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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-20 12:45:58



1 . 第条 Pour out my whole life, only for your half

2 . 第条 Love is in the best of spirits of foreign visitors from outside the self

3 . 如果可以,我想重新认识你,从我叫什么名字开始,然后在以后的故事里,我绝对不会爱上你。

4 . 第条 I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness!

5 . 第条 Don’t love too bitter, two wrong people break up, could create four personal happiness

6 . 尊重老婆的思想,也许老婆的想法和自己不同,但是老婆一定对自己没有外心,不会伤害自己。

8 . 第条 幸福是珍惜现在,但不是挥霍现在,否则,这将是人生的一种无奈与落寞。

9 . 第条 Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one

10 . 我偷听到你对上帝说你非我不嫁,所以我不想你背叛上帝嘛。


1 . 即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

2 . 第条 Love doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s enough for you!

3 . 第条 Meeting you is the surprise of my life

4 . 第条 Save water Shower with your girlfriend as much as possible

5 . If we believe that true love never has to end,then we must know that we will love again

6 . You are everything when you are with me,and everything is you when you are not

7 . 第条 Just good, see you happy, so happy with your happiness

8 . 希望当爱褪去激情的外表,回归平淡的真身,我们还能握着彼此的手,一直走下去。

9 . Domani tornerà, ci sono chilometri e chilometri di estendere amore明天还会再来,还是有无边无尽的爱蔓延。

10 . 第条 倾尽我一生,只为成全你半分。


1 . 第条 多少往事,甜在心头。

2 . 第条 I want to do forever do not eat fat chowhound

3 . 第条 Not because of my grandfather, not because of my grandmother, nor because of twins, because like, so in a life together

4 . 第条 爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。

5 . 世间最幸福的莫过于,朝朝暮暮的牵挂中总有一份懂得相随在天涯,给你全身心的抚慰,那么的妥帖。

6 . 第条 Your name is my favorite English word

7 . 第条 This is your will is for you, if you are not even persuaded can’t stop

8 . 第条 Sincere and pure love, must have the respect of the labor and the occupation of the beloved

9 . No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world

10 . 第条 生活可以不知足,但幸福一定要知足。


1 . 想你的时候夕阳是你,晚霞是你云中月是你,点点星辰也是你。

2 . 第条 友情一旦认真比爱情还刻骨铭心。

3 . 第条 You give the world, is full of love

4 . We are noe {EXO}

5 . 第条 有时我沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。

6 . 第条 你说因为有我所以赢了全世界。

7 . 老公,老公,我爱你,就像老鼠爱大米。你是家中顶梁柱,全家幸福都靠你。在外工作太劳累,回家歇歇莫再理。

8 . 我在取悦你,我是你的人每一天,每个夜晚,我紧紧拥着你。

9 . 有些路,通往哪里并不重要,重要的是你会在路上看到什么样的风景。

10 . 第条 I said I love you, but I didn’t say I love you


1 . 第条 真正的幸福只有当你真实地认识到人生的价值时,才能体会到。

2 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

3 . 第条 Su Yan, say beauty is your sweet smile

4 . 第条 最平凡的爱,最让人依赖。

5 . Pardon me because I can not love you again 原谅我不能再爱你了 -

6 . Who never had a scar of youth谁的青春不曾有过伤痕

7 . You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边

8 . 第条 择一城终老,遇一人白首。

9 . 第条 What you care about is my reason to be happy

10 . 第条 When I was young, happiness is a very simple thing When I grow up, simple, it is a very happy thing


1 . 你是我心中的暖洋,即使你不在我身旁。

2 . 第条 The family should be the palace of love and laughter

3 . 第条 Love deeply, demanding all survived, so love is not emotional dispute between the impossible

4 . 生下来以后还不会相思,才刚刚懂了什么是相思,却深受着相思之苦。

5 . 第条 It’s better to have met than never to meet

6 . 第条 完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。

7 . 不爱我们的女人犹如失踪者,尽管我们知道再无任何希望,我们仍然期待。等待稍稍一点动静,稍稍一点声响。

8 . 将我留存心间,与你的灵魂相伴,给我你的手,在我老去之前。

9 . The life I have a splash of biack 生活溅了我一身黑狗血

10 . 第条 Follow your footsteps, travel the remotest corners of the globe


1 . 第条 Life can not be without tears, can wake up the people, will understand the meaning of tears

2 . 第条 I’m going to stick with you

3 . 第条 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

4 . 第条 The pain and joy of a man must be fused with the pain and joy of the times

5 . You and me together, we can make magic

6 . I’m here to please you,I am your manEvery day,every night,I hold you tight

7 . 第条 Flowers bloom and thanks, the wind from the rest, I for you, love to write and write

8 . 第条 After all, happiness will marry, and happiness will not be permanent

9 . 第条 After all, my ideal is to be your wife

10 . I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you


1 . 第条 家庭的`温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭幸福的家庭快乐的家庭!

2 . waking up I see that everything is ok 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演

3 . 第条 Perfect love is deadly poison

4 . 第条 永远是很长的,而我永远爱你。

5 . 第条 我们的爱容不下其他人。

6 . 第条 既不回头,何必不忘,既已无缘,何须誓言。

7 . Mean, is the fate of the choice you rather than other situation命运的意思是,是处境选择你而不是其他。

8 . 第条 我想要和你一起慢慢变老。

9 . 你能听到我的呼唤吗?我只要一点点爱。

10 . 我在春天等你,山川岁月的约定,如果你抬头看见那天上飘着云,那是我们今生最美的相遇。