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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-21 23:41:46



1 . In such a season, my sincere blessing to you, may happiness always on your side "Qing Shan Xi lighting everywhere" wish you happy life, health and longevity! Mother, no matter where you are, there is the place where we are most happy and yearning

2 . 岁月悠悠,时光如流,恰是怀念最多时,且寄予无限的祝福,祝圣诞快乐!

3 . Teachers, so when children call me, just like that…… Today, I sincerely Duinin Shui sound: the teacher, you had hard(老师,当孩子们这样称呼我时,犹如当年……今天我衷心地对您说声:老师,您辛苦了。

4 . 您常在给我温暖的眼神,您常说快乐健康是孩子的礼物。所以今天,我送上一个笑,温暖您的心。母亲节你永远的节日。

5 . Night the angel of peace, to offer a safe, let this auspicious melody, accompany you through tonight

6 . 母亲,您弯曲的脊背挺直了我的人生路,您斑白的双鬓彩化了我的人生途,您紧凑的皱纹排除了我的人生顾虑,您的人生终点为我带来生命起点。我爱你,母亲。

7 . If the most cold is the Arctic, then the most warm is the mother&#;s arms; if the most ugly face is crying, then the most beautiful scenery is the mother&#;s smile; wish a happy mother&#;s day, always healthy!

8 . Life is so wonderful, the feeling is really wonderful; blood altogether breathe out, two people depend on each other; for you really happy, blessings in time to I wish you a good "pregnancy", and the happy hug Mom, happy mother&#;s Day!

9 . 平安夜已经平安快乐的度过了,不知道你过的好不好,想来应该是很好了!那就祝圣诞快乐吧!

10 . 除了It&#;s my treat, 还有:


1 . 你听过鸡蛋脑子吗?没有听过吧!但是在英文里却有这种说法——egghead,然而不是我们以为的不好的意思,而是指有知识的人,理论家,但是有时也包含着一些贬的意味。下面我们来看几个例句吧。

2 . 标准口语:I&#;ll pay the bill

3 . 在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。

4 . 每次她一生气就勃然大怒。

5 . 所有的结局都是新的开始,只是当时不知道。

6 . 在一些地方看到说count me on也可以表示“算上我”的意思,但实际在英语中,“算上我”的正确说法应该是count me in,其反义词是count me out。

7 . 我很喜欢邀请那个派对狂来参加我们的派对。他能使整个气氛热烈起来。

8 . Don&#;t give yourself too much pressure。

9 . Know how to enjoy, know to share, there are the good in life! Cheer up, my friends, merry Christmas!

10 . Life in the first cry, first down, every time the laughter, every fold to, are inseparable from the mother&#;s care and accompany let us pious Qi Fu, wish our mother longevity and health mother festival is happy!


1 . ⑧ Your plan for a class get-together你这个同学聚会的计划听起来很不错。

2 . 喝酒要适可而止。

3 . 白雪飘飘,鹿铃霄霄,甜蜜的平安夜又来到,小手摆摆,舞姿曼曼,快乐的圣诞节日多美好。

4 . In the world the most beautiful is the mother call the child&#;s voice and the engraved in the heart is mother&#;s face, no matter when, frustrated or proud mother is always the most accepted you Mother&#;s Day blessing mother healthy forever with Happy mother&#;s day!

5 . 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

6 . 母爱是一生相伴的盈盈笑语,母爱是漂泊天涯的缕缕思念,母爱是儿女成长的殷殷期盼。明天母亲节,祝母亲身体健康,越活越年青!

7 . 我的`酒量小。

8 . Tom is the black sheep of his family

9 . Mother, your eyes are unforgettable spring, your hands is the universe of infinite tenderness, your chest is the paradise of eternal bright, your hair is my constant care Mother&#;s Day is up, may the mother&#;s health and longevity, happy forever

10 . 她不是云彩,因为她不会随风而散;她不是浪花,因为她不会随波逐流。她是爱——母亲的爱,祝天下母亲幸福!


1 . Mom, in today&#;s mother&#;s day, I want to say to you: you are my mother, friends and friends of the perfect combination

2 . 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞,高高兴兴过新年!

3 . Dear teachers, a thousand words can not express the gratitude of the I, I can only say that I am the truth: the teachers happy holidays, you would like to have a better tomorrow(老师您好,千言万语表达不了我的感激之情,我只说一句我的心里话:老师节日快乐,愿您有一个更美好的明天。

4 . We go to dinner on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve we sing, carnival night we go to the disco dancing I want we are together!

5 . 圣诞快乐,并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候,一定会让你收到我的祝福。

6 . Warmest wishes for Christmas and a happy, wish all the best in the New Year!

7 . 我听说过她,有人说她是个扫帚星,谁跟她结婚都会倒霉。

8 . 心灵烙印着母亲的爱,成长寄存着母亲的牵挂,行程链接着母亲的思念。母亲是回家的渴望,母亲是心灵的航向。愿天下母亲节日快乐!

