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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-20 13:45:08



1 . Strive for success, but dont expect success

2 . Often blame yourself, often can get others understanding

3 . 如果只有在梦里才能和你在一起,那么,宝贝,我宁愿长睡不起。

4 . Enjoy the simple things

5 . We may quote a common example of…Just think of…

6 . Tell me you are mine I&#;ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

7 . Hope for the best, try for the best and prepare for the worst

8 . 人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。

9 . To the world you may be just one person To the person you may be the world对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

10 . 过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。


1 . 享受简单事物的乐趣。

2 . 花花世界 不必当真。

3 . There is an old saying______It“s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today

4 . 苦难是人生的老师。

5 . It is never too late to fall in love爱永远不会嫌晚。

6 . We all have moments of desperation But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are

7 . 水只有碰到石头才能碰出浪花。

8 . 给自己充足的时间来改进自身,你会没时间去批判别人。

9 . 每天都尝试去一件你害怕的事情,因为,你所害怕的事情,往往是最值得的。

10 . 有目标的人生才有方向有规划的人生才更精彩。


1 . 喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。

2 . 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……最糟糕的是……

3 . 人永远在追求快乐,永远在逃避痛苦。

4 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

5 . Take … for example

6 . 经过海浪的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。

7 . Time would heal almost all wounds If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while

8 . 每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。

9 . 如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。

10 . Always listen to your heart because even though it&#;s on your left side, it&#;s always right


1 . Use your smile to change the world Dont let the world change your smile

2 . As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extentI think that ____

3 . 如果花开了,就喜欢;如果花落了,就放弃。陪你在路上满心欢喜是因为风景,不是因为你。

4 . 为成功找方法,不为失败找借口。

5 . Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

6 . 十一结尾万能句子

7 . 努力是成功之母。

8 . 我没有留恋,仅管我会想去天崖想去海角。

9 . 笑口常开,好彩自然来!

10 . When life give you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile


1 . Why______? The first reason is that ______The second reason is ______The third is ______For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______

2 . 适可而止的放弃不会输得太惨。

3 . Its generally recognized that… 它普遍认为…

4 . 有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。

5 . 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

6 . 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

7 . 当你懈怠的时候,请想一下你父母期待的眼神。

8 . 我到底有多重要。我不知道。

9 . It goes without saying that… 不言而喻,…

10 . 这个世界,没有偶然。


1 . Youre like a sun Gave me the great semi-decadent people hope你就像一道阳光。给了我这种半颓废的人莫大的希望。

2 . 总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。

3 . I&#;ll think of you every step of the way我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

4 . 结交快乐的朋友。整日愁眉不展只能让你雪上加霜。

5 . As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

6 . Only when a rock meets a spray

7 . 每一件事都要用多方面的角度来看它。

8 . 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。

9 . Love is photogenic It needs darkness to develop

10 . Lie on the bed, do not feel the warmth of the sun


1 . 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。

2 . 每个人都有自己的难处,只不过有的人不容易被发觉罢了。

3 . 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。

4 . Behind each of the strenuous efforts, there must be double reward

5 . Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。

6 . 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……更为糟糕的是……

7 . Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination

8 . Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。

9 . But its a pity that… 但遗憾的是…

10 . 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。


1 . The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right面对满满的失望也只能倔强笑着说没。

2 . If it blossoms, I will love; if not, give up I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you

3 . No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry

4 . 不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值。

5 . Nothing is difficult, as long as the shameless

6 . Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship

7 . You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

8 . 爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的 幸福而努力。

9 . Have a goal of life only have the direction of planning life is more exciting

10 . 并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。