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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-21 12:18:29



1 . 自从放了假,过着吃了睡睡了吃的生活,我终于知道猪也会无聊。

2 . 大部分深夜还睡不着的人,要么心里有故事,要么心里有故人。

3 . Summer vacation to summer, you are lucky, the first prize in the welfare lottery; You did well in the heat, and koko won the first prize "Heat" you pressure is small, door door does not report class to take remedial course, "heat" you be happy thick, safe and happy you chase me to run; Wish you a very easy summer vacation!

4 . Quietly came to the summer vacation, happy is fermented, take them at their ease, and fields for a hug, ok look at the blue sky, and the birds than running, have no matter to do a entertainment, like the fish happy bubbling By the way, I wish you a happy summer vacation!

5 . 做一个有质感的女孩:读书旅游,早睡早起;美丽典雅,自强独立。

6 . 三十四多读书,多运动,让自己的心灵充实而睿智,开朗而乐观。人生需要多彩,别让无聊占据心灵的天空,前行的路上,不但有鸟语花香,也有风雨雷电,靠谁不如靠自己,我们需要的是真真实实的幸福与温暖。

7 . 有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。

8 . For us, a holiday is just another place to do your homework

9 . 寂寞的人永远不会说自己寂寞,只有无聊的人才会没事找事。

10 . 心冷,冷得丢失全部,理由通通成借口。


1 . 我滴大脑处于无聊阶段。

2 . 七夕,若你一个人,可以去麦当劳买情侣套餐,然后一个人吃光光。

3 . 我什么都知道,可我什么都没说。

4 . 这一秒我哭了,下一秒你会看到我笑。

5 . 七夕,是牛郎和织女约会的日子,你们一对对的没事跟着瞎凑什么热闹?

6 . 十七有了勇气,让我感到人间的豪情,不再感到乏力。有了勇气,让我一宽大的胸襟去去承受人间的苦难,不再感到人生的抑郁。有了勇气,让我坚贞不屈地守护着正义的底线,维护神圣的正义。

7 . 七夕,单身的朋友组队去电影院吧,把座位一个一个全隔开!

8 . No我喜欢你,关你什么事,有本事你也喜欢我试试?

9 . 活在这个世上,被人需要,是最极致的幸福!

10 . Now off, put the summer vacation and winter vacation, winter vacation to put National Day, National Day playing as well as the May Day, May Day put like weekend, weekend and didn&#;t put the same, summary, the holiday just like farting


1 . 狭路相逢勇者胜,温柔只给意中人。

2 . 睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康好运和幸福。

3 . 我不是一个虚荣的女生,我讨厌别墅,跑车,名牌包包衣服鞋子,我只喜欢钱。

4 . 五勇敢是一种牺牲精神,为了正义真理,一个勇敢者必须毫不犹豫地去牺牲,去献身。

5 . 宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次,也不要规规矩矩走一辈子。

6 . No生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。

7 . 闲是福气,无聊却是痛苦。

8 . 三十三谁也无法拥有海洋,除非你控制了无数的细流。

9 . 洋洋喜气热热闹闹喜迎新年,年年新春欢欢乐乐心想事成!

10 . 爸爸,记住少抽烟,少喝酒,多运动,您的健康是全家人的幸福,祝您新年快乐!


1 . 豁达更是一种境界,我们追求之!追求豁达人生,追求大爱无疆!

2 . During the holiday, I woke up and didn&#;t mean I got up When I go to school, I wake up and don&#;t mean I&#;m awake

3 . 老公,我觉得在做饭这件事上咱们应该分工明确,比如说你负责做,我负责吃。

4 . 三十一路程中会遇到很多很多麻烦困难,我们需要承受,更要去解决,俞敏洪说过一句话:坚持下去,不是我们有足够的坚强,而是我们已经无法选择。

5 . 踩在覆盖白雪的草地上,“喳,喳。”的声音像是谁疼痛的哀叫。

6 . 谁让我已经认定了你,所以我是不可能让你离开我的,我的床。

7 . 我是机枪,教师是准星,指引我射击准确的目标;我是秤杆,教师是秤砣,点拨我找到均衡的支点。预祝教师终身安全,桃李满人世!

8 . This is my life this year summer vacation, a colorful and meaningful summer vacation, but I more hope I can this summer and winter vacation, let&#;s primary school students really fell after the "burden"

9 . 还没确定的事不要弄得人尽皆知。

10 . Summer vacation, I went back to my grandma&#;s Just after lunch, the new good friend li Lin and Paul haenle will come for me to catch loach I and they hit it off, and come to the edge of a small county