让你的心有一丝寂寞,我的爱一直伴随你左右。

4 . What kind of me do you like? I can show you

5 . We can turn around but don&#;t look back

6 . 人有两种:一种在烟花尘世的繁华中张扬而逝,一种在锤凿剪锉的敲打中塑为永恒;一种是皮肉,一种是灵魂。

7 . 人生就像马拉松,获胜的关键不在于你瞬间的爆发,而是在旅途中永恒的坚持。

8 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

9 . Look at the world with haughty, indifferent eyes

10 . Strong hatred, but I accept it


1 . Recalled before, cry a little bit sorry for some happiness

2 . 遇顺境处之淡然,逢逆境处之泰然。

3 . I miss you after i missed you [莪想念迩在莪错过迩之后。]

4 . Love has obviously in a disastrous state,should be strong

5 . 不就涐爱沵,涐还输得起

6 . Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

7 . 莪不完美,但是莪能给旳却是独一无二旳。

8 . I need to get away 我想要逃离。

9 . I am god, the god of all eyes

10 . 往前是寂寞 后退是落寞 干脆就坠落 谁都别同情我。


1 . 承认错误,就少了一半错误;掩饰错误,就多了一倍错误;改正错误,便没有错误。

2 . Do you love me? So get in line

3 . 破鞋永远是破鞋,改不了身影。

4 . how can you know that behind the smile is how bitter pain

5 . 想要把别人推进地狱的人,多半是自己也住在地狱里。

6 . I put the notes you changed your name even the name to the original look

7 . Every time a good night, feeling each other is feelings 每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。

8 . 听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选了。

9 . We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us

10 . Silence is not my weakness, but I think you are unqualified


1 . Don&#;t take me away from you, just hook up with someone else

2 . I despair,you only heard,heard that I had not,but don&#;t know how bad it is

3 . Do you have a girlfriend,I love is not old

4 . How far you go, how fast you can roll, how fast the speed of light is, and how fast you can roll

5 . I have no sadness, just don&#;t want to have too many expressions and emotions

6 . Friendship is Love without his wings (友谊是没有翅膀的爱情)

7 . 你走之后,谁与我从天南聊到地北。

8 . Love has nothing to do with tears, and a smile has nothing to do with happiness

9 . I dream about being with you forever

10 . Man Always Remember Love, Becourse Of Romance Only 男人总是因为浪漫而记住爱情