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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-11-28 18:54:39



1 . 动词与句子

2 . 之五:太过于撮合朋友之间的爱情

3 . taste(尝吃起来, remain(保持,仍是, feel(感觉 …

4 . ()强调副词

5 . 我给他看我的照片。 我洗了我的汽车。

6 . A To sleep B Sleeping C Sleep D Having Slept

7 . ()副词表示某一地域或某一领域

8 . ? 我们不能说:

9 . The days are getting longer Please keep quiet

10 . ? 主语是句子要说明的人或事物。 ? 主语:名词代词动名词(v+ing


1 . 选择疑问句:

2 . 如果某人需要的帮忙,是你和你比较亲密的亲友无法做到的,需要通过更复杂的关系才能达成,段人情换段人情实在怎么想都不划算,而且其中可能牵扯出来的麻烦只会让你剪不断,理还乱。当然,生命攸关的大事除外。

3 . 归类二:

4 . 谁知道答案? 她微笑表示感谢。

5 . ? 该句型的谓语动词是及物动词(transitive verb

6 . C Being exposed D After being exposed

7 . 陈述句分为:肯定句,否定句(肯定句基础上+助动词+否定词(not/never/seldom/less/few…))

8 . His job is to teach English(不定式

9 . The teaching plan for next term has been worked out(动名词

10 . Wherever you go, I follow


1 . When we are going to have an English test has not been decided(主语从句

2 . The weather has turned cold(形容词

3 . ②以o结尾的单词除了两人(negro,hero两菜(tomato,potato加es外,其余一般加s;

4 . ⑴ 动词原形开头的句子结构,是由as引起的倒装句中。例如:

5 . Unfortunately, he tripped over and fell in the mud

6 . 修饰全句常用的副词有:obviously, undoubtedly, apparently, fortunately, clearly, unfortunately, incredibly, luckily, unluckily, surprisingly, frighteningly等。

7 . Seeing is believing (动名词

8 . 双宾语结构与复合宾语结构的区别:

9 . 常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来, look(看起来, feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来,

10 . 冠词,介词,连词,感叹词——虚词


1 . What beautiful furniture it is! (furniture 家具不可数

2 . Having completed the form, he mailed it out immediately(时间)

3 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam

4 . 情态动词(常用有个): can /could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must/must, dare, have to(不得不,客观必须, ought to(理应去做), need to(需要去做) 结构:情态动词+ do sth (动词原形

5 . Strangely enough, Jennifer does not enjoy sunshine and beach

6 . 宾语种类:(双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语,例如:Lend me your dictionary, please(复合宾语(宾语+宾补,例如:They elected him their monitor

7 . Under the snow, there are many rocks

8 . The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time(代词

9 . why, which, that等)引出,其有两个功能:对大句中的某个成分作补充说明。充当大句中的某个成分。)

10 . 管它呢? 他所讲的没有什么关系。


1 . =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud

2 . ┃ They │ate │what was left over ┃

3 . 复合宾语动词用于SVOC句型。复合宾语动词就是要接一个宾语和一个补语其意思

4 . I need some help I know your name

5 . His father is in (副词

6 . We often speak English in class(代词

7 . ┃ Who │knows │the answer? ┃

8 . 介词又称前置词,在句中不单独作任何句子成分。介词后面必须有名词名词性词组或名词性从句作它的宾语,构成介词短语。

9 . 可事实上,相信每个人都遭遇过一些尴尬不已的帮忙事件,它让我们哭笑不得以后,变得“听帮忙色变”。下面的一些忙千万不能帮。

10 . Unlike his father, Peter touches neither cigarettes nor alcohol(方式)


1 . ① mind/ practice/ regret/ finish/ avoid/ escape + doing sth (动名词,eg mind smoking, practice playing football,etc

2 . Don’t let him do that (省to不定式

3 . 若为生命词,加“’s”即可行,

4 . Last night she didn’t go to the dance partybecause of the rain(原因状语

5 . He gave me a book yesterday

6 . 宾语补足语是对宾语进行补充和说明的句子成分。

7 . “宾语+宾语补足语”合起来称为复合宾语(如make,keep,get等+宾语+宾补)

8 . 垂悬分词

9 . S : A scientist must to learn the pratical experimental methods The institute offered a opportunity to study this phenomenon 处理办法:重点掌握,中心在句子宾语位置

10 . Feeling bored, she turned on the TV and switched from channel to channel(原因) Wanting to find out the business hour, she called the store(原因)


1 . Let the fresh air in(副词

2 . His father gave him a new pen 双宾语

3 . 基本句型一

4 . Slowly and gently, snowflakes were drifting down from the sky

5 . S V (主谓)

6 . 短句:一般为~个单词; I love you? I love you very much!

7 .  :用于描述名词,代词,短语或从句的性质,特征范围等情况的词叫做定语, 定语可以由名词,形容词和起名词和形容词作用的词,短语担任。如果定语是单个 词,定语放在被修饰词的前面,如果是词组,定语放在被修饰词的后面。

8 . She came in with a dictionary in her hand(伴随状语

9 . The truth is that he has never been abroad(表语从句

10 . ┃S │V(及物)│ o(多指人) │ O(多指物) ┃


1 . 状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。

2 . 【副词开头】

3 . 末尾字母o,大多加s,

4 . Give the poor man some money

5 . We should help the old and the poor

6 . ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓

7 . She was found singing in the next room

8 . 二 动词分类

9 . 五类动词:

10 . 基本句型五