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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-25 06:21:20



1 . 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

2 . Love is devoting himself to the whole body into, and then withdraw back a hundred thousand turn out

3 . Regret is the pain that can breathe, it flows back and forth in the blood

4 . 超人的幸福需要咸蛋,我的幸福需要你。

5 . 一息若存,希望不灭。

6 . Happiness is a simple breath, there is no misfortune before the breath stops

7 . 我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。

8 . I want someone whos afraid of losing me 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人。

9 . The voyage of life is full of opportunities and challenges

10 . 妈妈没想到的你却想到了。


1 . 别放弃,为您所爱的而奋斗。再见了,年!您好,年!

2 . No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn&#;t stop for your grief The sun comes right back up the next day

3 . 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。(苏格拉底 古希腊

4 . 捻一片深冬的雪,斟一杯春天的酒,加一滴快乐的水,添一勺幸运的花,摘一轮皎洁的月,洒一缕灿烂的光,酿一句真诚的话:春节快乐!

5 . 凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。

6 . 能一直美美滴还能每天陪孩子,每天在一起就是幸福。

7 . 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

8 . 我宁愿在最美的的年华,死在幸福的时光里。

9 . 一生总会爱那么几个人,到最后陪在身边的只有一个。

10 . You just can&#;t ignore me now! And when I don&#;t care about you, you know the regret


1 . 人活着总要爱一回。

2 . My life is a straight line, turning just for you

3 . 想着过去的记忆,品着现在的心酸,念着未来的坎坷。

4 . Life is a flower of which love is the honey

5 . The time passed by, yet our true friendship remains in my heart岁月流逝,你我真挚的友情却常存我心。

6 . the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones 舌无骨却能折断骨。

7 . Brief is life, but love is long

8 . 我来不及认真地年轻,待明白过来时,只能选择认真地老去。

9 . 被山花野草迷住的人,永远也登不上风光无限,近在眼前的顶峰。,再见;,您好!

10 . 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 -- 穆尔


1 . When I need it, I can not, give me a point of view of care

2 . Your weak away in my heart, but let me for you and 你的脆弱藏在心里,却让我因你而难过。

3 . 生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。

4 . We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope -- Mattin Luther King

5 . This is spoiled child, do not know the people will be hurt, naive cruel

6 . Love is a vine that grows into our hearts

7 . Life is a journey of constant experience, learning, and enjoyment

8 . Home is a place where I can be alone

9 . 相忘谁先忘,倾国是故国。泠泠不肯弹,蹁跹影惊鸿。

10 . Life is just a moment in eternity


1 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you

2 . 给朋友剥个无花果,给坏蛋抛只大坏桃。

3 . 也许你会战胜一切,但是你最终还是败在了时间的脚下。

4 . We always want to forget the past, but in the past, but did not forg 我们总想着遗忘过去,但过去却并未遗忘我们。

5 . 生活不是单行线,此路不通,你可以转弯。

6 . One&#;&#;s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself(Einstein Germany

7 . I just miss once, but forget that we have not been their own

8 . 远道的问候倾出于心,让温馨的话语跨越千里,让寂寞的寒冬抛下冰冷,让新年的钟声寄出平安。好朋友天涯海角都有我的祝福,预祝您们全家春节快乐!

9 . 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

10 . 因为你,我懂得了爱。