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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-29 06:46:13



1 . If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem

2 . Struggle comparing upward Happy compare downward

3 . (心之所愿,无事不成。

4 . 你不能改变生命的长度,但是你能改变它的宽度

5 . 第条 As long as you do not admit defeat, there will be a chance!

6 . 第条 Where there is hope, pain becomes joy

7 . There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence 人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。

8 . Still holding o

9 . [拥抱我所有不安]

10 . 第条 The perfect thing is art


1 . 狠抓基础是成功的基础持之以恒是胜利的保证。

2 . A man is not old as long as he is seeking somethingA man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams

3 . 第条 There is nothing to succeed in the world

4 . (未雨绸缪。

5 . You have a dream

6 . Live a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again

7 . Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you

8 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

9 . [害怕你冰冷的眼]

10 . 深爱也已是今非昔比 ≈Say goodbye


1 . 盆景秀木正因为被人溺爱,才破灭了成为栋梁之材的梦。

2 . (天生我才必有用。

3 . 拧成一股绳,搏尽一份力,狠下一条心,共圆一个梦。

4 . 第条 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。

5 . Doesn&#;t think before have regrets, one can endure the easy。

6 . A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world

7 . 第条 恨别人,痛苦的却是自己。

8 . 真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难伤心和烦恼的时刻。

9 . 第条 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。

10 . All things in their being are good for something


1 . 第条 One hundred words, as well as an action

2 . I am waiting for a hug

3 . 笑看人生峰高处,唯有磨难多正果。

4 . 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。

5 . 第条 人一看重机会,就难免被机会支配。

6 . Saying I love you

7 . Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results

8 . 人生充满着期待,梦想连接着未来。

9 . 第条 I have the good heart of the Xi, although nine still not regret

10 . 第条 Life needs not only length, but also width


1 . 梦里有你

2 . I will believe you

3 . Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people

4 . 你不喜欢我,我一点都不介意。因为我活下来,不是为了取悦你!

5 . The battle for the college entrance examination, change the fate。 Repeatedly lost war, a proud smile。

6 . Better late than never 迟做总比不做的好。

7 . (失败乃成功之母。

8 . Afraid of people sto

9 . 第条 博观而约取,厚积而薄发。

10 . The palm of a dream


1 . 事不三思终有悔,人能百忍自无忧。

2 . Today, give a stranger one of your smiles It might be the only sunshine he sees all day

3 . 〔时间如流水〕

4 . 第条 笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。

5 . 她是个美女

6 . 杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。

7 . We loved each other and were ignorant我们曾经相爱却浑然不知

8 . 忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

9 . Rose-tinted spectacles peak height, only suffering more than fruit。

10 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass Alexander Dumas生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。


1 . If you are brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO 只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。

2 . 第条 要改变命运,首先要改变自己。

3 . 第条 Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress are the last to shed their leaves。

4 . 我自信,我出色:我拼搏,我成功!

5 . 第条 Failure is not dead, but disappointment will be

6 . you will be ok。太多的情绪,没适当的表情。

7 . 说着我爱你

8 . she is a babe

9 . 如果把才华比作剑,那么勤奋就是磨刀石。

10 . Stupid people always regret yesterday, to pray for tomorrow, it&#;s a pity efforts of today。


1 . 有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。

2 . 第条 一个人的态度,决定他的高度。

3 . [我在等一个拥抱]

4 . 第条 你必须成功,因为你不能失败。

5 . 第条 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

6 . [不怕万人阻挡]

7 . Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission

8 . I can live for two months on a good pliment Mark Twain , American writer 只凭一句赞美的话我就可以充实地活上两个月。

9 . (最简单的回答就是行动。

10 . 成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。


1 . 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。

2 . 被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。

3 . 〔爱人已逝去〕

4 . 如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

5 . Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm

6 . 她很丰满

7 . 风吹雨成花

8 . 第条 只要路是对的,就不怕路远。

9 . The spirit of adult, knowledge become attitude to fulfill。

10 . 现在决定未来,知识改变命运。