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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-06 02:29:32



1 . He doesn&#;t have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit!

2 . 你是那用一个眼神就可以点燃我心火的灵魂伴侣!

3 . 实景展示 Virtual show ;

4 . Chritsmas time is for thinking of others

5 . what sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul -- joseph addison

6 . plan 设计图

7 . 愿圣诞美景与欢乐常伴随你!

8 . palace 宫殿

9 . Tell me you are mine I&#;ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time

10 . you are not only a good teacher but our close friend thank you for helping us make something of our lives


1 . I wish you a happy birthday I wish you a happy birthday

2 . 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

3 . 在展示板上展示你们的作品。

4 . Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out

5 . Don&#;t wait for pain, to believe in prayer

6 . 衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

7 . Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions

8 . One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love

9 . 我的心永远与你在一起。

10 . our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts the love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey


1 . Wish all the best wishes for you献上最美好的祝愿。

2 . 您可以选择的展示方式来展示。

3 . building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证

4 . 圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

5 . give up 放弃;把…送交;使埋头于…

6 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

7 . Christmas comes but once a year But when it comes it brings good cheer

8 . To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existenceTake away love, and our earth is a tomb 爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

9 . 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。

10 . 不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅。


1 . 请相信,我们的爱算数!

2 . temple 庙宇

3 . May happiness follow you wherever you go!愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

4 . 在我的日历上,你依然年轻美丽,而这特别的一年使你的容貌似乎更增光彩。 祝生日快乐!

5 . 我们的照片展示了植物的生长状况。

6 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

7 . 什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。

8 . scaffold 脚手架

9 . 教育儿童的教师应当享有比父母更多的荣誉,父母只给孩子生命,而教师则创造了一个完善的生命。

10 . A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year


1 . Love&#;s tongue is in the eyes

2 . basilica 皇宫,教堂

3 . Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success

4 . town planning 市政 (美作:city planning

5 . 祝您圣诞快乐,您的全体学生敬上。

6 . cut up 切碎;使…难过

7 . May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢欢喜喜度新年!

8 . First love is unforgettable all one&#;s life

9 . Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

10 . The only present love demands is love


1 . 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

2 . look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

3 . keep up 保持;继续(某活动)

4 . 空间展示 Space show ;

5 . 该政府正不遗余力地展示其军事力量。

6 . 本公司认为,您所展示的已婚妇女服装最适合我们的市场需求。

7 . 这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景。

8 . 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。

9 . Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed But if all else is lacking - love will do

10 . Love understands love; it needs no talk


1 . , let a sparks of light for you to wait and meet another journey of life, let my wishes and regards to bake delicious temptation you bright smile forever, friend, I wish you a happy birthday, health and peace

2 . Here, graphically displayed, was confirmation of the entire story

3 . 通常,这样的展示是在大西洋另一边进行的。

4 . May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness

5 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

6 . 通过这里形象的展示证实了整件事的真实性。

7 . 让春天的雨露,夏天的甘霖,秋天的清爽,冬天的激情围绕着你。在你生日来临之时,送上我深深的祝福,祝你生日快乐,四季温馨。

8 . Friends, please be careful and patient, don&#;t let the years dry our souls, let the rain and the flowers bloom with the flowers Happy birthday and all the best!

9 . 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

10 . Let the rain of spring, the showers of summer, the freshness of autumn, and the passion of winter surround you I wish you a happy birthday and warmest wishes for your birthday