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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-08-18 20:46:35



1 . You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require。

2 . 这秒开始相信,幸福就会靠近。

3 . 可以失败。可以哭闹。但是不能失去对自己的勇气和信心。

4 . 静下来,铸我实力。拼上去,亮我风采。

5 . I am presently working as a for __________

6 . Attention of Human Resource ManagerLike many other young men, I am looking for a position I want to get started At the bottom,perhaps,but started

7 . 个性稳重具高度责任感。

8 . I am looking for a job I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management。

9 . 假如本人之应征能歌德青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以排除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望。

10 . At the suggestion of Walter Durrane, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration pertaining to consulting or related assignments with Any Corporation


1 . 贵有恒,何须三更起五更眠。最无益,莫过一日曝十日寒。

2 . If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview I hope to hear from you in the near future。

3 . 勇攀书山逐群雄实现心中梦想。

4 . 很多事情,不是谁说了就算,即使伤心,结果还是自己承担

5 . 不要过分的去批评别人,了解了一切,就会宽恕一切。

6 . 不经三思不求教不动笔墨不读书,人生难得几回搏,此时不搏,何时搏。

7 . 贵有恒何必三更起五更睡;最无益只怕一日曝十日寒。

8 . 我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。

9 . bright,aggressive applicants

10 . 惜光阴百日犹短,细安排一刻也长。


1 . 闻鸡起舞成就拼搏劲旅师;天道酬勤再现辉煌王者风。

2 . 自己不努力,就别怪生活没希望。

3 . 不一定要忘掉过去但一定要放下过去

4 . 决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。

5 . 为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。

6 . 风雨夏秋冬,十年磨一剑。用我们自己的智慧成就梦想。

7 . 挑战极限,无悔人生。奋力拼搏进取,谱写风华篇章。

8 . I am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmers in your organization

9 . Are you currently seeking a security specialist to maintain or upgrade the security of your organizationIf so, I would like to apply for the position

10 . 有大目标,须有大动作。有大追求,须有大改变。


1 . 人,可以无傲气,但不可以无傲骨。

2 . ambitious attitude essential

3 . 头悬梁,锥刺骨,巾帼挥毫书奇志;三更灯火,五更鸡,须眉仗笔写华章。

4 . Ilookforwardtospeakingwithyou

5 . 挑战极限,超越自我,上下齐心,背水一战。

6 . 披星戴月时书香盈耳含英咀华建学业。

7 . 把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实!

8 . 拼搏高考,今生无悔。爬过高三,追求卓越!

9 . TheenclosedresumedescribesmyqualificationsforthepositionadvertisedIwouldwelcometheopportunitytopersonallydiscussmyqualificationswithyouatyourconvenience

10 . 真心对一个人好不一定有回报,而你忽略的人往往可能最重视你;慢慢才知道,现实如此的无奈;自己长大了。