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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-03 16:06:07



1 . 并列句

2 . They are professional actors

3 . His pronunciation is very poor

4 . 主(语)+系(动词)+表(语)

5 . Its owner is Mr Wu

6 . My friends are all friendly

7 . 典型例题:

8 . The chair is yours椅子是你的。

9 . The school building is very high

10 . 例句:因为岛屿挡住了它的转动,它狠狠地用脚踢着,用手推着,用牙咬着。它一刻比一刻兴奋,一刻比一刻用劲。


1 . The bag was lost

2 . 一个句子在结构上的作用有承上启下前后呼应总结上文或总结全文等。我们应该抓住总领句过渡句总结句分析其在结构上的作用。

3 . He is very energetic

4 . You look unhappy, what’s the matter?

5 . English is is very interesting

6 . 五种基本句型——主系表结构

7 . He主语,代词 fat表语,形容词

8 . Its favourite food is bread

9 . My teachers are all very patient

10 . Snow is white


1 . The desk feels hard

2 . 典型例题

3 . 主语,主语是五种基本句型都具备的。

4 . The leaf turns green 树叶变绿了。

5 . They主语,代词 kind亲切的,和蔼的,形容词,表语

6 . Kate was here yesterday凯特昨天在这。

7 . The chair is yours

8 . 五.S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构

9 . Her writing is very beautiful

10 . 赏析:本句用拟人手法,赋予风雨水小苗阳光以人的灵性,让我们感受到生命的获取原来如此的诗意,与峡谷的凄清冷落形成了鲜明的对比,很自然地引出下文。


1 . The bag 主语,名词 lost丢,形容词,表语

2 . We are primary school students

3 . This tastes nice What’s in it?

4 . You are my favourite friend

5 . 我想知道她现在在哪儿?

6 . They are really pianist

7 . A mooncake is a delicious, round cake

8 . She is very strict

9 . 二 表示变化类:become get turn grow go

10 . (S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O=间接宾语;O=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语 一.S十V主谓结构|(vi)


1 . 主从复合句

2 . 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy,主格代词(如you,数词,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。

3 . The story is interesting这故事挺有趣。

4 . 例句:那儿的树木虽然远不如山上的小草高,但它却可以自豪地宣布:我是森林!

5 . 简单句

6 . You are too confident

7 . 找出下面句子中的主语系动词及表语,并指出主语和表语分别是由什么词性或词类来充当的。

8 . They are in trouble

9 . 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 Grammar is hell

10 . You are you are really beautiful


1 . He is fat 他很胖。

2 . The flower smells good花闻起来很香。

3 . You are our best friends

4 . Tom is a student 汤姆是一个学生。

5 . He gaveme a book

6 . 练习答案

7 . 赏析:作者用两个反问一个设问表达了对阳光不公的抗议,莫非一词更让人感受到作者的怨恨之情。

8 . I am very energetic

9 . I am very outgoing

10 . 句子结构


1 . He brought me a pen

2 . 宾语:宾语位于及物动词之后,一般同主语构成一样,不同的是构成宾语的代词必须是‘代词宾格’

3 . I am fourteen years old

4 . 一简单句

5 . 从位置上来看,主语一般在句子开头,也就是一个句子的 “头把交椅”。 从意义上理解,主语一般是一个句子的“陈述对象”,后面的一切都是针对主语来说的。

6 . I am interested in English

7 . Our favourite sports are basketball and football Our health is the most important

8 . 主系表结构造句

9 . Weather___, well go out for a walk

10 . The chair 主语,名词yours表语,物主代词