9 . 每段故事都有一个结局。但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。

10 . I had better follow your advice。


1 . Scold, total contains love; nagging, reveals a concern; silent, hidden miss; a show of hands between total hope peace child; this is the motherly love, mother love is great, difficult to return, only happy mothers day fast, safe and healthy!

2 . 世上只有妈妈好,节日当然母亲节最好,物以稀为贵母亲就一个,母爱无价买不到,愿每个母亲都是寿星佬,开心笑容皱纹减少,每天生活没烦恼。

3 . play a lone hand〔美国〕独个儿工作[旅行生活],不靠别人

4 . 懂得享受,懂得分享,生活中有数不完的美好!朋友们,欢愉起来吧,圣诞节快乐!

5 . There is only a good mother, festival, of course, mother&#;s Day best, content with rare for your mother a, maternal love is priceless to buy, I wish every mother is Shouxing guy, happy smile, reduce wrinkles, daily life no worries

6 . Mom, I wish you a happy little more, worry less; a little more healthy, no longer have the injury; a little more happiness, I will not let you worry Mother&#;s day comes, I just want to say with you: Mom, hard work! May you always be healthy, always happy, always beautiful, always happy!

7 . 他太年轻了,不能担此重任。

8 . 他可是个乐天派,整天无忧无虑的。

9 . ③ We&#;re planning a TWO-Day Tour to Shanghai this weekend我们计划这周末去上海两日游。

10 . What you said sounded reasonable。


1 . Teachers, I will you, as I work on the aircraft lights In our common holiday is approaching, I wish you a backgammon! ! ! !(老师,我会把你作为我工作路上的航灯。在我们共同的节日来临之即,祝你们步步高!!!!

2 . 幸福是个比较级,要有东西垫底才容易感觉到。

3 . Maternal love, is the world&#;s most selfless, the greatest and most selfless affection! Love, is the world&#;s most extraordinary, the most trivial emotional chastity! Mother&#;s Day blessing beloved mother happy, happy Kang Kang, peace, happy!

4 . Wet behind the ears如果直译: 耳朵背后是潮的。它可能来自这样的说法: 小马小牛刚生下来的时候全身湿漉漉的;别的地方很快会干,但是耳朵背后却还是湿的。所以说某人耳朵背后是潮的,是把这人比作刚生下不久的婴儿了。换句话说就是他简直像新生儿一般幼稚无知。

5 . 表达:

6 . Let us give mother a little love and care, it is afraid of the heat of a fan; winter in a sweater, let the mother always feel the concern of children

7 . 习语中cool做名词用,有“冷静”和“镇定”等意思。Blow one’s cool常用来形容人“沉不住气”或“失去控制而激动起来”。

8 . If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed

9 . Don&#;t realize too much which will let you down

10 . May god bless you and your family, wish you happy, family happiness Wish you a merry Christmas, eat good drink good


1 . 已经无法挽救了。

2 . 你可别小看我。

3 . a black sheep“败家子”此短语源于谚语 There is a black sheep in every flock(每群羊里都有一只黑绵羊

4 . A: Here’s my money for the ice cream

5 . 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。

6 . I respect the teachers, my success is the support given to you, a thousand words a "thank you" - you&#;re a teacher I will never, never a friend!(我尊敬的老师,我的成功是您给予的支持,千言万语一声"谢谢"--您是我永远的老师,永远的朋友!

7 . On the occasion of the arrival of Christmas, I have but one thing to tell you, today I didn&#;t eat breakfast, I didn&#;t eat lunch, I went to work for you

8 . 记住这些弱点是天生的。

9 . If you have not received my Christmas present today, it must be your socks have a big hole, fast repair

10 . Kiss your cheek, let the blessings of love into every piece glittering and translucent snowflake Into your heart Dear wish you a merry Christmas!


1 . 行动比语言更响亮。

2 . Mother, you bend the spine straighten the road of my life, you gray color of the temples of the way of my life, your compact wrinkles excluded the concerns of my life, the end of your life as I bring starting point of life I love you, mother

3 . Want to send you carnations, you say too much waste; would like to invite you to eat a big meal, you say outside the family did not eat incense; want to send you a gift You always say that the home has But I have to send a gift: Mom, I love you forever!

4 . 您的平安是我的愿望,您的真心是我的幸福,而我给您的礼物是我一生的祝福!节日快乐。

5 . On the Christmas tree falling snow, bring you rich next year; To sway, gift on the Christmas tree reflects your brilliant smiling face

6 . Gently out GREetings, do not want to alarm you, you just want to really know whether all Physical well-being of students is the greatest comfort(轻轻一声问候,不想惊扰您,只想真切知道您一切是否安好。身体安康是学生们最大的安慰。

7 . 母爱,是叮嘱,是思念,无尽挂牵;母爱,柔如风,深似海,恩重如山;鲜花可以枯萎,沧海变为桑田,又到母亲节,祝愿亲爱的妈妈健康快乐!

8 . The bell has sounded and looked up a long time, there is a warm, also delivery such as clock to rises in my heart

9 . Never make, but always break。

10 . 希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。