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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-22 05:09:09



1 . 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

2 . There is no denying that + S + V…(不可否认的……

3 . What’syouraunt’sjob?你婶婶做什么工作?She’sanurse她是位护士。

4 . Standsomeoneup(爽约,放某人鸽子

5 . spare no efforts to do ……

6 . So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 从句 (如此……以致于……

7 . Itisindeedahumble(简陋的,粗糙的,谦逊的apartment,butit’sbetterthannothing

8 . Tom’s birthday is this week 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

9 . There is no doubt that +从句(毫无疑问的……

10 . HisAchilles’heelisheispride


1 . It is time + 主语 + 过去式 (该是……的时候了

2 . 他刚来,她就开始抱怨。

3 . [附注] 表示等比的还有以下一些方式:

4 . YouwillcomeandeatatmyplaceIt’sadeal

5 . I am willing to work myself to death before I give up I would do anything before that

6 . Owing to/Thanks to sth, … (因为……

7 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

8 . 例如:I would rather walk home than take a crowded bus

9 . 我宁愿步行回家也不愿做拥挤的公交车。

10 . 你愈努力,你愈进步。


1 . The strength of the collective is boundless, while that of the individual is very limited

2 . 他花了尽可能多时间记新单词。

3 . frankly speaking ……

4 . Manypeopledon’tkeepintouchwiththeirclassmatesaftergraduation

5 . keep rubbing salt to ……

6 . [注] 当比较级作表语而又不处于句首时, 可以不用the 相关联。 如:When we encounter more difficulties, we should be more spirited; when we are more at danger, we should be more courageous

7 . 他长得什么样?他(是高而强壮。What’shelike?He’stallandstrong

8 . The Long March is great, but the New Long March will be greater, and more arduous

9 . Weraisedoureyebrowswhenwesawhimsteppedonthecat

10 . 如: I like him all the better for his faults I do not like him the less because he has faults


1 . PleasehelpmethistimeIoweyouone

2 . 例如:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems

3 . Keepintouch(withsb

4 . Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

5 . 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

6 . (正 We saw many houses smaller than usual on both sides of the river

7 . 例如: To be frank/ To tell the truth, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice

8 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:

9 . something should be carefully treasured

10 . 例如:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed


1 . 句型[主语+…choose+名词A+before+名词B] [主语+before+从句]

2 . We have accomplished as much in the past three years as would have taken ten years in the past

3 . Blowit

4 . [注] 如果表示"因…而更…" 可用句型 the+比较级+for (或because, as等词,

5 . 主语 + do one’s best to do…(尽全力做……

6 . I would (或had rather join you in research work than go on holiday to the seaside

7 . 描述书包:What’sinyourschoolbag?你书包里有什么?AnEnglishbook,amathsbook,threestorybooksand一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事和。。。。Whatcolourisit?什么颜色的?It’sblueandwhite是蓝白色的。

8 . Whatisthis?

9 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

10 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see


1 . nothing can prevent us from doing… (没有事情能够阻挡我们做……

2 . Takeforgranted(把当做理所当然

3 . foreseeable people from different walks of life overwhelming priority it is believed to have a positive impact on …… start at the threshold of the new century

4 . "…be equal to+被比对象"如:A dingle day is equal to twenty years In strength, he is equal to me

5 . An advantage of… is that + 句子 (……的优点是……

6 . = In whatever degree sooner you do it, in that degree better it will be The more, the merrier The more, the better

7 . 等差既可以指出相差的数目, (用by+数词表示 也可以指出相差的范围, 如: of +名词, with regard to, in point of, with respect to, with reference to, with relation to, in the sphere of, in the field of等等。例句: She is the more patient of the two In point of commerce, Shanghai is more prosperous than Nanjing With reference to territory, China is larger than America

8 . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性都不为过。

9 . I’msosleepyIstayeduplatelastnight

10 . 例如:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory


1 . The harder you work, the greater progress you will make

2 . Mhittheceilingbecauseherhusbandforgottheiranniversary

3 . 主语 + have a great influence on sth (对……有很大的影响

4 . He is as tall as I (am This window is just as wide as that one

5 . 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。

6 . Ihaveheardsomuchaboutyou(久仰大名

7 . The + 比较级 +主语+谓语, the +比较级+主语+谓语(愈……愈……

8 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

9 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

10 . 重点句型:


1 . eat one’s own bitter pill

2 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite?

3 . 我们吃西红柿,土豆和鱼Wehavetomatoes,potatoesandfish

4 . Turnbacktheclock

5 . "How is your watch?" - "My watch goes the most accurately"

6 . swallow the bitter medicine it has prescribed for himself

7 . 描述人物:What’shisname?他的名字是什么?HisnameisZhangPeng他叫张鹏Heistallandstrong他又高又壮。Whoishe?他是谁?

8 . seeing is believing

9 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

10 . 例如: What an important thing it is to keep our promise!= How important a thing it is to keep our promise!