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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-05 16:22:01



1 . 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

2 . 我在遗忘我所经历的过往,那些人事物最后只有我自己。

3 . 我曾给你最温暖的怀抱,你却给我最痛心的玩笑。

4 . 风起的日子笑看落花,雪舞的时节举杯向月。这样的心情,这样的浪漫,我愿与你共享,直到地老天荒!

5 . When the whole world is about to rain, let&#;s make it clear in our heart together

6 . 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

7 . "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。"

8 . 也许你会战胜一切,但是你最终还是败在了时间的脚下。

9 . Spring flower autumn leaves deep smile, thick sadness, a curtain of night dream, ten in the spring

10 . "Ideal is the beacon Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。"


1 . Peach is not only beautiful, but also released a fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind

2 . 生活是一次旅行,人们应该完整地体验它。

3 . 因为你,我懂得了爱。

4 . Life is a telescope to see far Life is a microscope, see through

5 . We are all were, blurred our closest happiness 我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。

6 . 我轻轻呼吸,呼吸没有你的空气。思念叫人窒息。

7 . 勤奋者时时获得机会,懒惰者处处失去良机。

8 . "Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。"

9 . 人活着总要爱一回。

10 . 爱自己爱的人本身就是一种幸福,你可以记住过去的美好。


1 . Self-confidence is the mother of success, the inferiority is the father of failure

2 . 我宁愿在最美的的年华,死在幸福的时光里。

3 . 只有天空没人抢得走,只要我能拾起天,它都一直陪着我!

4 . Often TouLu you every bit of life, can you the same for me 每每偷录你生活的点滴,你可否一样对于我。

5 . Life is like a multiple choice question。Sometimes,thechoices confuse you,not the question itself!

6 . In the future, you will surely appreciate now desperately trying to themselves

7 . 若未来你能想起我,希望那是温暖瞬间。

8 . 一息若存,希望不灭。

9 . "The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it 人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。"

10 . Han Xiao vast, hold the bustling sad, curved eyebrows, become the past decreed by fate


1 . 当工作是一种乐趣时,生活才是一种享受。

2 . My worst enemy is my MEMORY对我来说,最可怕的敌人,是我的记忆。

3 . Please allow me to small proud, because like you depend on 请容许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠。

4 . 如果现在召集原班人马让你再读一遍初中,你愿意么?

5 . 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

6 . 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

7 . No matter how much you hate your school, when you leave for a long time, you still miss it

8 . Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness

9 . All things come to those who wait

10 . Let disadvantages become the advantages of the predecessor, don&#;t let the benefits become a source of weakness


1 . God reward those who work hard to thrive king wind, the chickens achievement striving giants

2 . 吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

3 . 一些事,只配当回忆。一些人,只能做过客。

4 . Its not work, but is worried

5 . As a big advantage is remarkable, in bad with tough perseverance in the encounter

6 . Maybe you&#;ll beat it all, but you&#;re still at the foot of the time

7 . How many Confidante sad, how many Acacia broken, leaving only the bloody Angel cry mess

8 . Life is a flower of which love is the honey

9 . 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

10 . 遇见你是命运的安排,而爱上你是我情不自禁。