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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-03 15:01:22



1 . It was a physical problem that had to be solved要解决的问题是个实际问题。

2 . A: I&#;ve heard so much about you

3 . B: Thank you, I&#;m sure I will

4 . A: Where are you from?

5 . Tom has to maintain his family

6 . 预见后果是非常难的。It was not easy to foresee the consequences

7 . 北京是一个非常美丽的城市!

8 . 十六I&#;d bet to take the happiness of this life, how do you be willing to let me lose我拿这辈子的幸福跟你赌,你怎么舍得让我输。

9 . 她力量是指女性群体在社会各个领域产生的不可忽视的力量,包括女性本身的力量女性和男性融合的`力量女性对男性激励的力量。

10 . 二十Don&#;t take yourself too reluctantly, because no one will care about不用对自己太勉强,因为没人会在意。


1 . But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire

2 . 二Eternity is not a distance but a decision永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

3 . 她是个漂亮妞。She was a subscriber

4 . 九Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it&#;s breaking尽管心痛甚至心碎也要微笑。

5 . 修匀功效 These drugs are powerful

6 . disputes是什么意思:

7 . A: How was your trip?

8 . a book the length of `War and Peace&#;像《战争与和平》篇幅那样长的书

9 . B: I have been to Xi&#;an and Shanghai

10 . My uncle was the mayor of Memphis


1 . B: OK, thank you

2 . He was cradled in the house of his uncle

3 . 十Never willing to willing, after all, or not未曾舍得的舍得,终究还是会不得。

4 . 七We are so in love, but love to separate我们那么爱,却爱到了分开。

5 . There are important corollaries to the investigative power

6 . 她反复无常。She is not that sloppy

7 . 他是依照叔父的名来命名的。

8 . 焦炭的主要成分是碳。acid是什么意思:

9 . to solve disputes by peaceful means

10 . 汤姆叔叔想使他摆脱有利于其成长的关系。


1 . B: Beijing is a very beautiful city!

2 . adj 自然的;天然的;不做作的;天生的;原始的;有血缘关系的

3 . 当水吸收二氧化碳时,即产生碳酸。A salt or ester of hypochlorous acid

4 . I just solved the mystery 我刚刚把那个谜底解开了。

5 . B: It was wonderful

6 . natural language自然语言(指人类语言集团的本族语,与世界语或计算机语言等人造语言相对 consequence是什么意思:

7 . adj

8 . 谢谢,您过奖了。

9 . 谢谢你!

10 . A: Have you been to other parts of China?