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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-06 13:27:08



1 . :a troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

2 . "As bad quality can be exposed to the same lucky, the best in quality but also in the bad luck to be displayed - Bacon "

3 . Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word

4 . 冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?——雪莱

5 . Struggle is the father of all things - Tao

6 . Person&#;s value is determined by its own - Rousseau

7 . If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure

8 . Art is long, but lift is short

9 . 二十 Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。

10 . :love is a vine that grows into our hearts 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。


1 . 人生天地之间,若白驹之过隙,忽然而已。——庄周

2 . 过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。——雪莱

3 . 人依靠物质就能生存,但只有拥有理想时,才叫生活。

4 . 不论是狮子还是羚羊,都要奔跑;不论是贫穷还是富有,都要去奋斗。

5 . 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

6 . "The final value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival - Aristotle "

7 . The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too

8 . 人的价值是由自己决定的。——卢梭

9 . 读不尽者书,造诣不尽者人品。

10 . :i send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子,但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前,伴你好梦。


1 . "Life is only inevitable, there is no chance "

2 . In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely

3 . 每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的!

4 . 虽然这只是一张小小的纸片,但它凝聚着我无限的翔与着恋!

5 . 六 You make my heart smile 我的心因你而笑。

6 . 永远不要不要不要不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔

7 . "Geng not as fertile mind, good for treasure with endless We should have purity of heart, to be charitable for the public It will be a blessing boundless - Fang Sea Power "

8 . 我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

9 . 炫耀什么,缺少什么;掩饰什么,自卑什么。所谓正常人,只是自我防御比较好的人。真正的心理健康,是不设防而又不受害。

10 . 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain


1 . :every day i miss you it is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so in such a contrary mood, i miss you deeply!在每个想念的日子,想你不容易,不想你更难,愿以一片难懂的心情,深深思念你!

2 . Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longingWishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

3 . 目标取决于您的愿望。

4 . 十六 Teaching me the meaning of love教导我爱的意义是什么。

5 . Boys, be ambitious

6 . True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart

7 . 五 Man can only be free through mastery of himself ( S E Morison 只有通过掌握自己,才能使自己得到解放。(莫里森

8 . 八 Life is like an onio You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep ——Cart Sandburg 人生像个洋葱:你只能一层层地把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。 ——桑得伯格 Life always goes on 生活总会继续。

9 . 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔

10 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。