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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-20 06:37:27



1 . 三最近总是偶然听到几个不经常联系的朋友的事情,每个人都是在往好的方向发展的。虽然很久不联系吧,但是愿你们都好!你们好,我也好

2 . 很多人关系就是这样说淡就淡了,貌似很少有关系不联系,还是会依旧如初

3 . The summer vacation comes, please: pick up the day as "dance" passion, relax "insides" nervous, "eclectic" activities, enjoy the "colorful" happy, feel the happiness of the "colorful"! Happy holidays!

4 . 我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人。

5 . 我们相互不联系,坚持一段时间后,是不是关系就淡了,不想主动了,因为累了

6 . 正在这个时候,这本命运书消失了。

7 . 当他翻到他自己命运的那一页,他看到了自己悲惨的下场。

8 . 有的人一段时间不联系就会冷淡。有的人几年见一次还是会心动

9 . came to the summer vacation, happy to learn to remain on hold, don&#;t be lazy, learning attitude, can&#;t be too light, trouble kicked in, regardless of pressure, keep happy, happy every day, wish friends, good luck to tie up, happy to accompany, happy holidays, never!

10 . 多少黑名单,曾互道晚安,有些人不联系,久了就淡了,慢慢的连陌生人都不是了


1 . 十二不是别人生活的参与者,注定成不了别人生活的旁观者,每个人都有自己的生活。我觉得朋友应该可以是,不经常联系,不太关心彼此的日常,但见面了,聊起来了,一定是真诚以待的那个人。

2 . 十突然发现有个朋友真好啊,一起聊天吃串串,为什么以前不经常联系,没想通。

3 . 八超级爱你,和元子认识是在高中,那个时候她是我总是生病请假的同桌,后来我,亭子元子我们三成了超要好的朋友,一路走来你是我即使不经常联系也依然要好的挚友。

4 . 这个社会就是这么的现实,以前再怎么好,一段子不联系了就淡了

5 . 做人一定要经得起谎言,受得了敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言,放得下一切,最后用笑来伪装掉下的眼泪,要记住只有忍住泪水,才会变成幸福的良药。

6 . The meaning of the holiday is, a morning that can&#;t afford to say, a night that says not to sleep, and a day to say not to go out

7 . 我没有伟大到可以心甘情愿等你迷途知返。

8 . 不联系感情就淡了大概是说给本来就没有感情的人听的吧。

9 . Summer vacation is coming, have fun in the sun, according to the time for you, put the happiness in the breeze, blow out best for you and the lucky into text messages, send blessings to you, summer vacation is coming, wish you a happy holiday, by the cool and refreshing

10 . 时间长了,有些事已经忘了,有些感情已经淡了,有些人连模样都记不得了,纵使见面,也可能不会认得,即使在一个城市。


1 . 拜尔后悔不已,他本来可以改变自己的命运。

2 . 梦见毕业典礼,有高中老师大学师弟师妹小学同学,我不是毕业生代表,在队伍后面拼命的搞怪拍照。哈哈,好久没联系了的人儿

3 . 其实我一般不搭理人,我搭理的都不是一般人

4 . 失去一个人,就连这个城市都是空的`。我的旅行结束了,我回头去牵空气的手。

5 . 二十一每年生日让我特别感动的就是我最要好的同学,只有她会每年都记得我生日,有时候我妈都不记得,我自己也会不记得,都是她提醒我虽然这些年我们不经常联系,但是你要是问我一生中最重要的朋友是哪个,毫无疑问我会说出她的名字,我中专四年形影不离的同学

6 . 好久没联系了,我以为你会很激动,只是没想到,事实却是一点都没有。时过境迁,只有我还在停留。

7 . 时间长了,感情淡了,付出看不到一点希望,那还是放弃吧,因为他根本不需要你,因为爱是相互的,上赶的感情不值钱

8 . 想开一点就谁都不要联系,你不联系她或他,他或她永远不会主动联系你的友谊或爱情都无关紧要。失望积攒多了,自然也就淡了。

9 . 九一个朋友准备出国读书,虽然不经常联系,但是看到他出国竟然有点不舍,这个人从小学老喜欢欺负我,初中到高中性格越来越沉稳,没有当年的戾气,愿他一路顺利,走好父母铺的艰辛路,在国外好好的。

