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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 11:14:57



1 . 当你一切容入了社会,周围的一切都是平凡的劳动所给予。

2 . Today is international labor day men,I wish the women festival happiness,beautiful every day!

3 . 愿你享尽今日之欢乐,祝你的生日百事顺心!

4 . 情人节快乐:happy valentine&#;s day!!

5 . national day, the national day, celebrating the country the birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness! 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

6 . when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day! 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!

7 . 人生不过几十年,成败荣辱都在天,是非恩怨莫在意,健康快乐最值钱,自古人间苦无边,看得高远境如仙,轻轻松松每一天,父亲节快乐!

8 . your hard work for us to convey warmth,heartfelt greet a cry,you were laborious!happy labor day!

9 . 能在这个世界上获得成功的人是早晨起床后寻找他们想 要的机遇,如果他们找不到的话,就自己创造。

10 . 一年一度您的日子,在没有我在身边的时候希望也能快快乐乐过每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦


1 . lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!

2 . In the morning, we leave home, take our love, hope and trust When we encounter the difficult setbacks in the road, these are our wealth

3 . 今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天会很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,却见不到后天的太阳。

4 . By the morning, everything will be clean, and even the most troubling stains will be gone

5 . Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life&#;s way May your birthday be happy in more ways than one

6 . 人说遗传基因很重要,我要特别谢谢你爸把你生得如此好,人说后天培养是再生力量,我要特别谢谢你爸爸的好家教!父亲节,祝你的父亲节日快乐!

7 . 似乎早晨醒来后的一片刺眼而朦胧的暖光,眼前一切都在过电 影一样地回放,缓慢而忧伤。

8 . The colorful world,friendship is precious,in this long holidays,I wish you happiness!

9 . 一年一度您的日子,在没有我在身边的时候希望也能快快乐乐过每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦了!

10 . 祝我独一无二的老爸父亲节快乐,我非常爱您!


1 . 当你看到这条短信时,我的心正在为你祈祷,祈祷你心中充满幸福,祈祷天使永远在你身边,祈祷你的未来无忧无虑,祝父亲节快乐!

2 . 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

3 . 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。

4 . 活在此刻,而不是回忆。活在当下和未来,而不是过去。

5 . 祝你在这特殊的日子里,时时刻刻都充满快乐,祝你来日多福,捷报频传!

6 . 祝你度过一个最美好的生日,希望你未来的日子与以往一样快乐!

7 . appy Fathers Day to an extraordinary father!I love you so much!

8 . 您用勤劳的双手,创造了美好的生活,今天是您的节日,祝您节日愉快!

9 . Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen

10 . 是庆祝你生日的时候了,祝福美丽聪颖的你生日快乐!


1 . 如果说世界上有永恒不变无私的爱,那便是母爱和父爱,我托付明天父亲节那缕缕祥和安宁的曙光,捎去我真诚的祝福:祝你父亲永远快乐。

2 . May each hour be happy one on this special day May the day ahead be more than happy, too, as all your dreams and plans work out just right for you

3 . I hope you know how proud I am of you, father Happy Father&#;s Day! Happiness always!

4 . 劳动节不劳动!所以我仅仅劳累手指一动,给你发条短信祝你劳动节快乐!

5 . full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind the entire country is behind qi, and the home-sheng everything this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!

6 . 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

7 . 希望您诸事顺利。

8 . 一帆风顺: wish you every success

9 . in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking sincerely wish you a happy national day 在这馥郁芬芳的季节,举国欢腾的日子,有一种心情叫牵挂,有一种思维叫想念。衷心祝你,国庆快乐。

10 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations


1 . 假如你打算去行街睇戏,我绝对乐意奉陪,连直落唱埋卡拉OK,我都没问题。

2 . 愿你的生日是对生命的歌颂,祝健康快乐,事业蒸蒸日上。

3 . 五一是个加油站,为你身体加满油!


5 . 送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!

6 . National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country The birthday wish you good

7 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

8 . We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute!

9 . 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。

10 . This is for all the things that you have done for me