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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 08:21:57



1 . My desire to locate a responsible position in plant management has prompted me to forward the attached for your consideration

2 . 假如本人之应征能歌德青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以排除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望。

3 . 人生有时就像电脑,说死机就死机,没得商量。

4 . 有极强的系统管理能力。

5 . I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of the position advertised

6 . 很多事情,不是谁说了就算,即使伤心,结果还是自己承担

7 . 有一种态度叫微笑。

8 . In addition,I have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that, if given the opportunity, I would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm

9 . Iwouldbegladtohaveapersonalinterview,andcanprovidereferencesifneeded

10 . 只要相信,就有可能


1 . I am capable of working independently or as a member of a team and feel confident of my ability to provide quality performance in any assignment that I undertake

2 . 受到再大的打击,只要生命还在,请相信每天的太阳都是新的。

3 . If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview I hope to hear from you in the near future。

4 . I want a job Not any job with any company,but a particular job with your company Here are my reasonsYour organization is more than just a company It is an institution in the minds of the Chinese public

5 . 鼠标一路滑过一个个熟悉的名字,不同的话语后面隐藏的是不同的心情,有欢笑有悲哀,一如我们现在的生活。比如:“我没钱没工作!”够直白的表述,真实描述现实状态,而且看得出心态挺好,说得理直气壮的。再比如:“找不到工作,疲于奔命……”这位估计是在不同的招聘会上跑来跑去跑得郁闷了,来这里发发牢骚,然后继续“北京一日游”。抒发情感的有之:“这是最好的季节,这是最坏的季节”——深沉啊,快赶上学中文的了;自我解嘲的有之:“努力奋斗在把自己卖掉的最前线”——当成是一场战役来对待的态度是正确的;承诺许愿的亦有之:“等我找到好工作,请大家吃饭”——啊,那个,记着见者有份啊……”

6 . If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter。

7 . I will call you next Monday to schedule a mutually convenient time to meet

8 . initiative,independent and good communication skill

9 . You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require。

10 . I am forwarding my resume in regards to the opening we discussed in your Marketing Department


1 . I offer extensive knowledge of _____________________

2 . 只要阁下时间方便,我随时都可晋见,并随时提供我过去工作情况的所有资料。

3 . At the suggestion of Walter Durrane, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration pertaining to consulting or related assignments with Any Corporation

4 . Should you need additional information,I can be reached at the above address or by phone between am and pm

5 . I believe they may be found satisfactory Concerning my character。

6 . 人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。

7 . 幸福总会靠近,不管现在怎样,我们都要快乐,生活总要继续。

8 . mature,dynamic and honest

9 . 有些人,总是会慢慢的淡出你的世界,慢慢的在你的记忆里模糊

10 . a stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable


1 . 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

2 . My work experience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me for employment in ______________

3 . I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you。

4 . 我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。

5 . e*cellent ability of systematical management

6 . 现实有太多不如意,何必和自己置气¢

7 . I am looking for a job I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management。

8 . willing to work under pressure with leardership quality

9 . 人和人之间可以和平相处,不要遇到困难就伤害朋友了。

10 . 我自信有资格承担广告上所描述的和职位相关的职责。