10 . 拜尔发现。他的邻居们的命运都比他好,他们一生中能够拥有财富健康快乐幸福等很多的好东西。


1 . I don&#;t want to go to school because the holidays are boring Just as I love you, I don&#;t want to let go

2 . 生活永远不可能像你想象的那么好,但是也不像你想象的那么糟,无论是好的时候还是糟的时候都需要坚强

3 . Once upon a time, there was a group holiday, and now these people have different holidays

4 . The summer vacation has come, the happiness has come, the sky is bluer, the water is clearer More laughter, less worry, better mood, less stress Wish the students, relax and have a happy summer vacation!

5 . Summer vacation to summer, you are lucky, the first prize in the welfare lottery; You did well in the heat, and koko won the first prize "Heat" you pressure is small, door door does not report class to take remedial course, "heat" you be happy thick, safe and happy you chase me to run; Wish you a very easy summer vacation!

6 . 当你做对的时候,没有人会记得;当你做错的时候,连呼吸都是错

7 . After the holiday, learn god to brush difficult problem, the student with outstanding achievement is brushing the homework, the student with poor result is in brush dynamic

8 . Summer vacation to happiness, in the summer breeze fun, leisure and entertainment arrangements, travel safety, living science law, exercise learning mo forget I wish you a happy and safe summer holiday

9 . 当我真正去做的时候却发现事情其实并没有这么简单,因为很多事情无从选择,当找不到知己找不到人生的方向时,我迷茫了不知何去何从

10 . 二不经常主动联系我亲爱的朋友们,我十分感谢他们会主动联系我,使我们之间的感情得以延续,以及感谢他们能忽略我的慢回或者忘回消息。


1 . 在好看的花,始终会凋谢;在浓郁的芬香,也始终会散去;何况是脆弱的感情,时间久了不联系,慢慢的也就淡了!

2 . 五原来即使不经常联系的朋友也在时刻关注着自己,其实朋友永远都在,只需要一个电话一个信息。

3 . "Close the holiday mode, and officially open the outstanding student model!" "Sorry, your configuration is too low to enable this function"

4 . 时间真得可以淡化一切。再好得茶叶泡多了也淡了。再好的感情分开时间长了也没了。所以记得经常联系和聚聚。

5 . 二十九不经常联系后,我们的关系渐渐的变淡了,从曾经无话不说的好朋友变成现在无话可说的普通朋友……只是,最后,我们会变成路人关系吗?

6 . Summer vacation comes, not afraid of high temperature: air conditioning blows, hot escape, feel wonderful; The ice cake is eaten, the cool degree increases, the cozy stay; SMS reading, cool holiday, mood ice dance! Happy holidays!

7 . “总要靠聊天来维持的关系真是糟糕,一段时间不联系就会冷淡。”

8 . 请原谅我在你微笑的时候不配合地哭了。

9 . "Are you happy on holiday? "Only fast, no fun"

10 . I always feel happy when the summer vacation comes, and I think it is the best time of the year to have two months to spare


1 . 好多老朋友,老同学,慢慢的,不联系,关系就淡了!有没有像我一样,永远都学不会主动?

2 . 我发现人们的专注力是有限的,一段时间内,你被任何一个人吸引了,就会注意力全在他身上,自动屏蔽掉其他人,所以,不是我好久没联系你,是有人改变了我的注意力。

3 . 时间长了,感情淡了,有些小情绪,甚至觉得没有太多的话题,有的时候不知道该何时说,怎么说,说什么,希望我们每个人都不会被时间所冲散。

4 . The exam is over, and the old smoke is gone The weather is too small and rainy The shepherd boy refers to the happy village Just hang up the sea of clouds, I will send you care today, wish this summer holiday happy!

