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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-06 07:09:56



1 . This message: full is missing, is filled with miss, is filled with care, fill the greetings, writing is full of blessings, weekend comes, wish you happy companions, happiness around, good lucky for you。

2 . 很多事先天注定,那是“命”;但你可以决定怎么面对,那是“运”!

3 . Season&#;s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!

4 . The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on

5 . No need to have a reason to love you Anything can be a reason not to

6 . A lot of words want to say to you and had to be parting emotions swallow down only: you want to malicious happy forget me not!

7 . Three hundred and sixty-five miles,everywhere be filled with my season greeting

8 . Wishing you peace,joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year

9 . 如意在袖子里;领子蕴藏体贴,口袋盛满快乐!让我的心陪伴您度过新年!

10 . 爱的对象应该是品格端正的人,已及小有缺陷而肯努力上进的人,这才是应该保持的爱情,才是起于天上爱神的那种高尚优美的爱情。


1 . 表现的明显就会觉得没有意思,表现的不明显就会感觉不到。我只能感受并做直接了当的那种,但是很羡慕能够含蓄表达的人。

2 . 把臂膀给予飞雀就欢快了;把心抛给大海就辽阔了;把目光留给苍穹就深远了;把祝福发给你就开心了,祝周末愉快!

3 . This is a nice quiet world, the sun is shining as ever, the soft wind gently as ever, I hope that a good time to stop this, bring you joy and inspiration, have a nice weekend!

4 . 手握爱情的画笔,在生活的卷轴里涂上幸福的一笔,手捧爱情的花朵,在人生的道路上洒满芬芳,拥你在怀,便拥有了所有的快乐,我爱你到永远!

5 . 在一年的每个日子,在一天每个小时,在一小时的每一分钟,在一分钟的每一秒,我都在想你。

6 . 很多话想对你说但又被离别的情绪咽了下去唯有:你要狠快乐勿忘我!

7 . 愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。

8 . 短信居经典人生感悟

9 . 要冒一险!整个生命就是一场冒险,走得最远的人常是愿意去做愿意去冒险的人。

10 . The house is not too big, sweet and good。 The husband don&#;t too handsome, people must be better。 Don&#;t take too much money, enough is ok。 Don&#;t be overly reducing weight, it is good to health。 I wish you a happy happy every day!


1 . {}铁饭碗的真实含义不是在一个地方吃一辈子饭,而是一辈子到哪儿都有饭吃。

2 . 转眼之间,已走至寒冷的冬末,在这样凛冽的日子里,对你的思念更深更浓。祝你平安快乐!

3 . {}互相尊重是第一种美德,而必要的距离又是任何一种尊重的前提。

4 . 有人说,爱到深处是卑微。是的,爱到深处,这份爱一定指的是真爱或者至爱,而卑微,也一定是一颗谦让和包容的心。

5 . Christmas comes but once a yearBut when it comes it brings good cheer

6 . 没有哪种教育能及得上逆境。

7 . 与其当一辈子乌鸦,莫如当一次鹰。

8 . 当旧年离去的时候,同时离去的也是所有的不快;当迎来新春的时候,同时也迎来了新的希望。祝你新年快乐。

9 . 少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。

10 . Thank you in the past year for our company&#;s strong support, I wish you luck in the New Year, the future! Thanks to the New Year。


1 . Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

2 . {}人之所以活的累,是因为放不下架子,撕不开面子,解不开情结。

3 . Greeting transformed into a poem, a melody, open a garden of spring。

4 . Heart attract is friendship, respect, is wisdom to attract the physical attraction is the desire, the combination of these three, the love。

5 . 远隔千山万水,也隔不断我对你的思念。祝你圣诞快乐。

6 . 壮志与毅力是事业的双翼。

7 . A seven step of happiness, the five steps in front of the hard and busy for two steps behind the carefree and happy, then jump after two step, wish you can have a good mood!

8 . 没有热忱,世间便无进步。

9 . A brilliant candlelight, suisui birthday happy, lucky you, tomorrow will be better!

10 . 我说不清爱情到底是什么,它也许只是男人女人间最简单自然的情感流露;是我们对幸福理解的一种概念。爱与孤独总是如影随形,我们在孤独中强烈的渴望爱。