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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-05 04:47:10



1 . He gave me a book yesterday

2 . We saw her entering the room(现在分词)

3 . (八)状语:修饰动词形容词副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分,叫做状语。可由以下形式表示:

4 . It sounds a good idea The sound sounds strange

5 . If you study hard, you will pass the exam He goes to school by bike

6 . 动词有及物动词和不及物动词。根据他们的功能,可以构成下列几种基本句型,

7 . There are thirty women teachers is our school(名词)

8 . The moon is shining brightly(改为感叹句)

9 . Don’t keep the lights burning (现在分词

10 . 如:


1 . (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语宾语定语状语补足语和同位语。

2 . ┃ I │told │him │that the bus was late┃

3 . ┃ What │makes │him │think so? ┃

4 . 简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning

5 . )祈使句:Be careful, boys; Don&#;t talk in class

6 . 状语修饰动词形容词副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分。

7 . 按句子的结构可分三种:

8 . ┃ He │enjoys │reading ┃

9 . 例子:He runs quickly

10 . 例子:He did homework


1 . Most Saturday evenings there is a party, even at harvest time(简单句) These parties often make us very happy(简单句) We cook meat on an open fire outside(简单句) It&#;s great( 简单句)! Americans eat a lot of meat - too much in my opinion(简单句) Some of my friends drink beer(简单句) I don&#;t, because I have to drive home after the party(复合句) In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the States(简单句) There are five different time areas in the States(简单句) In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time(简单句) How many different time areas do you have in China(简单句)? Well, I must stop and get some sleep(简单句) Please give my best regards to your parents(简单句)

2 . The sun rises in the east (名词) He likes dancing (代词)

3 . ┃ They │painted│the door │green ┃

4 . 如:They were teachers(他们曾是老师。 He enjoys singing songs (他喜欢唱歌。) 这两句话分别由动词were (are 的过去式),enjoys singing (enjoy doing动词短语)作谓语。其中were 体现出句子的时态为过去时态,且主语的人称为第一人称,enjoys singing 体现出句子的时态为一般现在时,且主语的人称为第三人称。

5 . Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句

6 . I enjoy listening to popular music(动名词短语)

7 . Five and five is ten (数词

8 . Under the snow, there are many rocks

9 . (二)简单句的五种基本句型

10 . 太阳在照耀着。 月亮升起了。


1 . ┃ He│showed │me │how to run the machine ┃

2 . flyv 飞 n 苍蝇

3 . 直接宾语和间接宾语:直接宾语是及物动词的对象;间接宾语表语动作是对谁做的。

4 . 基本句型三:SVO (主+谓+宾)

5 . ┃ We all │breathe, eat, and drink ┃

6 . 注:其他各种句子都可由这一种基本句型扩展变化或省略而构成。

7 . I dn&#;t n

8 . 冠词,介词,连词,感叹词——虚词

9 . When I was young, I could swim well

10 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson wwwohcom


1 . Let the fresh air in(副词)

2 . She was found singing in the next room

3 . 现做具体说明如下:

4 . ┃ He │admits │that he was mistaken ┃

5 . China is a developing country; America is a developed country(分词)

6 . He goes to school by bike

7 . 确定任务,寻找窍门背诵一篇短文仅仅读几遍是行不通的,一定要读到滚瓜烂熟的程度才行。开始时文章可短一些,容易一些,然后作一定幅度的`调整。此外,背诵时还要讲究一定的技巧,熟读课文内容,理解课文大意。这样不仅不会记错和混淆,而且效率会很高。

8 . The picture is on the wall (介词短语

9 . Are you afraid of the snake?

10 . 有的动词能够接双宾语,直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指受益于动词所表示行为的人。