5 . I was not very good at studying when I was reading, and I found that I was not very good at it after the holidays

6 . Why did the May th movement break out? Because the May Day holiday is only three days

7 . 正当他愤愤不平地说着这些话的时候,从窗外翩然飘进来一个天使,她告诉拜尔说:“拜尔先生,我是死亡天使,专门掌管人类从生到死的命运书,我可以给你五分钟的时间看命运书,修改你的命运。”

8 . Now off, put the summer vacation and winter vacation, winter vacation to put National Day, National Day playing as well as the May Day, May Day put like weekend, weekend and didn&#;t put the same, summary, the holiday just like farting

9 . 二十五我觉得我记忆已经出现胡乱和差错了,一个不经常联系的朋友,今天在朋友圈晒出了登记照,可是我印象中她自己在前两年晒过登记照婚纱照和摆酒照了。我今天在赶一份材料,缺发现原来我两个月前就做好了等着时间到就报上去。我,陷入深深的自我怀疑中!

10 . 又一次梦见你梦见我们的幸福可是梦都是相反的


1 . A few years of long hair will be cut in five minutes, learning a few years of knowledge a holiday will be forgotten

2 . 每个人都应该有自己的人生且不同,别人都说朋友远了,不再联系了,感情就淡了,情份日子久了也就没了,可我却不这么觉得,我觉得,朋友不论何时,不论何地,处的好了就认准了,即使日后远了,不联系了,情份还在那,至少曾经拥有过,这是我最自豪的,也是最想刻在我人生书里的一段。

3 . The holiday only discovers, only love your person will keep in touch with you

4 . 很多朋友淡了就淡了不联系就没关系了

5 . In these days, there are not dozens of papers on hand to tell others that school holidays

6 . Quietly came to the summer vacation, happy is fermented, take them at their ease, and fields for a hug, ok look at the blue sky, and the birds than running, have no matter to do a entertainment, like the fish happy bubbling By the way, I wish you a happy summer vacation!

7 . Summer vacation to, happy arrive Less stress, better mood Catch fish and shrimps Fly a kite, field run Learn to swim and bathe Be more careful and less dangerous Relax and smile Happy one summer vacation, happy childhood good!

8 . 既然已经伤害了过去,就不要再辜负了将来。

9 . 有的人走着走着就散了,有的人不联系慢慢就淡了

10 . Put on summer vacation to say the mood phrase about the summer vacation of the QQ to say the mood full of mood - sad talk - love to talk - funny talk - - motivational talk - mood phrase big all


1 . 身边很多朋友慢慢的不联系感情就淡了,感谢还有这么一个很少联系,但一个电话并不觉得生疏或者陌生的你在……

2 . As the name implies the summer vacation to heat is false, but not all person&#;s holiday, is only the proletariat and the day of the carnival, we adults can only silently standing by and by, look at these naive face the carefree play everywhere, also, those who long to see her stay home with children all the day to catch a son everywhere, art, science, such as English around, deprived of the originally let children freedom to make decision of power

3 . 三十真正踏上成年人的路之后,圈子就变窄了,不再喜欢漫无目的的去酒吧喝酒,就连好玩的朋友也会因为各自工作的原因聚不起来,慢慢的就是变成自己的成人世界,我也是一个不太会矫情黏人的朋友,但是即便不经常联系,即便不像以前一样样样小事都聊,我也一直把你们放在心上,真心的希望你们好!希望陪伴过我青葱岁月里的挚友,在成人世界里,我们依旧也是快乐的!

4 . In these days, it is not easy to have a holiday The qingming festival is still the light of ancestors

5 . 生命中总有太多遗憾,人越长大越觉得孤单。

6 . "Feel as light as before the holidays" "talk" "do not write"

7 . I just want to give them four words: please take me with you

8 . 真的很忙吗,突然发现跟朋友都好久没联系了,选择一份工作的时候选择的也是自己生活方式的一种形式,没想到当初跟现在差这么多,是时候休息一段时间了

9 . 好久没联系的高中同学突然加我的支付宝好友,只是为了收取我的蚂蚁森林能量

10 . Summer vacation comes, I invite you to travel, you pay; Watching a movie together, you buy a ticket; Buy a gift, you give me, what do I give you? I write a message to you, bless you happy to spend the summer holiday every day, laugh often, I just make you smile