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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-05 23:52:39



1 . 少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴隋寸功。

2 . 感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然。

3 . There is no natural success, and there is no unreasonable mediocrity

4 . Love is not finding someone to live with It&#;s finding someone you can&#;t live without

5 . Let life be beautiful like summer flower,and death like autumn tears 让生命如夏花般绚烂,让死亡如秋叶般静美

6 . 为了最好的结果,让我们疯狂到底。

7 . Never regret something that once made you smile

8 . The world is so smalland its like when you turn around, you dont know who you will see The worldis so big as if when you turn around, you never know who will disappear

9 . Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere Friend is who can give youstrength at last 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

10 . Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you


1 . 没有艰辛,便无所获。

2 . so long as you are young 你就青春永驻,风华常存。

3 . As long as the enthusiasm is still there, even if youth fades

4 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight

5 . 无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。

6 . One picture is worth a thousand wards

7 . Thinking too much of othermakeyou nothing in theireyes

8 . 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

9 . The grass is greener on the other side of the fence

10 . No living man all things can世上没有万事通。


1 . No garden without its weeds没有不长草的园子。

2 . 我必须尝试着勇于面对困难—我并不害怕。

3 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you

4 . No man is wise at all times聪明一世,糊涂一时。

5 . 学习,学习,再学习;努力,努力,再努力。

6 . some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel, ijust like some people, idoomed to be unable to substitute有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人,注定无法替代一样。

7 . 家是我们所爱的地方,双脚可以离开,心却不能。

8 . 所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。

9 . 好的开始是成功的一半

10 . 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。


1 . To be a leader, you should be able to sympathize with your subordinates and suppress them blindly, which will lose the hearts of the people

2 . 平和的父母创造温馨的家。

3 . No amount of damage I don&#;t care, wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry

4 . No man is content人心不足蛇吞象。

5 . 给世界和身边人,多一点宽容,多一份担当。

6 . nobody grows merely by the number of years;we grow old by deserting our ideas 年年有加,并非垂老;理想丢弃,方堕暮年。

7 . nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it

8 . 过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

9 . Rome wasn’t built in a day

10 . In love&#;s bumpy road, we&#;d better not say love


1 . 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

2 . 友谊法则第一条:永远不要让你的朋友感到孤单,所以啊,有事儿没事儿放心大胆去烦烦他们。

3 . 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

4 . Youth first classics never redeemed青春一经典当即永不再赎 。

5 . 别放弃梦想,奇迹每天都在上演。

6 . 不管事情变得多坏,在不远的地方,相信总会有一些美好即将来临。

7 . 虽然我们无法改变人生,但可以改变人生观。

8 . Well begun,half done

9 . I must try and face problems properly – I am not scared of it

10 . 在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。