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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 09:07:32



1 . Don&#;t wait for a smile to be nice…

2 . 那个国家将要展示埃及木乃伊。

3 . excavation 挖土,掘土

4 . 不是每天都能过生日,希望你今天生日快乐,愿你年年岁岁幸福永伴!

5 . Today is your birthday, I make a bowl of longevity noodles for you, each noodles have a happy, finally pour the happy soup juice to put on the happy Fried egg May you eat in your mouth and beauty in your heart Happy birthday!

6 . 最出色最聪明的学生们竞相展示他们的才智。

7 . 多媒体展示 multimedia show

8 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

9 . 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。

10 . There will be an Egyptian mummy show in that country


1 . Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things传统佳节之际,献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!

2 . A little greeting is my endless thoughts on my friends A gentle blessing is my sincere love to my friend; A slow heart is my wish for my friend&#;s birthday Best wishes for your friend&#;s birthday!

3 . building 修筑,建筑物

4 . 今天是你生日,我为你做了一碗长寿面,每根面条里都有一份快乐,最后浇上开心的汤汁放上幸福的煎蛋。愿你吃在嘴里,美在心里。生日快乐!

5 . ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼

6 . The best and the brightest pupils competed to demonstrate their intellectual prowess

7 . 旋扑珠帘过粉墙,轻于柳絮重于霜。

8 . 不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间。

9 . Hope all your New Year dreams come true!愿你所有的新年想都成真!

10 . keep up 保持;继续(某活动)


1 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

2 . I miss you so much already and I haven&#;t even left yet!

3 . 《金铜仙人辞汉歌》

4 . 唐诸王孙李长吉遂作《金铜仙人辞汉歌》。

5 . I wish you a happy birthday I wish you a happy birthday

6 . bring up 培养;养育;呕吐

7 . get up 起床;起立;(风浪火)大起来;打扮;安排;组织

8 . Here, graphically displayed, was confirmation of the entire story

9 . 凝恨对残晖,忆君君不知。

10 . 未老莫还乡,还乡须断肠。


1 . 一年四季,这里展示的是不同的美和别样的迷人与魅力。

2 . The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent

3 . 作者:韦庄

4 . 别是一般滋味在心头。——李煜《相见欢·无言独上西楼》

5 . 但愿将军重立功,更有新人胜于汝。

6 . First love is unforgettable all one&#;s life

7 . scale 比例尺

8 . check up=check through=check over 核对;检查

9 . 欲舞定随曹植马,有情应湿谢庄衣。

10 . Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


1 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。

2 . 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

3 . 这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景。

4 . 作者:李商隐

5 . 一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼送青来。——王安石《书湖阴先生壁》

6 . 不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。

7 . Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence

8 . 茫茫人海相遇是一种缘,寒窗共度整三年,如果我是姐,那你就是妹,妹妹是咖啡,姐姐是杯子,妹妹永远在姐姐的心里,愿我们永不分离在一起。生日快乐!

9 . The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman&#;s heart

10 . 情绵绵,爱无边。


1 . When I met you I knew I would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love

2 . An aunt who is as sweet as you should get a birthday bug or two and after that a birthday kiss Have a very happy birthday!

3 . building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证

4 . The road to a lover&#;s house is never long

5 . I wish you a happy New Year All affection and best wishes to you and yours以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

6 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day

7 . Women were not supposed to parade their ambition nakedly

8 . 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

9 . May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!

10 . Much joy to you in the upcoming year


1 . Christmas time is here I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you

3 .

4 . 只要我们将彼此放在心中,我们的爱就永不分离。

5 . 衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

6 . No words are necessary between two loving hearts

7 . 《母别子》

8 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

9 . 柳暗魏王堤,此时心转迷。

10 . 请相信,我们的爱算数!


1 . 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

2 . 该政府正不遗余力地展示其军事力量。

3 . 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

4 . Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered

5 . I LOVE YOU!不用翻译了吧。最最经典了。

6 . 桃花春水渌,水上鸳鸯浴。

7 . 《赠别》

8 . 洛阳城里春光好,洛阳才子他乡老。

9 . 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!

10 . More than anything in this world I want to spend the rest of my life with you