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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-04 06:48:03



1 . 振衣千仞冈,濯足万里流

2 . 勇于进取,敢于创新。

3 . 力拔山兮气盖世!

4 . 做人,第一:要低调,第二:还是低调,第三:必须低调。

5 . Do you want to pick a fight 你要挑起争端吗

6 . 今天的栽种,明日的果实。

7 . Health first, start from me

8 . See / I told you so。我老早告诉过你。

9 . The road ahead is a dead end I hope it&#;s around the corner

10 . play… card


1 . Life is not more than a struggle

2 . 和谐竞争,拼搏超越。

3 . April showers bring May flowers

4 . Don&#;t think that you can say B with a long mouth

5 . 静专思主,心仪名校。

6 . High aspirations, famous schools

7 . 别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。

8 . Thats more like it

9 . 听着音乐,还是会难受,心疼,还是舍不得。

10 . 别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑别人看不穿


1 . You don&#;t have to see me, because you&#;re not in my eye

2 . 志存高远,心仪名校。

3 . , your promise to me is like I said fuck you, it can never be realized

4 . 暮色苍茫看劲松,乱云飞渡仍从容

5 . 更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜!

6 . 顽强拼搏,拥抱胜利,十一,十一,勇争第一

7 . 分数铸就辉煌,汗水凝聚实力。

8 . 天下风去出我辈,一入江湖岁月摧

9 . 现在我发现,其实从年少开始,我们一直就在学习悲伤。

10 . 彩虹风雨后,成功细节中。


1 . Say forget to forget, you when I am the document can ? I can&#;t force the uninstall at !

2 . Put up or shut up 要么你就去做不然就给我闭嘴。

3 . 风萧萧兮易水寒壮士一去兮不复返

4 . 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄做田

5 . To be a man, to be strict in learning

6 . Strong hatred, but I accept it

7 . Don&#;t take me away from you, just hook up with someone else

8 . The grievances that can be said are not grievous A lover who can take away is not a lover

9 . 你以为你是谁啊?!毫不客气地说!

10 . 挥动激情,放飞梦想,团结拼搏,树我雄风