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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-11-18 12:06:46



1 . 十 My heart is with you 我的爱与你同在。

2 . .王鹏总是和同学们相处得融洽。

3 . Donny: 牛?A cow?

4 . l want someone whoes afrid of losing me

5 . 十五 I miss you so much already and I haven&#;t even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

6 . Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury

7 . 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

8 . : I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man I don&#;t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world (Thomas Edison , American inventor 我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 爱迪生 T

9 . to live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment do you know that no one can replace you in my heart?

10 . Donny: You can also use the word "" b-a-l-l-i-n, ballin It also means "cool or very good"。


1 . 文字的苍白无力 诉说着我的无奈。

2 . Holy mackerel! What&#;s this? A new car

3 . .施特劳斯的华尔兹使他闻名世界。

4 . 明天 未来 ,哪一个会先到。

5 . :love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

6 . 人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。

7 . FF: 哦,说一个人牛气哄哄的,就是cocky。

8 . If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future

9 . 吃西餐必知:牛排要几分熟英语怎么说(图

10 . :拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。


1 . 第二,说人或事很牛,还可以用动词rule或者rock;

2 . .你为什么不看看英文报纸呢?

3 . Donny: No! You can use c-o-c-k-y, cocky, to describe these kind of people。

4 . 听听音乐怎么样呢?

5 . I pull against you, ah!

6 . 当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。

7 . I had a dream , i was a king I woke up , still king

8 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

9 . 暗恋一个人的心情,就像是瓶中等待发芽的种子,永远不能确定未来是否是美丽的,但却真心而倔强的等待着。


1 . Happiness is a journey,not a destination幸福是一个旅程,而不是终点。

2 . 又如,当你没有听清或理解别人的话时,英国人用"Pardon?"或者"Sorry?";美国人则用"Pardon?"或者"Excuse me?"。

3 . 没有比接受教育更重要的事

4 . :Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life (Goethe 天才形成于平静中,性格来自于生活的激流。(歌德

5 . 第三,形容某人傲慢,牛气哄哄,可以用cocky!

6 . I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success I want more out of life I want a passion, a conceptual dream that wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement I want to spring out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in early childhood

7 . Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm——所谓勇气,就是不断经历失败,但是从不丧失热情。

8 . To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one u love go freely

9 . 大部分肉接受热量渗透传至中心,但还未产生大变化,切开后 上下两侧熟肉棕色,向中心处转为粉色再然后中心为鲜肉色,伴随刀切有血渗出。(新鲜牛肉和较厚牛排这种层次才会明显,对冷冻牛肉和薄肉排很难达到这种效果)

10 . :the shortest answer is doing最简单的回答就是干。


1 . I&#;m sorry about my homework, Ms Li, the dog ate it 李老师,对不起我没交作业,它被狗吃掉了。

2 . You are my lover when I have love 当我有了爱时,你便是我的爱人

3 . My dad My hero 我的爸爸我的英雄

4 . 牛排通体为熟肉褐色,牛肉整体已经烹熟,口感厚重。

5 . They who cannot do as they would,must do as they can

6 . 二十 Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。

7 . :您为花的盛开,果的成熟忙碌着,默默地垂着叶的绿荫!啊,老师,您的精神,永记我心!

8 . You are the one I want to grow old with 我愿与你白头到头

9 . I shouldn&#;t have done that Sorry, I&#;ll never do it again 我不该做出那种事的。对不起,以后不会了。

10 . :because of loving you so much that i stood aside although my figure left you away, my heart didn’t today i have made up my mind to say “i love you”正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天 终于鼓起勇气,向你表达 的爱。


1 . There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse

2 . :you don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

3 . Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a dream

4 . We all have a dream It might be explicitly defined or just a vague idea, but most of us are so stuck in the muck of insecurity and self-doubt that we just dismiss it as unrealistic or too difficult to pursue

5 . No words are necessary between two loving hearts

6 . :you are everything to me, and i was so blessed when god sent you here for me你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。

7 . Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

8 . I&#;m sorry I didn&#;t mean to wake you up 对不起,我不是故意吵醒你的。

9 . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。

10 . 说了点废话。还是说咱们实际的情况吧。


1 . 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

2 . 他说:嗯,这片子毫不出色。故事情节一般,演技也不过如此。除了里面的一位新的女明星之外,其它方面都让我觉得腻烦。这位新星不会演戏,但她是个美女。

3 . 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

4 . 脑子里的句子量太少,学过的单词挺多,就是不能组织起来达到随意地表达自己的思想的目的,这就给交流带来了困难。因为在交流的时候,你听到的内容是被动的,你不知道对方会说什么,所以精神会比较紧张,生怕自己不会说或者是有的单词听不懂,这就产生了紧张心理,紧张就会给人带来恐惧。

5 . 这故事不过是用来转移公众的注意力的。

6 . :she who has never loved, has never lived人活着总要爱一回。

7 . 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下

8 . 他使劲叫醒Bob,因为已经到九点半了,而Bob十点有数学大测验。时间紧迫,所以他要Bob必须立刻行动起来。

9 . When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time This is not atrain in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by It is the truth that we&#;ve all grown up And we become different

10 . 牛排内部为区域粉红可见且夹杂着熟肉的浅灰和综褐色,整个牛排温度口感均衡。


1 . I am sorry that I was late 对不起我迟到了。

2 . :never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

3 . 例如,在今天要学的第一个习惯用语里shakes就是名词,而且根据习惯这个短语里的shake还带有复数词尾-s。这个习惯用语是:no great shakes。No great shakes这个习惯用语听来意思是没引起多大的震动。换句话说也就是平凡普通中不溜秋的东西或者事情。

4 . :if i know what love is, it is because of you 因为你,我懂得了爱。

5 . 想念 多么古老的词。

6 . .每天晚饭后散步对健康有好处

7 . 八 Life is like an onio You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep ——Cart Sandburg 人生像个洋葱:你只能一层层地把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。 ——桑得伯格 Life always goes on 生活总会继续。

8 . Smoking has a great influence on our health

9 . Was fr eine verpassen, das alte Wort

10 . Apology(名词)以及apologize(动词)常用于正式化的道歉,例如: