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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-22 21:45:16



1 . 宾语补足语是对宾语进行补充和说明的句子成分。

2 . The speech is exciting(分词)

3 . ┗━━━━┷━━━━━┷━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

4 . 宾语是动作行为的对象,表示动作的承受者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。

5 . 双宾语——间宾(指人和直宾(指物

6 . The least means shall be used to achieve the greatest end Which of the boys studies best?

7 . There is nothing I like so much as playing football Nothing is so easy as this

8 . In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder(目的状语)

9 . My watch is gone / missing / lost (形容词化的分词

10 . 冠词(article art


1 . 介词(preposition prep 介词——丐帮分派

2 . 限定或说明,而呼语只是一个称呼。

3 . She put the eggs into the basket withgreat care(方式状语

4 . We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here (名

5 . One of my suitcases is small, and the other one is medium

6 . We found everything in the lab in good order(介词短语

7 . The sun rises in the east (名词

8 . (三)谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下:

9 . )复合句:含有一个或一个以上从句的句子。复合句包含:名词性从句(主语从句宾语从句表语从句和同位语从句)定语从句和状语从句等。

10 . His job is to teach English(不定式)


1 . The food smells delicious

2 . 句型[主语+would (had…as soon/as lief+…as+被弃对象]

3 . call on号召,拜访(某人)

4 . ( in, for, at, out, off

5 . 基本句型四

6 . Our room is a little larger than theirs and it has more furniture in it

7 . 常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来, look(看起来, feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来,

8 . Mr Milton would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals

9 . 副词(adverb adv 副词——绿叶派

10 . 很多单词不仅仅属于一个词类。


1 . 不要使用无比较对象的孤立的比较级。如:(误 We saw many smaller houses on both sides of the river

2 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

3 . ()(母亲第一次散发传单她每次把小册子递出去时,那个宪兵**的面孔就闪现在她的眼前,象一个黄色的斑点,仿佛火柴在暗室中发出的亮光一般。她怀着一种幸灾乐祸的感情,在心里对他说:“给你,老总……”她递出下一包传单时,心满意足地又补上一句:“给你……”她心里琢磨着怎样把她第一次的体验告诉儿子,但是在她面前总要出现**那张狐疑的险恶的黄脸。他脸上的小黑胡子惊惶失措地索索抖动,翻着上嘴唇,下面露出一排紧紧咬着的白牙。母亲心里高高兴兴,象有只小鸟在那里歌唱……

4 . [英]笛福《鲁滨逊飘流记》

5 . 英语句子成分和英语句子结构讲解

6 . 老舍《骆驼祥子》

7 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam

8 . ┠────┼─────┼───────┼────────────┨

9 . 状语从句,主语,系动词,谓语,状语

10 . 这句话由相当于形容词的介词短语in the hospital 作后置定语,修饰work。


1 . (方式状语从句

2 . 他们谈了半个小时。 这支笔书写流利。

3 . (三谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下:

4 . 按句子的用途可分四种:

5 . In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder(目的状语

6 . His arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend

7 . 据我所知,她是一个非常贤惠的女人。

8 . I would sooner die than do such a thing

9 . When we are going to have an English test has not been decided(主语从句

10 . 又如:He is interested in sports, especially ball games(他对运动感兴趣,特别是球类运动。)


1 . Time is up The class is over(副词)

2 . 注意呼语与同位语的区别:同位语指一个名词(或其它形式对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,

3 . I like China (名词) He hates you (代词)

4 . ┃ He│denies │her │nothing ┃

5 . ┏━━━━┯━━━━━┯━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━┓

6 . We saw her entering the room(现在分词

7 . 代词(pronoun pron 代词是少林派

8 . 句型[主语+…choose+名词A+before+名词B] [主语+before+从句]

9 . 表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, then等连接。eg The teacher&#;s name is Smith, and the student&#;s name is John

10 . I am taller than he is(比较状语)


1 . ┗━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

2 . Mr Smith lives on the third floor(地点状语

3 . She put the eggs into the basket with great care(方式状语)

4 . ┃ S │V(及物动词)│ O ┃

5 . He is reading an article about how to learn English(介词短语)

6 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson wwwohcom

7 . He is a teacher (名词

8 . When you come to think of it, there is nothing in the world more potent-and more impotent - than words

9 . 基本句型五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补)

10 . 对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。


1 . His hobby(爱好is playing football(动名词

2 . 基本句型二

3 . 表示转折,常用的连词有but, still, however, yet, while, when等。eg He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting

4 . The door remains open Now I feel tired

5 . ┃ They │talked for half an hour┃

6 . He is in the room making a model plane(分词短语

7 . 句子成分;简单句并列句和复合句

8 . ┃ What he said │does not matter ┃

9 . I would (had as lief join the Eighth Route Army as anything

10 . I would (just as soon stay at home as go for a walk


1 . I shall go there if it doesn’t rain(条件状语

2 . "How is your watch?" - "My watch goes the most accurately"

3 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

4 . )陈述句(肯定否定):He is six years old; She didn&#;t hear of you before

5 . It&#;s less cold than it was yesterday

6 . (七定语:修饰名词或代词的词短语或从句称为定语。定语可由以下等成分表示:

7 . One-third of the students in this class are girls(数词)

8 . You mustn’t force him to lend his money to you(不定式短语

9 . 代指一类人,事或物的词。

10 . 状语:用来修饰v, adj, adv, or 句子。