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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-19 10:41:15



1 . What a beautiful painting it is! I’ve never seen ___painting Asuch a Ba Csuch Dthis better

2 . 人的一生像木,要充实,内涵须深刻;人的一生像火,要热情,态度须诚挚。

3 . 也许你无法拥有浩瀚的大海,但是你可以做清幽的小溪;也许你无法拥有辽阔的草原,但是你可以做执着的绿壁。

4 . ________________________,

5 . Thisdesk_____fourlegs______somebooksonthedesk

6 . ( His brother has worked there ________ he left schoo Awhen B after C since D until

7 . I like action movies and comedies

8 . He studied English ten years ago I know I know he studied English ten years ago

9 . A.comes, comes B.will come, will come C will come, comes D comes, will come

10 . ()话题:是沿用原来话题,还是变换话题。


1 . 是一句温馨的话语,哪怕是在无意中说出!

2 . 其次分析例句的内容,从例句可知:()“能买来”的是表示具体事物的名词(书籍药品);()“但买不来”的是表示抽象事物的名词(知识健康);()“书籍和知识”“药品和健康”之间具有内在的联系,三者缺一不可。所以,根据例句,答案可填写为:“金钱能买来礼物,但买不来真情”;或“金钱能买来玫瑰,但买不来爱情。”

3 . 人们爱_____________,_____________________,_____________________。

4 . Don’t forget to keep in touch 别忘了保持联系。

5 . 月下的恋人,

6 . 我不要这样的生活!我不要这样的生活!

7 . 一个孤零零的字母

8 . ( The old man __yesterday is a scientistAI spoke B I spoke to C whom I spoke D that I spoke to him

9 . 人需要祝福,需要快乐,需要思念。如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东......海;,;

10 . 。joinin


1 . 时

2 . 下面是一句描写生命的文字,请续写两句。要求:内容要能上下衔接,每句

3 . 力。

4 . How much are the shoes?They&#;re…dollars/yuan

5 . 宽容是,;

6 . Heisverytall(对划线部分提问_______________________

7 . A how they were excited B how excited they were C how excited were they D they were how excited

8 . He has a sense of humor 他有幽默感。

9 . She decides to take more exercise to keep slim

10 . )Have you found the book ________I spent dollars?


1 . 人生的意义在于奉献,而不在于索取。如果你是一棵大树,就撒下一片阴凉;如果你是一泓清泉,就滋润一方土地;_____________________,_____________________。

2 . 如果被连接的句子是___________,则用连接词___________

3 . 在下列横线上,仿照加横线的句子,再续写两个句子,要求句式基本一致,内容贴切自然即可。人活着不是单靠食物,还要有:春天百花散发的缕缕芳香,夏日碧水带来的阵阵清香,,。

4 . Constant dropping wears the stone 滴水穿石。

5 . 理的排比句。(分

6 . ( ---Do you know ____ the MP yesterday? -- Sorry, I’ve no idea about it

7 . 四)结果状语从句:由so… that…/such…that/so that引导的从句(so后接形副原级)

8 . 。我不知道他没吃早饭就去上班了。

9 . Everyone______adictionaryinmyclass

10 . 例句:理解是一轮太阳,它将给人们带来无尽的温暖。