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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2022-09-25 19:28:08



1 . prep 在…之上;越过;在…的另一边(对面);由于;从一边到另一边

2 . n

3 . n 本质

4 . 我经过再三考虑后决定辞职After much heart-searching, they decided to separate

5 . 太给力了!

6 . 一星期英镑的工资A weekly wage of

7 . 英镑押金才能搬进房里去。Fined for reckless driving

8 . 他仪表堂堂。They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country

9 . place是什么意思:

10 . 他告诉了我他的下落。The leaves of various shades of brownness are falling down


1 . A thirst for knowledge

2 . 下落不明满四年的`The investigation and inuquiry into the whereabouts of the art treasures took years of work

3 . Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action

4 . 与癫痫有关的,相关的Of or relating to differentiation

5 . n 住所;座位;场所;地方;名次;社会地位;位;职位

6 . 以…的方式(或状态方法)

7 . 政府对新闻媒体施行审查制度。The conquerors imposed their law on the native people

8 . 真令人毛骨悚然!How gelivable it is!

9 . 我一生中失败了一次又一次。"Over shoes, over Boots"

10 . 他们威胁说要对该国实行封锁。The government imposed censorship on the press


1 . Wages of a week/a weekly wage of

2 . 征服者强迫当地居民接受他们的法律。 force是什么意思:

3 . 物体下落时,速度是越来越快。We&#;ve lost all trace of him,ie We no longer know where he is

4 . 他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽,缀着三色帽徽。Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm

5 . 实现国家统一是民族的愿望That is not something I particulary aspire to at this moment

6 . 他们考虑再三之后,决定分开。over是什么意思:

7 . 他在一首诗里美妙地表达了这种热望。At length the path becoming clearer and less intricate, brought them to the eager desire to run to him

8 . v 渴望;追求;立志

9 . 到小D查看再三的英文翻译>>

10 . 便士为英镑。The invoice was for cif


1 . chew over; think over

2 . Bold or insolent heedlessness of restraints,as of those imposed by prudence,propriety,or convention

3 . 有关圣事的法规Of or relating to the gums

4 . adj 什么样的;多么的

5 . n 英国货币;标准纯银

6 . adv (倒)下;从一边到另一边;越过;再;结束

7 . 命令,吩咐权威性地且强调性地发布施令 He was an imposing man

8 . They aspire to freedom

9 . 不过无论这个故事是好是坏,讲故事的人扮演的是传授者译者以及传达者。The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame

10 . 银器纯银制做的物品,如餐具Please quote your price In term of pound sterling